Help I've eaten too many hot cheetos and my stomach feels like shit what do I do

Help I've eaten too many hot cheetos and my stomach feels like shit what do I do

Do what the guy in the pic is doing


Drink a small amount of milk.

Throw up before you die.

Chester Cheetah murders people who eat too many Cheetos.

Ask Veeky Forums for help

Did it, nothing happened

drink a spoonful of over the counter antacid and after a couple of minutes, puke.

OK, just burped a few times, feel much better now, thanks guys.

No, you have to drink a small amount of puke, do what the guy in the pic is doing and ask antacids for help.

Seriously though, if you have problems with stomach acidity, go get checked or get something over the counter, it'll help you not get to the point of ulcers, liver damage, bile shit and whatever else might cause you problems depending on the cause.

get down on the floor and die

Put me in your will.

kill yourself for eating shit cheetos

Don't be such a child next time?

Sit there like a bitch and think what you've done while drinking something carbonated and don't be stupid next time.

Gaviscon go buy it. Provides instantaneous relief for acidic or upset tummies.

I'm I'm the same boat but with chesters http fries. They're tearing my ass apart but I love em.

>chesters http fries

Got a link for that bro?

This guy is 100% right and then some, you know? On the other hand you may have some luck with Zantac or Prevacid, but they take a bit longer to kick in. Try Gaviscon, it should work almost right away.
If you find yourself stuffing food down your esophogus like this a lot, I suggest you stock up on Gaviscon, Zantac and Prevacid. You can prepare with Zantac, take it right before you start stuffing your fat face, same with Prevacid. On a side note I had the worst case of GERD no meds helped, the only thing that worked was apple cider vinegar, I used the Braggs brand, knocked my GERD discomfort out quick fast.

Dip your pinky finger in hot water for 60 seconds and then insert into anus and make a circling motion for 10 seconds.

Gaviscon is for heart burn, retards.

Drink some Pepto-Bismol

WRONG! and you're forgetting!
>Gaviscon helps relieve heartburn and acid indigestion

>WRONG! and you're forgetting!
>Gaviscon helps relieve heartburn and acid indigestion
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OP is suffering from neither you mutant.

>Help I've eaten too many hot cheetos and my stomach feels like shi
>OP is suffering from neither you mutant.

So what do you suggest? An aperitif? Right?

>blind autist that can't see OP's pic

Speak for yourself, ha ha! He's not holding his tummy, his hands are both higher up! I WIN!

Shut up itsmei

Maybe next year, son.


Kill yourself loser