The company deals with health insurance and is worth over 180+ billion. Childhood friend is incredibly successful, and has shot up the corporate ladder extremely quickly by pitching the right things to the right people. I helped him on one by mentioning an interesting startup (medical imaging software), he ended up pitching it to head of acquistions and they bought it out. I sold him on LINK a few months ago and he has a decent stack of LINK. He is not technical in the slightest, couldnt tell you what LINK does, he just trusts me. He is INCREDIBLE at networking. I don't know how he does it.
Anyways, met up for drinks with him, and he was with the SVP (I know). Got talking etc, mentioned smart contracts considering their industry. SVP was really interested and asked so many questions about the criteria. I gave the basic biz shill of LINK ( SWIFT DLT PoC, 1st mover, decentralised oracle network, PSD2, derivatives, AXA/ Zepplin/ speculation with docusign, etc.)
They were incredibly keen. Anyways I have to now prep a document on LINK in laymans terms; an (unbiased) pitch for LINK basically. They asked about competitors and I floored them with the whole "born before eth". I mentioned compatibility with IBM's HLF, and the rest of the potential of LINks blockchain agnosticism, they were hooked. PSD2 also got the SVPs engine roaring.
Basically, what do I include and exclude, This could be fucking huge, but obviously throwing in the gitter etc/ tesla dev spec won't go over well. I know there's a few pastas around biz that have a great explanation of the basics, but how do I go about including the real killer points like Ari & cornell, docusign specualation (worth it?), etc.
Any advice would be appreciated LINKies. This is our chance to get one of the biggest health insurance providers super keen on LINK. I mentioned running a node and hodges, and the number of API requests etc.
I'll pay in LINK if anyone can help me develop a good layman