Decided to randomly ask random woman in public for sex yesterday

>decided to randomly ask random woman in public for sex yesterday
>showed her $2500 in cash and she pushed me over and screamed
>started dialing the cops and I ran away in time.

Guys I am a Virgin here but I've made it from crypto. My favourite porn videos are the public agent ones where the dude just goes up to the women and pays for sex. He usually offers them $600 euros and I decided if I stepped it up I could get a suck.

Is there a reason why women don't do this in western world? I really wanted to live out my fantasy

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Dude those videos are staged, they are all paid actors

you idiot

those aren't random women in those videos. the girls are in on it BEFORE he hits record.

jeeeeeesus christ.
just go to one of those asian massage parlors and pay for it.
once you're not so needy it'll come easier.

you are so fucking oblivious. please let this be your wake up call.

fucking LMAOOOOOO this is why i come to biz

try 5000

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Please be fake.

Hhello reditors

post 2500$ with timestamp or you lion

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weak larp

Travel to Budapest and do the same with $250. You will get suck.

>implying Veeky Forums neets are not autistic enough to akchually do this
Kys pajet

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why donn you start a pornm website? just rip that concept off

lol too funny. If nôt late kys. But not

Now THAT is autism

Dude those videos are shot in Ukraine for a reason - Ukrainian girls are so poor 600 euros is life changing but they probably waste it all on shoes

For ukranianz 600 euros is like 5000-6000 usd to americans.

More like 15,000 bucks in Ukraine, average pay is equivalent to 100 US dollars a month working full time

>porn is harmless you guys
>it's just a fantasy and will not give horrible ideas to brainlets

All the videos are actually fake. Or do you seriously think some chick is gonna fuck some random guy on camera?

Lmao I hope to God this is true if so you're genuine autistic hero OP.

Please DON'T be fake!

6/10 larp

If some autist has enough balls to walk up to a random woman and offer to spend $2500 for suck then they pretty much have the skills and resources needed to pick-up a girl and secure said suck without resorting to 'normal' prostitution.

Shitty larp.

^this /thread

how could you think this?

the money has gotten to my head sure, but I could easily walk up to a girl and offer her $5k for sex
now sitting down to a dinner, or going on a date for a few hours putting on the "mask" and pretending to give any fucks about what her life is, or what she says. That's something else.

>Wants to get laid, doesn't want to engage women...
Faggot detected.

And the answer to your question is life experience.

Did you also want to get a job as a TV repairman?

>>showed her $2500 in cash and she pushed me over and screamed
You need to be good looking for this trick to work.

Let them be deluded. The world becomes funnier and everybody wins, except for the brainlet

You're too autistic to be rich & operating solo.
You need to hire a normie Jeeves.

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Im poor as fk. Getting all the attention from women. I would exchange this for the money.

>My favourite porn videos are the public agent ones where the dude just goes up to the women and pays for sex.
Ok there are definitely people who believe this so why not OP?
My friend those videos are actors. They are acting.
Just get a prostitute, is it that hard to find prostitutes now?

Haha this is a great idea.
Normie parsers when