Craig isn't going to stop until the entire world is using Bitcoin Cash

Craig isn't going to stop until the entire world is using Bitcoin Cash.

Since Bitcoin has nailed themselves to a cross of high fees, the third world is shut out from using it. Metcalfe's law tells us that one global crypto currency will be exponentially more valuable than two competing ones. Bitcoin is doomed.

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nice outdated meme.
Craig is a cum-guzzling fake sack of shit. "oh i have proof (proof shown to be fake), ahaha, ah the real proof is on this dead guys computer, sooooryy"

craig doesnt give a fuck if you believe him, faggot.


Sound to me like you're in love with him. All these years and you thought you were heterosexual.

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why do you think this serial scam artist decided to go along with bcash instead of bitcoin, when we know satoshi was a very technically minded individual, and not at all a salesman like wright or ver? just try thinking about it.

>satoshi was [an] individual
that's your first mistake, bucko

Bcash longest meme to date after Rick roll.

How the fuck are people still keeping this thing alive ?
Are people that sheep to mistake this for the real Bitcoin ?

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nothing to prove he wasn't, and enough evidence to prove the code was written by an individual with the same opinions as posts he made under that pseudonym.

trying to argue otherwise is just the latest fad of late adopters trying to pump their shitcoin.