Frequently Purchased Groceries

My grocery store keeps track of the groceries I buy most often ranked by order of purchase frequency.

How shit am I?

you're 14/15ths shit. The only thing there that's not shitworthy is the london broil.

I think you need help OP

>stomach relief

>need help

i don't know how to get this

>steel reserve spiked punch
>big k dr. k soda
>kroger regular strength stomach relief

What totalitarian shithole do you live in where corporations are permitted to track what you buy?

you some lazy mo fo ain't you?

is it really that obvious?

>"Dr. K" soda
don't you have any dignity

actually i find the flavor to be more potent that that of name brand soda

How overweight are you?

not overweight at all

Have you considered that the need for all that stomach relief might have something to do with all the garbage you're eating?

I would need stomach relief if I was drinking steel reserve spiked punch too

No. It's usually the healthy food that gives me stomach trouble.

the alloy series is pretty delish. i wish the margarita wasn't so hard to find

And what healthy food would that be?

raw baby carrots, 7 superfood salad from costco, yogurt, and milk.

I got a retarded brother like you that says the same thing as well as other stupid shit:

"Smoking helps my Asthma"

"Water is bad for chronic kidney stones" (only drinks soda)

Probably anything that wasn't processed and had a bit of anything natural in it that hasn't been reconstituted.
Bing bing bing! I was correct above. Eat more of this, slowly, get your body use to real foods, not processed garbage.

>7 superfood salad from costco
You have to be meming me. That or you're lactose intoleant.

You know what they say? God protects the fat and stupid.

i think i'm lactose intolerant, but small to moderate amounts of cheese do not seem to bother me

God bless America!

>God protects the fat and stupid.

That's probably because the """""cheese""""" you're buying contains more starch filler than dairy.

I wonder how much of that bulk is fat and how much is liver.

Is it gas too? What would happen if you gave someone like this laxatives or diuretics?

Maybe they would just deflate like a balloon.