What are you gonna cook for Christmas Veeky Forums?
Any bright ideas to impress your family/friends/in-laws?
I'm thinking of making this bomb ass stew
Planning on letting it simmer for at least 24 hours
Sharre your plans cu/ck/s
What are you gonna cook for Christmas Veeky Forums?
rice and beans for one like every other night same old same old. alone in my apartment again.
That long a simmer won't improve it, user. Even braises can get overcooked.
Gonna make my bomb-ass buttered cabbage.
>greasy shits all around hohoho
I'm taking over the turkey. I've already warned my mother that she will hear awful noises coming from the kitchen, but she is - under no circumstance - to come try to rescue a bird that a) is already dead and b) she plans to cook to death anyway.
I'm going simple and traditional enough - butter basting, a bit of sage, thyme, parsley and marjoram jammed under the skin on the breasts, but instead of leaving the bird whole, I'm cockspatching it. Instead of stuffing, I'm doing a double drip pan - one with mirepoix, gizzards, and some bones for gravy, and suspended in/over that, the dressing.
She can do up all the veg and dessert - she makes great sprouts, potatoes, etc., but her oldschool ideas on poultry always lead to dessication.
You're supposed to eat it like so. Imagine that the rat is an asparagus and the reptilian is an upperclass person. Don't forget to dip the rat in some hollandaise sauce before ingesting, you horrible poor person.
my gf is gonna make lomo which is like a Mexican stuffed pork tenderloin. Probably have some roasted potatoes, salad, etc as well
wrong thread buddy
gonna get a frozen pizza. Might go with Screaming Sicilian as it looks the least depressing and maybe make some hot cider with cinnamon sticks to swirl around in
taco salad
- ground beef with taco seasoning
- olives
- sour cream
- shredded lettuce from a bag
- mexican cheese
- grape tomatoes
- chips
throw chips in bottom of bowl
add the salad shit on top of it.
they asked for this. it was not my idea.
REEEE, I know. I hate it when that happens!
i have a smithfield ham i'm heating up. it's the pecan praline one. also, i bought a turkey breast. also making cornbread dressing. not sure if i'll be in charge of any other sides. maybe ill get out the trusty can opener and 'make' the cranberry sauce. heh.
Most of my family is dead or locked in a mental faculty so I'm just going to get Chinese.
>tfw you crack open a can of cranberry sauce, throw a handful of actually cranberries in a saute pan for 10 minutes and then mix it in.
They'll never know...
Some cakes for the last day of work.
lol! okay. i might.
Blini with smoked salmon for starters.
Some traditional pickled herring with potatoes in between. I'm going to pickle some of it myself.
Reindeer roast for the main course, with brussels sprouts, potatoes, and some other roots and onions that will go into the oven with the roast. And also sauce.
And pavlova for dessert.
This is my first time cooking anything fancy, so I'm hoping it'll be alright.
I'm making sushi cause my family loves that shit, and they insisted on buying most of the ingredients so I don't have to spend much to make it either.
Yo, user I'm trying to perfect my stew recipe. Would you like to share yours so I can compare?
Same, user. Although I'm thinking of using my rice and chickpeas to create a simple curry.
got some dry aged rib eye we're grilling up for the senpai, doing some garlic parm potatoes, kings hawaiian rolls and some great beef gravy
simple but delicious
gonna bake myself some cinnamon rolls for breakfast and then spend the rest of the day watching movies, playing video games, and abusing mind-altering substances.
Christmas Eve I am doing a leg of lamb for my family. Slow-cooked with potatoes. Christmas is full family turkey dinner, my grandma makes the turkey so I just do a green bean casserole with mushroom cream sauce.
New Year's Eve I am doing a classic lasagna bolognese. SHould be amazing.
>simmer for at least 24 hours
This is going to end up a disaster
Same. Except I'm going to treat myself to some Sukiyaki hot pot and red miso soup. Maybe have some turkish/greek dishes for brunch like köfte and Spinach with feta borek.
I still got my birbs, I'm not totally alone.
>Home Alone shit posting
How festive! :D
ugh, please don't post modern Macaulay. The heroin just hasn't been kind to the lad.
I hope he does Jingle All The Way next.
Spending time with the in-laws so made some cute chocolate mendiants topped with caramelised pistachios. I fucked up the temper so it barely holds together at room temp so im gonna have to bring it in a cooler on a 20 hour drive.
Dressed it up cute as fuck tho so hopefully people wont care
I always laugh at these because like I think it's a joke but then I realise it's not really for some folks :-( sorry.
if it makes you feel better Christmas really is just another night.
Green curry bone broth with masa dumplings filled with charred green peppers and myoga.
Holidays are dumb I try to get drunk with friends and go to a bash of some sort
I guess I'll just go kill myself.
Bye, everybody
That's not even a fucking salad.
not actually but its easier than saying 'bf/gf's relatives'
>making cute chocolates is fun
I'm gonna add the potatoes last minute obviously
I don't want it to be a starchfest
Good, had me worried for a bit there
aren't masa dumplings just tamales :^J
I have $150 worth of Alaskan Kind Crab legs in my freezer to be served with Caesar salad and rolls for Christmas Eve. 3 bone standing rib roast for Christmas Day.
U niggas jelly?
I let my stew simmer for too long and all the meat broke up. Don't make the same mistake I did.
I'm going to cook a ham and a turkey and use the meat for sandwiches. I'm going to be busy socializing over the holidays and I don't want to have to cook meals. I will be going to my dad's house on Christmas day and he likes to cook a proper brunch and dinner.
make sure you eat it kindly
Enjoy your mush you tool.
You're suppose to cook it a day in advance, not cook it for a full 24 hours!
I'm roasting a duck, because I cook hams and turkeys a few times each month for sandwich meat. Roast squash and root vegetables, cornbread stuffing or dressing (we will see how much room is in the duck) and a lemon cake with cream cheese icing.
OP, heed the warnings! Instead of ruining Christmas and your utilities bill, cook the stew until the meat is done, then let it rest for 24 hours.
my mom is making lasagna cause nothing says christmas like italian food... stupid bitch
I'm working on a matambre arrollado as we speak
I don't know how to properly translate it, since our meat cuts differ wildly from the anglo world
it's sort of a very thin flank steak that you stuff with veggies and eggs, roll into a cilinder and then gets boiled for a couple of hours,
after it's cooked, you press it with some weights and let it rest on your fridge (mostly for shape purposes)
It is served cold as an appetizer
It's a pretty traditional holiday dish here in Argentina
in the end, it -should- look like pic related
Do you operate a theater?
Roast turkey with lemon and thyme butter
Roast pork with a parmesan and parsley stuffing
Gordon Ramsay's glazed ham recipe (couldn't find anything better)
Black forest cake
Chocolate mousse
Nobody in my family puts any fucking effort in (my aunt literally buys roast chicken from a takeaway joint and thinks it's contributing) so it's all up to me.
Nigga I have a kilo of Kamchatka crab legs in my freezer that my russkie friend brought for the christmas. Also a large chunk of salted fat that is beyond godlike and assorted cheeses I traded with my frenchie neighbour.
Still haven't decided on the main course though, could be roastbeef, could be duck or could be nothing if I get lazy.
>Sukiyaki hot pot
who calls "sukiyaki" "sukiyaki hot pot"
>Be OP's father-in-law
>Always assumed my son-in-law was a faggot and not good enough for my princess
>Invited to Christmas dinner
>At least get to see my daughter and spend some quality time with her
>excited to eat some good food, taught her everything I know about holiday cooking
>Turkey, mashed potatoes, homemade stuffing
>"Dinner's Ready!!"
>look at my daughter - she has an uncomfortable look on her face
>See bowls and spoons at the placesettings and a foul-smelling crock pot on the table
>"Dad, user wanted to cook this year to impress you"
>"H-hi Dad, this is a traditional Japanese stew from my favorite anime"
>It has fucking spaghetti coming out of it and looks like it was simmering for 24 hours
>"H-h-hope you like it Dad, my internet friends confirmed it would be bomb-ass"
>Leave the house
>Eat at Denny's this year and hire a hitman to liberate my daughter
Vegan pan de pascua
a big bucket of pistachio butter that i pour out into a trough and we eat the green goo like animals
Traditional western Norwegian christmas dinner.
Pinnekjott of the smoked variety - yearling lamb ribs. Served with rutabaga mash and potatoes.
I got steak, kale, sweet potatoes, some cheap wine and cigarettes. Come celebrate with me anons. Second user, you can bring your birds too.
>and your utilities bill,
If whatever you want to cook can survive to being brought to the boiling point, invest in a good quality large Thermal cooker. I grew up using these and they are wonderful both for saving electricity and being able to step out for errands without worrying about a fire. Around every 4-5 hours though, the inside pot have to pulled up, brought to the boiling point on the stove, and then put back into the insulating outside pot again. It might be less then 4 hours if you have a small pot or it's poor quality.
Pulled pork
Everyone loves it, and it's the easiest shit in the world to make.
I was gonna make this chicken thing I made last year with apricot, cilantro, and cayenne but I completely lost the recipe and have no idea how to find it because I only remember how I modified it.
Some sort of chicken dish for sure though.
Treat yourself, user.
1 foie gras toasts with an onion chutney
2 grey shrimp deep fried croquettes
3 duck breasts with an orange sauce
4 a whole famous grouse bottle
I'm alone this year and I'm working the 25th december.
For Christmas Eve, I'm making Beef Stroganoff, green salad, and assorted cookies I made this week, along with eggnog, wine, and spirits.
For Christmas morning, I'm making biscuits and gravy, the resulting crisp bacon, mixed fresh fruit, coffee, orange juice, and bellinis.
For Christmas dinner, I'm grilling 1 1/2 inch ribeyes, and making lobster stuffed potatoes, sautéed spinach with lemon and garlic, yeast rolls, and I bought a Champagne Cake from the most badass bakery in town.
In between meals, if people get hungry, I'm making hot artichoke dip with langoustines plus assorted crackers, blue Stilton infused with port, and assorted crudites.
Enjoy user.
I'm eating seared foie on homemade banana bread
Just bought a nice 3.5 kilo chunk of pork, gonna roast that with rosemary, thyme, balsamic and a bit of honey glazing. That for dinner
To get through the day I made a whole pot of bolognese, I don't know, just felt like it.
Also, sitting in my oven right now is some nice nice russian traditional pastille. THis stuff is just amazing
I suggested that I make something for our trip to see the rest of our family. Mom thought it was "sweet" and "cute" and gave me her debit card to go to the grocery store. I spent $35 on ingredients for homemade lasagna. I made the meat sauce last night and let that cool overnight. I assembled the whole thing tonight and have it ready for transport tomorrow. When Mom saw what I had done she suddenly started looking nervous. She doesn't really cook and just orders out or what little she does "cook" is mostly out of a can, for example her gravy is little more than pic related. I'm excited. I'm hoping it's a hit. It already looks sexy as fuck and it's not even cooked yet.
>4 a whole famous grouse bottle
spoken like a true patrician
Grab a recipe for that. I love pork tenderloin and my go to mustard/ carrot stock glaze gets old
Cooking a roast pork and lamb for my family as I have the highest tolerance Thu alcohol and hence most likely to be awake.
do americans not have a traditional christmas dish?
here in sweden we eat julbord, so pic related is pretty much what I've been making
Yeah I got my phrasing a bit wrong in my OP
Don't worry and thanks for the warnings
I got this, it won't stay up boiling all fucking night
Also, OP here, any ideas what I could cook as a starter? I was thinking of onion soup or something
Nobody has to smell pretty on christmas
>celebrating christmas
that's not very tolerant, an islamic enrichment officer has been dispatched to a Christmas market near you
seems like 2 a whole bottles have already been a fully consumed
OK, that's enough food for you, but what's everyone else going to eat, fatass?
Tonight I'll be making pan-seared salmon with veggies and couscous (it's my favourite). Tomorrow it's deep dish pizza, but we're putting literally all of our favourite ingredients on it, so it could go either really well or really terribly. we'll see.
It's not particularly traditional, but I don't really want to make a whole ham or turkey for like two people.
Roasting a chicken. Any suggestions on seasoning?