Why aren't you accumulating?

Why aren't you accumulating?

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waiting for sub $20

Because i bought at 113

Because it’s still pumped to all hell

>buying a chinese ICO platform
>after China has banned all ICOs and crypto trading
why am I not accumulating? because its a Chinese scam designed to separate westerners from their bitcoins

GAS is the better buy right now

Centralized shite

Why would I? It's useless and centralized.
There's no sense in it.

because i don’t put my american wealth in the hand of chink scammers.

because simply being an ICO spawning ground like ETH is going to give way to companies like Vechain who have real world utility

>buying anything in this fucking market
See you when btc is sub-6k.

Because it's gonna drop like a big piece of shit...

GAS has been claimed as the better call since it was 0.35. Didn't turn out that way and there is no reason it can't go to 0.1 NEO or lower so what do you base your assertion on?

If GAS does this and NEO holds it's current price, I'll sell my stack. That would make its "dividend" less than a savings account. Ironically this would drag NEO down into a better ratio.

Once GAS is accepted for ICOs, the small amount of it will make it moon, which will make NEO moon.

Litteraly 3% roi

It's at 0.00813928 BTC. It's trending back to 0.0025 BTC then will surge to 0.012 - 0.015 BTC. It's done this repeatedly. It's one of those fucky coins that silently dies in sat value while it looks healthy in against the rest of the market in USD value. NEO is one of the best ways to accumulate BTC, but not right now. At best it drops to "only" 0.005.

The people calling for sub 20 are a bit durr. It won't hit that because NEO has a psychological trigger at 30 USD. The community starts to despair, so needs pumping because this coin is its community.

>he can't fathom a centralized project succeeding
>he probably doesn't own any stock in centralized companies which turn over millions in revenue yearly
haha user, decentralization is great but that's what monero is for.
Regulatory-friendly countries. need NEO. Failure to see this will hurt your bank account.

I really doubt we'll see anything below 0.0068 -- my orders reflect this (stacked from current price down to the above)
think i should shift them further down?



NEX ico is coming up, and they are accepting GAS. People will want to use gas because it is divisible and can get the even $1000

This alone could increase the demand for GAS up to over 500,000 GAS

except a single sql db is fully centralized -- even 20 nodes owned by NEO alone, distributed across china, san francisco, europe, etc provide more protection than the former.
for the same reason you support decentralization...you'd have to compromise the majority of them.
furthermore, they DO have plans of adding more nodes and releasing node software, so any qualm you have is temporary, no?
happy to continue discussion with you.
>sincerely, a cybersecurity professional who is now a DBA

Wtf, I just bought at 0.008471, it hasn't hit 0.002 since december

>provide more protection than the former.

Sure, but in case of neo it provides nothing because they literally can do whatever they want without being punished for that.
Also using neo is too expensive and it's fucking too slow compared to the competitors.
So we have small additional security (doubtly, for the reasons I always mentioned) with huge losses.
There are many better decentralized or half-decentralized platforms.
Number of nodes doesn't matter here because afaik neo council will choose them.
So, you have an expensive and slow glorified database.

okay you make decent points and i don't want to say neo is flawless because it clearly isn't -- that being said, do you think China will really allow fully decentralized apps to profit within their country? this is the country that doesn't let you google the tiananmen square incident.
>Number of nodes doesn't matter here because afaik neo council will choose them.
this isn't entirely true, they just don't want a competitive actor controlling so many nodes such that they can cripple the platform.
>So, you have an expensive and slow glorified database.
expensive for now, and it really isn't that slow -- i get my (potential) gas payout every 15 seconds tops. and of course, the whole point is it's a platform to code on. what database software allows this?
you make valid points but where you see failure I see growing pains, I suppose. after all, there's a reason one was ATH at 1k+ and the other ~$190-200.

>except a single sql db is fully centralized -- even 20 nodes owned by NEO alone, distributed across china, san francisco, europe, etc provide more protection than the former. for the same reason you support decentralization...you'd have to compromise the majority of them.

Except important databases also can be and are hosted in multiple locations for redundancy.

>furthermore, they DO have plans of adding more nodes and releasing node software, so any qualm you have is temporary, no?

Yes but until they do, they basically don't have a useful product. And even if they do, then their competitors will have a big head start anyway. I don't see any way NEO will be able to overtake f.ex. ethereum in performance or userbase.

Doesn't matter how good ethereum is, protectionist china will use a chinese product.

omg you NEO fudders are fucking pathetic.


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>500 gas(nearly 40k at one point) just to launch a smart contract
>can only transfer integers over network
>codebase was total shit with 0 unit tests and nonfunctional wallets just a few months ago
even if I forgive the terrible coding practices, it's just a bad design that has no chance of being adopted by normal devs who wont drop tens of thousands to launch a smart contract



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Using neo requires more trust than using traditional centralized services.
It's also more expensive than both centralized and decentralized once.
The team acts unprofessional.
So all the neo supporters have is their china mythology but in fact this mythology was the main reason neo mooned lol.
I just can't find any reason to use it for the developers or users.
Sorry, I'm too sleepy so likely will not read your answer.

Well yeah. Not having the most important aspect of a useful crypto down from day one is pretty dumb. It's like releasing a car on the market that doesn't have a steering wheel yet.

NONEO detected

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i'm accumulating something better under the radar

was bitcoin decentralized on day one or were early miners and satoshi holding most of the coins?

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yeah no shit I don't own it because I think it's horrible. You can't honestly justify a 40k smart contract when they are virtually free on other platforms.

>thinks that having his platform filled by ponzi scheme cryptokitties clones is a good thing

Do you think it’s horrible because they are trying to drive out scam projects or because you missed the boat? Kek

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If there was an alternate version of the internet where it cost 40k to make a website, would you invest in that over the version we have now because it drives out scam websites? I doubt it. It drives out scams as well as legitimate developers.

It was definitely decentralized from day one.

Decentralization is about the design of a system, not necessarily whether it actually is spread across many users. To be decentralized you have to not be dependent on one party to function securely. And bitcoin passed that definition. Satoshi had no more power over the system than anyone else once he released the code and initiated the blockchain. The only reason he was the only one mining in the start is because no one else gave a shit. But if they wanted to, they could.

But NEO hand picks their validators. The system would not function without them.

And holders vote on nodes

Decentralization is a process that takes time, how do you brainlets not see this?

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what if the alternate version was technically superior?

That previously happened because of the bullrun in late December/early January. Right now there is no bullrun but a bear market and NEO like everything will continue to bleed.

>Decentralization is a process that takes time, how do you brainlets not see this?

It literally doesn't. I mean did you not even read my post, it was all about how bitcoin was decentralized immediately. In fact if it is not decentralized from day one I have my doubts it would ever be fully decentralized as it implies a fundamental centralization in the design.

Ummm on day one a single team or entity controlled the bitcoin protocol and it was mined by 2 people

How are you this dumb?

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Ah, the ETH of the country that has banned cryptos completely. What a gem!

>Ummm on day one a single team or entity controlled the bitcoin protocol


No point even talking about NEO, its pretty much tied to BTC. If BTC goes up again, NEO will too. If BTC goes down more, NEO will go down more. I don't know what is so hard to get about this all.

I don't trust chinks and I can get returns that are just as good with non-chink coins. Would rather buy MAN if I had to buy from dear Chairman.


Crypto won't be banned in China forever

It's also funny reading about how people are trying to FUD NEO, because it's going to pump anyway when the market goes green

>centralized platform for decentralized apps for chinks who banned it

a centralized chink shitcoin that doesn't even get is fault tolerance right?

yeah ... why not

NEO is literally begging ICOs to fix their scaling problems. A handful of other projects will leave NEO in the dust.