Sup Veeky Forums
Lets have a good old thread about how to hide your assets from your roastie for the inevitable divorce where the court will take the shirt off your back
Sup Veeky Forums
Lets have a good old thread about how to hide your assets from your roastie for the inevitable divorce where the court will take the shirt off your back
don't get married
how hard was that OP?
My thinking, but in most countries you get married status when a kid is born regardless of your status.
>make her sign prenup
>if she doesn't, she's after your money
If she really loves you for you she'll take YOU, rich or poor.
pre nups are not worth the paper they are printed on, she can claim you co-erced her into signing an agreement she didnt understand, and the judge will rip it up in court- this is well documented in the western world
do not marry, or cohabitate
family court in australia doesn't abide by prenups
the fucking cringe in that article
how do you guys spot these type of roasties?
You need to hire a lawyer, or pay for her to get a lawyer to explain it to her. If you do this she can't claim she was under duress or didn't understand it.
there needs to be a precedent set for women to be responsible for their actions.
It's easy, they are like that if they have a vagina
family court in australia lliterally doesn't care about prenups of binding financial agreements
why marry at all then, why not just get an unofficial marriage without the legal status of being married. You can still get married but just not recognize it in front of the daddy state and remain legally single, honestly what difference does it make.
jesus people on biz are stupid
a woman would never agree to that
Bitch ain't gonna find my bleachcoin
Common law marriage is a roadblock for that. It varies depending on your location whether common law exists or, if it does, how long you can live together before common law kicks in.
Yeah, thatd just make a roastie pretty toastie.
Link to the original blog post?
They’re usually whores.
A nice guy isn't nice. Think about it.
I fail to see what's wrong with this article. I was banging whores in college and thought i was living the dream. Now I'm an actual adult and crave a deeper connection, so i've been loyal to my girlfriend since i oficially asked her to be with me three years ago.
The only reason i can think of for you neets and neckbeards to be angry is that you think it's unfair that the girl can have fun and then commit while you have to wait out the fun part and then commit or be left alone. If you'd had your share of young irresponsibility and matured through it you wouldn't doubt someone's ability to change.
Just go ask Chad, if you know one. Chad has had tons of whores throw themselves at him for little to no effort, he has way more empirical evidence that women can be crazy and yet he always settles down and marries a beautiful girl and goes on to have a beautiful family. Are you saying you have better judgement than chad, biz?
Didn't think so.
Statistics say you're wrong. The more guys who have banged a whore, the more likely she is to initiate no-fault divorce and take his stuff, and kids, and make him pay child support, etc etc. If it worked out for you congrats, you're a statistical outlier.
>it is time for me to learn to have something I don't deserve
how much delusion do you need to turn an exercise in entitlement into something that sounds vaguely related to the process of becoming an adult?
>The only reason i can think of for you neets and neckbeards to be angry is that you think it's unfair that the girl can have fun and then commit while you have to wait out the fun part and then commit or be left alone. If you'd had your share of young irresponsibility and matured through it you wouldn't doubt someone's ability to change.
I agree that 80-90% of them would be behaving as irresponsibly as you and the roasties they are criticising, given the chance. It's like that Louis CK bit about Tiger Woods.
That doesn't make them wrong though.
im kinda turned off by this
Sorry bruh, sloppy sex with a dozen fat bitches in college doens't make you better than anyone else, definetly doesn't make you a "Chad"
>tfw touchless virgin and will NEVER EVER share my millions with a roastie
I even make sure to only shop in places where I know a dude will handle the money and not some lose hole.