How much of a faggot am I?

How much of a faggot am I?
>have gf, 8.5/10 imo
>she knows I'm rich
>we go to several expensive restaurants
>one time we go to this really expensive one that SHE suggested, I had a shitty experience there, food didn't justify the price, horrible atmosphere there
>pay the entire bill, about $250 (we took wine and dessert)
>tell her I didn't enjoy it and I don't wanna go to these expensive restaurants again, not worth the money
>fast forward today
>tell her I wanna go to a restaurant today
>try to think with her to which one we should go
>she suggests 2 restaurants
>check them, liked one, didn't like the other
>tell her I didn't like how one of them looks
>this bitch starts to make drama
>tells me we shouldn't go to any restaurant then
>says she doesn't wanna go to restaurants if I'm gonna say that they are too expensive and not fun afterwards
> I get fucking mad af
>not only do I pay the bill, this stupid bitch thinks its okay to tell me not to give my input if I enjoyed the fucking restaurant or not
all girls are gold diggers seriously, what do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>she's a whore, initiate dumping sequencer

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Dump it

>what do?
unironically kys, and take your gf with you

I feel bad for straight guys

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Women have a very easy time increasing their quality of living and a VERY hard time decreasing it. You’ve ruined your relationship by spoiling her. Should do what I do and make her think we’re poor while very very very slowly increasing our quality of life.

told her its 50/50 from now on and we can go to wherever she wants, let's see how expensive these restaurants are going to be now kek

>Dump it.

you are so right, next relationship we're going to eat fucking ramen

why are women such shitty creatures, literally useless in terms of creating value
seriously I'm so pissed my blood is boiling right now

get a new one

I don't really understand dining, I've been to enough restaurants I would think, but I still don't get it.
I can get unlucky and have a problem with the food I order, or pick a bad time and get slow service etc. But I've never gone to a restaurant and thought 'this one is better than the others'.
It's just fucking food. Most of the food in most restaurants is more similar than it is different.

>5518 years to the birth of gilgamesh
>buy into the worst investment possible in the world, as documented throughout thousands of years of humans literature. Literally not one single wise person has ever regarded it as a good idea
wöw I wonder how your unique story is going to turn out

how and where did you get the jew from?


Lel, she is just being upset because you trash talked a supposedly in her eyes a nice time you had together i don’t think it’s about the expensiveness of the restaurants its just that you complained afterward. The result would be the same if you went to a low end place. As for the second scenario you should have just said to go to the one you liked and not even mention that you didn’t like the second one.

>OP is incapable of giving feedback to people
>blame the other person when she can't take his horrible shitflinging

this is how people know you didn't earn your money. You don't now how to deal with people

>tell her I didn't like how one of them looks
>this bitch starts to make drama'
Reading comprehension motherfucker

>> I get fucking mad af
this is your problem. say fine and go to the restaurant on your own or with some buddies

Right answer. Story is fake probably tho

>tell her I didn't like how one of them looks

kill yourself immediately, dont delay

>Lel, she is just being upset because you trash talked a supposedly in her eyes a nice time you had together i don’t think it’s about the expensiveness of the restaurants its just that you complained afterward. The result would be the same if you went to a low end place. As for the second scenario you should have just said to go to the one you liked and not even mention that you didn’t like the second one.

nah we had a good time I told her that I didn't like the restaurant and the price was not justified, she knows I had a good time with her and we went to the mall afterwards and it was a general good time

for the second one, I said "I'm ordering our reservation for X restaurant because I didn't like the dishes in Y restaurant" obviously I didn't just say "Y looks like shit"

>proving the point
you mong

this, OP is a huge faggot

You just don’t have tastes

socially inept trash thinks he can differentiate between making an observation and trash talking a restaurant

why are you still alive?

>for the second one, I said "I'm ordering our reservation for X restaurant because I didn't like the dishes in Y restaurant" obviously I didn't just say "Y looks like shit"
I effect you said exactly that. You must be mentally impaired to read what unfolded in any other way.

Yeah and when he comes back he'll find her gangbanging Chad and Tyrone

Tell her you can go if she splits 50/50.

she'll get gangbanged chad and tyrone because op is a soyboy who gets angry at small things

>I effect you

doubt it

>all flour, salt, butter, spices, beef, chicken, and whatever taste the same
>cook them in a recipe and don't fuck it up

You are such a brainlet OP, you will never make it.

already made it son, don't be mad
just don't wanna spend it on stupid restaurants

Lol, claims to be “wealthy” bitching about a $250 “bill”. Brughhh

>she knows i'm **rich***
>complaining $250 for a fine meal is too much

Fuck off you little poor faggot. You aren't rich. Cya at work on monday Steven.

this is why truly patrician men are banging whores

1/2 hours a week, have a fun time, rest of the week to yourself, no problems


For me, it's being worth >10m $ all-in.
About 3m is average in lifetime earnings of my peers (average job in average area).

> 250 dollares
> expensive

Did you share a starter and a bag in box?

unironically been doing this since i was 23 and am 28 now. kinda starting to want a family now though.


My wife literally doesn't care about the price she just enjoys to be with me somewhere outside.

user. You’re being a little bitch. Stand up to her. Let her know how you feel. Tell her that it’s ok you can bitch about a restaurant. As she can too. If she keeps acting out, let her know what you like and don’t like (and also figure If your complaints are reasonable or you’re just PMSing.) get your balls back. Wealth doesn’t equal masculinity in a relationship.

Find a white woman who respects herself, knows she is a subordinate partner, has never burned the coal, but DOESN'T obsess about race and tradlife all the time.

What am I saying, they don't exist.

Does it count as a gangbang if there's only two of them? I think you need someone waiting for their turn for it to be a gangbang.

chad would share her with tyrone, so they go in turns

Don’t let her affect your emotions at all don’t get mad ignore her, it’s a shit test. Take her to the restaurant she says she doesn’t like, she willl end up liking the experience if you maintain a positive vibe. Women don’t know what they want they are too stupid you must override and just do what you are going to do or they can fuck off, but don’t let them get a hold of your emotions.

make her get a job in the back of a restaruant

she'll never eat in one ever again

Stop larping

This is very true. It's so easy to convince women.

All biz virgins should learn this.
Everyone keeps posting those threads being lonely not having a gf, you guys got it made. Girls start drama for the dumbest of reasons.

If you're not in a relationship, don't dream of being in one, just make more money and fuck hookers.

>have gf, 8.5/10 imo

= a solid 6.5

If you're rich you should like expensive restaurants you autistic cucklet. Nothing that should make you go broke or seem overpriced but amazing food and great service.

T. Pleb

>we went to the mall
OP confirmed cuck. Do you even fuck her?

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If you're goal in life (and already being realized) isn't barebacking as much hot young firm teen ass as possible you've failed. "whore" no, sexy young teen gold diggers from instagram yes.

Godspeed faggots.

Dump her and get a new gf.

it baffles me how much of a cuck you are

>8.5/10 golddigger """gf"""
You fell for the relationship jew

Just buy a breeding pod, OP.
Pre-lobotomized Ukrainian goes for like 3500€.


Pump her one last time, then DUMP IT.

>you are so right, next relationship we're going to eat fucking ramen
... and one day you're going to splurge on the good shit, like Creamy Chicken. And she's going to bitch on Shrimp night.

Women are worthless creatures. Your pimp hand needs to be strong.

>are all girls golddiggers?
No, those are just the types of girls you find. Me and my gf split the bill 80% of the time, having a girl who allows you to pay for everything is a sign they have no work ethic, self respect, desire for independence, etc.

literally every single female on this planet thats better than a 6/10 will expect to be taken out on dates from time to time.

How often they expect this or how expensive said date is supposed to be varies from person to person, but if you are looking for the holy grail of woman who does not need to be taken out, ever not ever, you should probably kys because they don't exist.

Either you can be a 47 gender-believing lgbtqrx faggot, or you can accept the way traditional gender roles work. As a man you are supposed to be a provider, and if you cant offer her a fucking meal every now and again, she will find someone else who can.

Now look. If she's expecting a 250 dollar meal every fucking week, shes got to go. Who the fuck can afford to keep that kind of habit up? You need to be upfront and tell her, bitch you're spending all of my goddamn money.

What you need to be doing is thinking of creative ways to amuse her without spending tons of money. Take her to the beach or a hot springs or some shit, those type of trips are basically free.

>never burned the coal
bby you in for a surprise

Damp it..

find the most expensive restaurant.... order the most expensive shit... then excuse yourself to the bathroom and take off

T. Lives in niggerland

Women are irrational beings. They do not think in economic terms, but rather animalistic tendencies interrupted here and there by outbursts of intellect that seemingly convince you that maybe, just maybe, they exist on the same intellectual plane as yourself.
This user is correct. Have you ever asked yourself why this occurs?
Based on utility theory, we assign utility points to things we like and dislike, ranging from + to -. Prospect theory introduces the concept of loss aversion, where losses are ranked 1.5-2.5x greater than gains in terms of these so-called utility points.
So you have a recipe for disaster. Not only does your gf rank restaurants and other bullshit as much higher than yourself, but she is much more irrational and thus greater affected by prospect theory. For her, going from dining in a $250 restaurant to a $40 steakhouse is much more painful and affects her much more than the pleasure she would receive from upgrading from a $5 fast food joint to a $40 steakhouse.
Your first and only mistake was listening to her in the first place. Should have just continued going to places you enjoyed.

This. I'm straight but have a few really close gay friends and seriously I wish I had it in me to be able to suck a dick cause how much fun would that be just fucking your bros not stressing out about woman

I'm not entirely sure this is an exclusively gold digger behaviour. My older sister, who has no vested interest in extracting money from me, frequently gets pissy about choice of restaurant when she comes to my city to visit. She's the type who will read the menu in detail for 30 minutes and still not be sure what she wants to order. Then she orders, gets the food, tells me she wishes she got something else. Complains to waiter. Waiter brings out different dish. She says she liked the first one better.

$250 is expensive now? lol

I just wish they were more self-aware

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Dump her.

Bitches bitch.

Nice fairytale op


It's my month budget, bitch.

>$250 is a really expensive restaurant
You are pajeet?

Hahah lumbered with some bitch who gets salty over restaurants, imagine having a fight over a restaurant lmao.

Do you honestly think it's going to get better?

>never had a good steak
I'm sorry for you user

nope, very close to finishing it kek
pussy is so good though

>Rick and morty
>Game of thrones
>Superhero movies
I like all of that. What did i mean by this?

lol mad

dump her and make her btfo you absolute fucking beta
Either she comes crawling back to you, or she finds another cock to suck dry. Either way you don't lose anything. If you're paying 250 dollars for dates, might as well buy hookers.


I think you have the answer in your image.

this, kys OP. what a massive faggot.

you aren't supposed to be brainstorming with her what to do with your money

make your own plans and invite her to join if she wants

jesus, now I feel bad for the girl. she deserves better.

sorry bro, if you're bitching on Veeky Forums about spending money at shitty resteraunts, you havent made it.

Sounds like you deserve each other.

the amount of virgins in this thread is actually unfathomable. i don't really think most of you had any experience with women ever except for watching them on pornhub, you lonely losers.

op, you're a socially inept retard, if you get that mad about sth like this. "blood boiling" because your girlfriend isn't your slave LOL. kys

Shes right tho
Stop tryna act like a baller if youre just gonna complain about the price after
Just say the place sucked and we're not going again

you either finish it or make shit go 50/50 from now on


> I get fucking mad af
Why are you wasting energy getting mad at your girl? You should be telling her how's going to be and she doesn't like it she can leave. She's there at your pleasure.

Wrong play. Should have told her it's 0/100 all on her.

It's not about the money or the restaurant. It's about her not respecting you and being grateful for what you do give her.

Once your calling your gf a bitch it might be time to abort... just sayin.

>If you are goal in life

>says she doesn't wanna go to restaurants if I'm gonna say that they are too expensive and not fun afterwards

Reasonable. What's the problem? Going to restaurants is causing you more grief than joy, so don't do it.

it's because you are autistic or have a medical issue.

>all girls are gold diggers
Youre a fucking retard and you go specifically for fucking retard whores, that's all your own fault, dipshit.
My gf refuses to go to fancy resturaunts and coupons so hard she saves 35% every single grocery store bill.
It's not every single woman's fault that you're a fucking moron

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