Why does unsweetened almond milk taste like bugs?

why does unsweetened almond milk taste like bugs?

is that the 'nutty' flavour?

How the fuck you know what bugs taste like?....

I have eaten ants in Nicaragua and they tasted like crunchy super sour slightly sweet crumbs.... so what the fuck?

cuz ur not supposed to drink anything unsweetened use stevia

any unsweetened drink tastes like trash

>any unsweetened drink tastes like trash

name one

almost every popular beverage has some kind of sweetener

black coffee tastes like mud and people lie to themselves

>tea, the most popular beverage on the fucking planet
>milk, the drink of the white man
>water, the thing you're not drinking enough of
>coffee, I'm sorry your tastebuds are faulty and you've lied to yourself thisfar
>natural fruit juices if you don't count fructose

Soda and soda like devices are the exception, not the rule you fat tub of fuck.

milk has sugar in it naturally
juice has a lot of sugar in it naturally

unsweetened tea most people put a little lemon in there for flavor

ur a liar dude

and black coffee still sucks

yea except you said "sweetened" retard, most people with a functioning brain describe fruit juice as "sweet" not "sweetened"

ya but you made a thread about almond milk which isnt supposed to be drank straight as is when its unsweetened

this stuff is a coffee creamer and a replacement for milk in recipes for vegans

you made a very shitty comparison

it's time to stop posting
>unsweetened tea most people put a little lemon in there for flavor
how is lemon an argument when talking about sweetened drinks?

because this guys pretending like theres a whole universe of unsweetened untouched beverages that people enjoy when its the opposite and most shit is sweetened because it makes it taste better

sweet tea tastes better than unsweetened tea but unsweetened is healthier so people do what they can

this guy is being dishonest

Oh holy shit mate that's triggering me to no end

How the hell can you say sweetened tea is better? First it's personal preference and completely subjective

Second most tea is made to be drunk unsweetened. Yeah you got all that north African mint tea but come to Great Britain and tell people tea is for sweetening. God damn.

Do you put sugar in your darjeeling or early Gray or lapsang suchong? If someone put sugar in my breakfast tea then it's going down the sink mate. It's like adding too much milk. It ruins the flavour of the drink. If you need a bunch of sweeteners like sugar and milk to hide the "plain" taste why the heck you drinking it?

I had sugar in my tea when I was a pleb 12 year old.

Almond milk is like the easiest shit to make. If you can find a way to incorporate the almond pulp into your diet then you should just do that.

>milk, the drink of the white man

Maybe fat bitch white boys lol

>usually true
>not counting fructose

oh wait, you said sweetened.

It tastes fine to me. I get the HEB brand usually, but I doubt that has a huge effect on the taste, unsweetened is unsweetened.

I genuinely think it tastes better than sweetened almond milk. But if it tastes like "bugs", I'd be down for eating whatever these "bugs" are.

I unironically drink unsweetened almond and cashew milk straight.

I use cashew milk 25 calorie unsweetened vanilla for legit everything, from cereal to coffee, shits low calorie and delicious.

>expecting nut water to taste decent

You would be easy to poison

>don;t count fructose

You know how I can tell you're a human tub of lard?

Why not chocolate cashew milk? Or vanilla soy milk? Those are my two favorite drinks in the world. So creamy. Use it for everything. Never drink peasant cow milk anymore (although it did have an excellent run, and cashew cheese is rare af and soy cheese is disgusting)

>cashew cheese is rare af
Make your own

Every time I look up a recipe it says to soak the cashews for 24hr then I nope the fuck out because I have brutal ADHD and I know I won't feel like it or remember tomorrow.

But now that you say that, I do have some cashews and nutritional yeast like 5 ft from me maybe I'll soak theme up rn

your almonds weren't activated nigga

How do you make it, and is the way you make it the same for every other plant milk (rice milk, pecan milk, etc)?