2016 taco of the year thread
2016 taco of the year thread
top b8 m8
>avocado not mashed into guac for tacos
>diced tomato on top of salsa
>store bought salsa
>corn tortilla
K now I'm pissed.
easiest bait
What i thought was beans is not instead what im looking at is disgusting pate which i ask not to be added to my bahn mi whenever i have it in order to enjoy it.
>shitskin thinks his opinion is relevant
>asking for the best part to be left off
Why even bother?
>store bought salsa
It says "fresh" right on the picture.
Considering they shredded their own cheese I have no reason to doubt that they actually made their own salsa.
>corn tortilla
Wait, what the fuck?
Doesn't every fucking Mexican bitch about using corn tortillas and not flour?
>can't even fold it.
Taco should only consist of 1 protein and 1-2 toppings not counting cilantro and lime.
t. Tex-nigger
Not OP, but I get how the tomatoes on top of salsa is excessive, but why else is everyone getting so triggered? I dont know much about Mexican cuisine and am curious
Because it's a Tex-Mex taco not a Mexican taco and muh authenticity.
>all those gripes
>left out the GROUND BEEF
remove yourself
The fuck is hand-shredded cheddar? Do you rip the strands apart with your stupid hands? Use a god damn cheese grater, holy christ is that obvious.
because when you have an actual Mexican taco, you realize that something so ridiculously simple is much more fucking delicious than the white people tacos (see OP) that you've been eating the whole time.
>ground beef
Get fucked.
.... he used a hand held cheese grater
so he did it by hand
>hand shredded cheese
Heres my kinda taco
Notice it doesn't really close shut (its a rule[taco que cierra no es taco])and it most certainly is without orange cheese
>no beans
>garbage seasoning
>shit tier meme beef
>salsa AND tomatoes
>avocado chunks
>meme cheddar cheese
>meme lettuce
>sour cream cuz cant think of any flavors
>didn't even melt the cheese
>hand shredded cheese
How do you grate cheese without your hands? Does it mean not pre-grated from a packet you keep in the fridge?
>grass fed beef
Don't all cows eat grass almost exclusively? Hay is grass right? I mean I know there's animal feed pellets but cows live in fields eating grass I thought.
>salsa and tomato
Two kinds of tomato why?
I don't understand this modern(?) food trend of using buzzwords to explain normal things. It's one step away from "bespoke artisan" kinda shit. When I see words like "deconstricted" or "handmade" or something it feels like a shill is about to happen. Like "hand ground slow roasted artisan coffee". You know you're about to get fucked.
>can't tell if just pretending to be retarded
This user explains it well But to add, this is whiteification of Mexican "food" by adding lettuce, cheese, avocado squares instead of adding traditional flavors like onions, peppers on the side, and chile salsa and or cilantro
Seems like the simple taco brings out the tard in every person on Veeky Forums.
I remember when people would go full autistic mode like the people in this thread for carbonara. What ever happened to that?
shit, forgot my picture
>the shitty top of the tomato with the stem part
>cold cheese shreds
Why do I come to this site anymore
You know even for Tex-Mex style tacos, this is shit, OP
>ground beef
Fucking shit. If you are a wannabe try-hard with "hand-shredded [cheese]", you should fucking marinate your meat (not fucking ground BTW) whether it be steak strips, chicken, tripe, cow tongue, beef flanks, pork, or whatever you want to eat overnight with a mixture of spices.
No. I get that it's Tex-Mex, but substitute it for some cilantro and some raw/grilled onions (preferably grilled)
As others have said, you should have actually made fresh guacamole
This one is meh. I would actually use some jalapeno salsa or some habenero salsa although this one is entirely subjective
Sour cream for Tex-Mex is fine.
I get that it's delicious, but i would actually substitute that cheese for some refried beans.
As for actual Mexican tacos
>Good, marinate meat (not ground) and plenty of it
>Grilled Onions
>Low viscosity, spicy salsa
>A dash of lemon
>Radish as a "chaser" you chew on after eating aforementioned spicy salsa
This niggah gets it.
How about bitter melon?
No, because if you take anyone from a Nordic country, or even Europeans, Americans are from European descent, you'll find there's not... I'm sure many pretend to like it, but spiciness is not the white way. It's definitely not the Nordic way. And I'm going to explain why.
Spiciness is degenerate, spiciness is anti-white. I don't mean to say that in any trivial way. In what it represents, spiciness is degenerate. What it means to spice up your food is to cause yourself agitation. To agitate your tongue. To cause you pain. To cause you a sensation, this new sensation, you might start shifting in your chair like "aah! that's hot!"
Here's the thing about spice, once you go from spicing food to making food spicy you've crossed into the realm of degeneracy. You're gonna be welcomed by Arab sheikhs and fucking la cucaracha dances. I don't mean this as a joke. If spicy food is something you enjoy then it's a sign of a degenerated spirit.
And it's these mud races that are so obsessed with spicy food, they're obsessed with agitation. They live in these climates where it's just sand, blowing in the wind. Or they might live in a muddy tropical forest where it's all gooey and slop-slop everywhere; it's constantly changing. But in the far North, what do we have? We have ice. There we have a true symbol. A way to orient ourselves, I suppose you'd say.
Spice is really a symbol of total decadence. If you enjoy causing pain to yourself, why is that? It's a thirst for total agitation that these lowers races are so much more... It's so much more sensual than the Hyperborean race. And it's not a plus. Hyperboreans have the true strength. Ice is strong. Sand you can just throw it to the wind, or you know... Disgusting... you can step on some mud, throw it away. You cn disperse it easily. But you have to smash ice.
So don't eat spicy food from a fucking salsa bowl, drink from the cool ice of your hyperborean ancestors.
you're not funny
gb2 /pol/
You are going to stiffen that upper lip, even if I have to smear the capsaicin resin on it with my own frostbitten fingers.
Sincerely, the towering, sinewy specter of pallor itself.
fuck off back to reԁԁit you samefagging niggerlover
Go back to the Daily Stormer you cocksucking faggot
It was a funny paragraph or two, autist.
Nordic food is notoriously garbage. They ate the few living things they could get their hands on and rot-fermented what they didn't eat directly.
Nordic food is worse than ANY other cuisine on the planet because it existed in a world that never developed, because it couldn't develop in freezing cold temperatures. Africans have better cuisine than Nordics. How do you not know that about your fucked up subsistence culture?
Pico de gallo
Soft corn tortilla
Thats it. Add hot sauce if you want.
Someone on Veeky Forums knows about Der Stürmer? And here I am thinking you're all human filth.
I stumbled across that website by accident and it's cringeworthy /pol/ autist garbage.
Further research reveals that it's run by a weaboo faggot named Andrew Anglin.
No I'm talking about Julius Streicher. That nazi fuck. I think he was hung or shot. Regardless, it was the shitbox nazi rag like The Daily Mail but for 1938.
>not a homemade tortilla
>shitty orange cheese
>avocado instead of guac
>extra tomato when the salsa should be sufficient
>idgaf if it's grass fed beef, it's minced you trash
>caring what kind of lettuce used
>shabby looking salsa
nice bait mate
retard, the pate and the butter/oil is what makes the banh mi.
I bet you get bbq sauce on it too
Legit. That salsa looks from a jar, and if you have salsa or pico then you shouldn't need extra tomato. Fucking stupid.
>implying something's wrong with lettuce
Probably no garlic in the salsa either
>'oh yeah, it's salsa with tomato and one WHOLE ONION'
>avocado instead of guacamole
>tomatoes at all
>shredded cheese instead of queso
you people sound like children that don't even have your own kitchen. just shut up. you sound like kids.
t. reddit
here's mine
>SOFT corn tortilla
Kill yourself, kike.
You make me want to start a Mexican reich. Fucking hell, mate. Is that fucking corn?
corn and beans
what's your problem?
Irony being that you could prepare that shitty taco with a microwave with jarred ingredients.
Why would you not prepare your own tortillas?
Arizonafag here. OP, go to a real city in Mexico before you post shit tier honky tacos in a superior taco thread. That garbage looks like ass:
Dirty Canadian here. My only experience with tacos have been shitty El Paso kits but I wanna make a real taco/burrito, whats the best beef and whats a good seasoning to use?
That's neither Mexican nor Tex-Mex.
You probably put fucking Chicken on Alfredo Fettucini.
When did I say anything about not making your own tortillas. I do it every now and then. The point is that SOFT corn tortillas are the even-more-processed pieces of shit that Taco Bell serves.
corn beans white rice and hot sauce is fire. dont let these bourgeois pigs bring you down
>WHITE rice
>hot sauce (not salsa)
>FL slang
I suppose you like Chipotle as well, nigger.
holy fuck that taco is shit
it's like an 8th grade white girl choose the flavor profile
fucking pace picante sauce, shit beef, iceberg lettuce what the fuck
>disgusting faggots who put avocados on everything
>tex mex taco
And this is why tex mex has a bad reputation. Because fucking flyovers serve shit like OP posted and call it Tex Mex.
I tried that cheese, completely mediocre. It's a meme.
Read the fucking thread nigglet
Several others have pointed that this doesn't even pass as Tex Mex. I mean fucking ground beef and avocado for starters.
White people tacos are a fucking abomination.
I've all but given up on "authentic" tacos
Sure the ingredients are usually prepared a little better, but the portions are smaller, the prices are higher since "authentic", and corn tortillas are ALWAYS worse than flour tortillas in every situation. Sure they beat taco bell but not what I make at home.
>hes never had taquitos
>prices are higher
No. I live in San Francisco and that's not even true here.
Authentic tacos go for like 4 for $5/$6.
Quit lying.
Homemade Corn Tortillas > Na'an Bread > Store Flour Tortillas > Store Corn Tortillas
Were talking about tacos
Literally nobody has a problem with avocado. Stop trying so hard to fit in.
>"in EVERY situation"
Do you have a problem with 8th grade white girls?
>He thinks authentic tacos can only be corn
Year of "insert animal"
Year of "Food like substance"
Year of "pop culture reference"
What is year?
What other type of corn tortilla is there? You want to put it on a fucking tostada? End yourself, my dude.
You can make them yourself for dirt cheap. "Street" tacos are only expensive because they're trendy.
looks like what I shit out this morning mate
just fucking look at that salsa. No way it's homemade, it looks like the Costco shit that jack takes on his omelets.
Fuck off pate for me is lousy every time i get a banh mi with it the sandwich is trashworthy and im not someone who enjoys throwing away fine food
spoiler: I made them
Holy shit, how over marketed and meme infested can a fucking taco get? Every single ingredient sans the avocado has some sort of inane, say-nothing qualifier to impress normies.
>Ooh, look honey, hand shredded cheddar! It wasn't smushed with a shoe in a bleach bath!
I'm surprised they didn't feel the need to add anything to the avocado
>Creamy, anti-aging, tongue-moisturising avocado
Fuck this gay earth
Actually, the perfect taco is the one made by In-A-Tub in Kansas City. It's deep-fried and has orange powdered cheese. Look it up.
I have spent quite a good amount of time en el sur and its my sort of thing enjoying carne asada over mixiote tacos as well as barbacoa pancita or whatever else as long as i have my pulque for breakfast, lunch and dinner when im down south be without a doubt knowing that im good, in fact real damned good
i know the op was bait but this is not an authentic taco recipe for those that dont know better
>ive never been to mexico and dont know the difference or intended use of each style of tortilla.
Get fucked faggot.
this got me in the mood for mexican, thanks Veeky Forums Im going to a restaurant that I can't afford now
Guacamole is 10x better though.
good shit user. Start speaking Spanish and they will cut you a deal
I speak Spanish mostly at McD adn they supersize me for free.
almost as bad as op
needs sauce or something