I'm psychologist. One of my main methods is to give people input and then analyze the output...

I'm psychologist. One of my main methods is to give people input and then analyze the output. Depending on the output you will give me I can predict with if you make it or not. Let's start, user. What do you see in this picture?

Attached: 5-e1424086032857.jpg (1180x844, 398K)

thousands of pink wojacks in a sea of greasy shit

I think I see the silhouette of a merchant too

If I squint really hard I can kind of make out "Op literally cannot stop sucking dicks"

I see that OP is a phaggot with a hidden agenda that is soon to be revealed.

Green candles and Korean hookers


Ummmm.... kitties

Attached: 1516592828816.jpg (500x636, 74K)

it’s only 0.40 right now and you’ll be rich
Please you guys.

Attached: E61D22DB-88EA-4A4F-AA87-9D56315A9409.jpg (350x350, 17K)


You won't make it. I'm sorry but science never lies.

The remnants and brain pieces of someone I knew when they were ran over by a truck going at over 100mph/160kmh. It hit them like they were just a balloon filled with blood and organs, like his life meant absolutely nothing in the greater scheme of the world. It even gave me a boner.

Or flowers maybe?


What do you see, user?

Attached: test1.jpg (236x330, 24K)

I see pink tulips flying up to the sky, maybe being dragged by the wind.


flowers blowing away in the wind

Anus and vulva on a stick.


several "faulty" masks/layers that hide the red layer

Lmao this guy is legit

I see several layers of sheets with bubble-like holes on them, on a red background, resembling a foam.

A thousand locusts.

hmmmmmmmm, too much crypto user

Attached: insects.jpg (236x386, 17K)

You will die an early and horrible death.
Sorry user.

a beautiful impresionistic painting of a field with flowers.

will I make it?

Attached: 1467972393857.jpg (409x409, 45K)


An old meme that I hadn't seen in a long time.

Recurring patterns

fuck you I want an answer from the psycologist

Of what, user? What are the faces doing? We need to get to the core.

You will die an early and horrible death.
t. psycologist

what faces you autist it's just colorful circles nothing else

>tfw i was close to say the same as i saw faces that were laughing but changed my mind and went with the layers

Attached: 1513093483317.png (1168x414, 170K)

Here is another one.

Attached: stock-photo-abstract-design-with-a-face-of-pharaoh-146360702.jpg (450x470, 40K)

A second after looking at the pic I saw flowers floating on water. A few seconds later I saw flowers floating in air. Will I make it sir?

It's what my ancestors used to be.

t. doesn't see the wojacks


kike detected

I see an ancient Egyptian pharaoh looking up to the sun or the sky, seems calmed and confident but I can't tell since the drawing is not that good.

I've answered the other two, what can you say about me?

If you want to know if you make it send 0.1BTC to the address below, add your ID as label.

192vK FGvtd K4Q2d 8es2g dzBawu fJS1coX9

Attached: 1494692600123.png (330x319, 57K)

What do you see OP? I bet a faggot.

Attached: meror.jpg (224x225, 5K)

You won't make it.

You will die an early and horrible death.

Recurring patterns of cycles. They are coming together and expanding continuously

I see a visionary planning a bright future

i see a lazy artist

I see a bunch of flowers. I can't appreciate what type though. It looks a warm place, but the lack of bright makes me think there is no sun shining up there. However I feel like it could give me a comfortable feeling if I just lay down between them. I miss old days.

Roses from Manet

Am i gonna make it user?


a vast system of interplanetary harmony

I remember Nietzsche and the perpectivism movement. It causes me to think that we can't see the "truth", but we can try to figure it out collecting several point of views on a matter. People who is deeply specialized in a field, is actually trapped in a superior layer, unable to get the entire red square.

alot of dead bolsheviks


>sends money to stranger on the internet
>youre not going to make it

thanks OP

I see a monkey leading other monkeys to build pyramids and shiettt

I see a water area behind the flowers with their petals floating on it.Flowers are dancing like it's a carneval.

Is see Kangz

If I say flowers you will tell me I'm a minimalist.
If I say what kind of flowers, the colour etc you tell me I get lost in details and don't concentrate on a main object, I get distracted too easy.
If I tell you something edgy like boats in a sea of mud you will tell me that I desperately crave attention because I want people to look at me.

And the fact that I can analyze myself speaks for itself as well.

And for that reason, I choose to ignore any kind of questions from a psychologist because in the end I'm just the guy giving you a job.

Your questions are as manipulative as a poll.

Question to everyone else: What do you see in pic related?

Attached: IMG_3638.jpg (3648x2736, 3.02M)

big anime titties

Whatever I want

heart attack

I see an artistic style of pink wojak.

Attached: 1518711344334.png (1962x1088, 1.75M)


Disgusting food that i would not even give to my dog.
My wife must eat all that shit if she would have made it tho.

I see a few sloppy brush strokes here and there within a fairly consistent painting scheme. Symmetry is abandoned for a more abstract style. Overall it's a painting that I can appreciate, but it's something that I could never paint because I am unable to let myself go and would abandon the project instead of painting around those brush strokes that I perceive as sloppy.

you call meatballs disgusting? stay poor laddie

Amerifag prolly?
This shit is drenched in some shit that will make you amerifat.
Use an oven for fuck sake you turd.

Attached: 1391581487847.png (1000x1000, 178K)

good answer

A smart psychologist would have already factored in the kind of meta-analysis that an intelligent patient would have thought about in regards to the given question

A very smart psychologist would have already factored in the kind of meta-analysis that a very intelligent patient would have thought about in regards to the meta-analysis in regards to the given question

A very very smart psychologist would have already factored in the kind of meta-analysis that a very very intelligent patient would have thought about in regards to the meta-analysis in regards to the meta-analysis in regards to the given question

A very very very smart psychologist...

>This shit is drenched in some shit
its called olive oil

Attached: IMG_0221.jpg (2816x2112, 1.62M)

the exact reason why psychologists are only for dumb people