Morning: Coffee, 2 creamers, low fat milk
Lunch: Spring salad, feta cheese, bacon, malt vinegar
Dinner: Soup, 1 bottle of wine
Am I doing it right? I have this pretty much everyday but feel like I'm still gaining weight.
Morning: Coffee, 2 creamers, low fat milk
Lunch: Spring salad, feta cheese, bacon, malt vinegar
Dinner: Soup, 1 bottle of wine
Am I doing it right? I have this pretty much everyday but feel like I'm still gaining weight.
You can't just eat minimal calories, you gotta exercise as well. Also when you do start exercising your body will need much more nutrients that what you are currently giving it.
How do you exercise when you come home from work exhausted? That part has always baffled me.
you wait around an hour and then either go for a jog or hit the gym if you have a membership
You come home exhausted from work because you're not getting enough protein or calories.
And presumably because you're downing 7 bottles of wine a week.
If you have days off exercise. If not wake up early and do some basic work out. I hate to sound like a weeb. But the one punch man work out is a great way to stay in shape.
In addition to this. Stop drinking a bottle of wine every night. If you want wine just drink a glass or two.
>But the one punch man work out is a great way to stay in shape.
Straight up strength training huh. Doesn't sound too bad I guess.
>Stop drinking a bottle of wine every night
How else am I supposed to sleep with this crippling depression and loneliness? A night cap is a good thing. My night cap involves 750 mL of bottled fermented grapes.
If you're gaining weight, you're eating too much, Eat less. Count your calories. Try half a bottle of wine.
Just a tangent off this. I head out to my local market after work everyday to grab a bottle of wine. Every now and then I see an older gentlemen who has a nice wine back which carries 6 bottles that he always checks out. I'm thinking of approaching him and asking where he got his bag, and starting a small shopping market relationship whenever I pass him by since he seems like he either might be very knowledgeable about wine, or needs a bottle a night like I do.
Is this a good idea?
Yeah I use alcohol to deal with depression too. You could try taking a couple shots a night if you really don't think you can give up alcohol. Or you could power through the desire to drink, which I understand is hard.
Very hard, user. Very hard.
You can do it though. Just try to ween off of it. Instead of drinking a whole bottle drink a little less and less every week. Or instead of drinking focus on somthing else.
Can I drink less, but drink strong instead? Like.... 1/6th a bottle of whiskey instead of a bottle of wine?
>phase 1: denial
>phase 3: bargaining
you're probably at like, 1200-1400 calories for the day, which is good, but if you're inactive, then you aren't using much of what you take in. go for a jog before or after work. find a gym nearby that isn't expensive and lift some weights - you'll look better
also that bottle of wine is like, half your caloric intake. see a doctor and/or therapist instead of self medicating and fucking up your liver.
you can buy a wine bag for a dollar or two on amazon
you need to add 2 fried eggs for brekky and some cheese or something as snacks. also some kind of protein wit din-din.
You just grow a pair, decide that bitchin gets you nowhere and actually do something.
You will never managa to make more than 20 - 30% of your total calories burned come from exercise. Exercise is a fucking meme. You have only partial control over how much you burn, but complete control over how much you take in. Skip the exercise, and just keep cutting calories. There's a ton of calories in wine, just drink water instead.
I add soda water to my wine when I start drinking too much
a bottle of wine doesn't get you drunk. It's just a marker of time before going to bed. If your bottle was 1/4 smaller or bigger you would barely notice.
Just make it bigger with soda and stretch it out to two nights
And when there's no output of energy, how the fuck is he going to lose any weight? What if he's sitting in his desk all day doing nothing but eat? You don't exercise with the goal of burning a set amount of calories retard, you want to preferably put the body in a constantly heightened "fat burn" mode.
Go read up on HIIT and educate yourself.
70 - 80% of the calories you burn are for the basic processes that keep your body running, dipshit. There's your energy output. Exercise is pointless.
Lol that made me laugh. Based on what you say, i could eat minimal calories and wait for my body to give me a six pack. Lmao you're either a troll (which i really hope you are because you'd actually be smart and realize your own bullshit) or a true retard for believing this shit.
OP, you're a fool.
Eat heavy in the morning, minimal in the evening. Drink, if you'd like, but switch to clear liquor and learn to adjust your tastes...
until it all seems pointless, you reach a trough in your depression, and you realize that nothing that ever pleased you ever mattered.
Then you're ready to start eating beans for breakfast, beans for lunch, and beans for dinner. Then you're ready to drop all of your predetermined wants in favor of your ultimate desires. Then you'll eat lightly sauteed vegetables with occasional meats. Then your energy will skyrocket.
Then you'll live.
Wew. A whole bottle of wine every night? So 4 5oz. glasses at 110-300 calories per glass? That could be 1200 additional calories. You better go figure that out. You may not be counting the other calories accurately or have unrealistic weight loss goals. Unless you're very overweight, losing 1-2 lbs a week is about as aggressive as you want to go. Otherwise you end up losing all your muscle and just being a smaller fat person.
You can't think of dieting as a phase. You choose the types of things and amounts you want to eat long-term, and just keep doing that forever. Over months and years, your body will reflect this.
You're shifting goal posts here, fuckstick. No one said anything about getting ripped, this was always only about weight loss. Kill yourself.
Just because your too fat to go for a run doesn't make exercise a meme. When is this stupid fucking meme of calling everything a meme going to stop.
1 bottle of wine a day will make you get fat unless your job is heavy physical work.
besides this obvious thing that makes you get fat, nobody needs to know what you eat, rather how much of it.
I could eat mcdonalds for a year straight and wouldnt get fat, because i know when to stop eating
It's orders of magnitude easier to just not eat something than it is to eat it and then burn it off. Everyone who falls for the exercise shit is a fucking chump.
>1 bottle of wine every night
wow. Seek help for your alcoholism first.
>Is this a good idea?
If you want to fuck him, sure.
You might eat/drink more
>water (drink 6-8oz immediately upon waking)
You might eat/drink less
>dairy in general (feta, cottage, and mozzarella are pretty acceptable)
Bitch if my dumb ass can follow this recipe, then I know you can. America brother!!!!!!!
Hey if he wants to look like a twig that only lifts his fingers to be a keyboard warrior let him.
Intermittent fasting ftw
Morning: Black coffee
Lunch: Black coffee
Dinner: Pasta salad made with whole-wheat noodles, a mixture of beans, cucumber, tomato, avocado, red and green onion, peas, corn, and a malt vinegar and pureed artichoke heart based dressing
Home-made black bean and potato patty on toasted, home-made poppy seed buns
Hummus and black bean patte with thin slices of spiced tofu, fried until crispy, for dipping;
A frozen banana with a peanut butter based sauce (stevia extract/erythritol + fresh made peanut butter + vanilla + cinnamon + milk, beaten until smooth), sprinkled with shaved 90% cacao dark chocolate;
High-protein 'nog made with silken tofu, milk, cinnamon/ginger/nutmeg/clove/vanilla, and stevia extract/erythritol
how can you not realise that1 bottle of wine for dinner is not the way to go. I mean you don't have to be sherlock to figure this shit out
Breakfast: Eggs, bagels, cream cheese, coffee, protein shake
Snack: Nuts and a fruit
Lunch: Chicken, fish, or beef, with rice or potatoes, with salad.
Pre workout: Protein shake with oatmeal and almond
Workout is heavy and mostly compound lifts.
Post workout: Protein shake with a banana
Dinner: same as a lunch but low carbs and more salad.
I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).
I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).
I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.
Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.
To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.
You sound like a Slav
The more you exercise the more energy you will have. Retrain your body.
This is so kawaii. Please fuck ojiichan in his cute daddypucci
Also switch from alcohol to a drug with 0 cal to deal with depression, each of those bottles are like 600 cal. Benzos depress the central nervous system. I'm sorta kidding though, don't start a new addiction
If you and the old guy hit it off at least you wont be lonely
Go for a lower calorie alcohol.
A bottle of red wine if about 650 calories and is about 6 shots.
A shot of vodka is about 75 calories.
So you'll shave off 200 calories if you switch to vodka+seltzer+lemon.
>I have this pretty much everyday but feel like I'm still gaining weight.
What the fuck do feelings have to do with this? Weigh yourself retard.