A redditor has 3D printed his own Ledger case

A redditor has 3D printed his own Ledger case

None of you are as crypto as this guy

NONE of you

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>something you don't need for something you don't need.

hi i am satoshi nakamoto


people should be banned for making nigger threads


>hardware wallet

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all you salty no3dprinters

Pretty rookie design, honestly. Like crypto, 3d printing is an exciting technology that is just scrambling to find a use case.

Sounds like hes found a pretty good 'case' for it......


>Stop making puns

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should I 3D print them instead ;)

I'd like to see you try!

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have to keep talking my boss out of buying one of these fucking things because I know ill be the asshole maintaining it


3d printing is such a reddit thing to do.

Real Veeky Forumsraelis own monetizable things like cnc mills and lathes.

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Hold strong, dig your heels in, do not let him buy one. Consumer models that cost a few thousand are absolute garbage, and are not suitable for any kind of use in a production environment. There are serious limitations for prototyping in terms keeping tolerances, inability to print overhanging geometry, and warping from progressive layers contracting as they cool.
If he wants a 3d printer, it's going to be $30k-$60k for a professional one, and it that point he's better off just outsourcing to a job shop that has a printer, because by the time you amortize that cost there will be way better printers for way less money available on the market.

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damn this guy can BIZ

on the plus side I've actually lost my virginity

Yea with a 3d printed vagina

And yet I'm down 60% in three weeks...

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That's a shitty looking dildo desu.

I work with metal 3D printers AMA

How many AR15 lowers?

so what, i 3D printed a case for my joints when i was a sophomore. has nothing to do with crypto

fucking redditors fuck off

industrial 3d printing has been in use for a really long time, whats struggling is commercial/private use 3d printing


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Haha, have an upboat good sir!

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>yfw you realize a hardware wallet is a glorified notepad with a password
>yfw your private key is now only has a few bits of security

>is now only has a few bits of security
*no is

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I got banned once for making a niggercoin thread if it makes you feel better

t.literal retard

Then what does it do autist? Your coins aren't in a little box, they're on the blockchain. The hardware wallet is literally just a device for holding the private key since it's too long to be remembered, and writing it down on a piece of paper isn't very secure.

go fucking learn about it faggot, I'm not your dad.

What was the reason ?

Not as crypto? What the fuck

>a redditor
I stopped reading

wanna know how I know you're a retard

>have le upboat sir XD

the only difference between a bip39 paper wallet and a hw wallet is a 4 digit pin. you still have to store your seed somewhere. you autists are paying $100 for a 4bit encription machine that does the exact same thing a software password manager would do.

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b-but muh crypto chic

It lets you send/receive funds with only having to input a 4 digit pin rather than having to type out a huge fucking string you wrote down on a piece of paper.
>exact same thing a software password manager would do
Software password manager doesn't require you to have a physical device to access your funds.

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>as crypto
>caring about bullshit designations

If we all start 3d printing Lego blocks Danish socialists will fail quicker

>It lets you send/receive funds with only having to input a 4 digit pin rather than having to type out a huge fucking string you wrote down on a piece of paper.
How is that secure? Also how is it something a program couldn't achieve?
>doesn't require you to have a physical device to access your funds.
What exactly is the point of having a physical device for doing that? You know hw wallets of the same model are completely interchangeable right? You can input the same seed and pin into a different device and it will still work.

>How is that secure?
Because it requires someone to get physical access to your house, and psychically figure out your PIN within 5 guesses to get access to your funds.
>Also how is it something a program couldn't achieve?
It could achieve very nearly the same level of security, but some people are paranoid about keyloggers and the like and want slightly more security. If you don't care about the tiny bit more security, just use a software wallet (like I am).
>What exactly is the point of having a physical device for doing that?
So that people can't access your private keys remotely.
>You know hw wallets of the same model are completely interchangeable right? You can input the same seed and pin into a different device and it will still work.
That seems like a design flaw, but it makes sense. You should leave your seed in a more secure location (safe, safe deposit box) and not write down your pin anywhere, so they'd either need those or your hardware wallet itself to get into your computer.

Good luck with the tolerances, overhangs, and warping, as I stated in . In fact, Lego blocks have some of the tightest tolerances and quality control of any manufactured plastic consumer goods!

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>not printing your own neon signs
I may not be as "crypto" but I am more cyber punk.

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>physical access
They still need to break into your house to get the paper wallet.
Alright this one makes sense, although as autistic as it sounds I'd personally rather use a program in a vm with an on screen keyboard if I was concerned about keyloggers

Cool, i do glow in the dark 3d prints too. Can you tell me what lighting fixtures you use?

I wanna get blacklight neon filament but i cant find any online and don't know it it exists.

Or you could just pay $100 and get a hardware wallet. They are pretty convenient, give you peace of mind, and let you access your wallet anywhere quickly.
Yeah, there are other ways to be secure, some of which are pretty cool, but it just seems like you are resisting the technology because everybody uses them.

The glowing parts are natural PLA back lit by LEDs.

>it just seems like you are resisting the technology because everybody uses them.
no, I just don't want to get jewed. Even if it's only $100 I would feel bad about purchasing it, because I know the manufacturing cost of it is probably less than $10, and it really isn't that useful. Realistically speaking no one is going to break into my house and steal the piece of paper that has my private key on it. And if I was concerned about that I could just change the nth character, remember it and print out the wrong address, getting way better protection for free.
I get that it's convenient, but I grew up poor and adopted a jewish mentality about things that are convenient and low effort but cost money and are easily done for free for more effort.

I said what I said jokingly, but thanks for the lecture, kek. It's been a year and I finally learned something from this board

I'm sorry! I just get a little excited about manufacturing; used to be a manufacturing engineer, now I just fight wildfires until I can build enough capital to start my own company. Fuck letting people get rich off of your ideas, man, those ARE YOUR INVENTIONS MOTHERFUCKER!

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Satoshi, what do you think about this neet.