Daily Fucking Reminnder

I am a paid Modum shill
> mfw the lesion GROWS

Attached: 1521147766858.jpg (249x211, 20K)

shut the FUCK UP

Modum is the best cryptocurrency in the market right now !!!

I will beat your ass come to Moscow Right NOW!!!

Attached: 1521253889919.gif (200x202, 15K)

>mfw the legion CONTINUES TO GROW

Attached: latestswisspick.png (461x624, 39K)

buy modum
loose the rest of your money
i shit in my pants on a daily basis while drooling over my tg fanbase of 15yr old retards
the elites must burn
t. swissfundmanager

Unironically presses F5 for cash.
Get a life fag

>projecting THIS hard

Attached: 1521299523787.jpg (337x213, 21K)

> projecting THIS hard
> absolute state of AMBlets
> no price action this month OR next month
> mfw the lesion GROWS
> The lesion continues to grow
> muh Swissfag
> BTC 50,40,30,20,10k-100k

Am I forgetting anything?

something something the soothsayer can only be wrong so many times?

Attached: LOL.png (1120x977, 136K)

That idiot has probably been the best reverse-shill for AMB to date. Wouldn't have known about AMB without all the hilarious drama

You are dedicated, I like that. You will receive first wave of invites for my TG next month.

you will be the 1%
burn the elites
and buy my bags
t. swissfundmanager

Attached: swiss.jpg (540x541, 37K)

> Wishes he was swissfag

that idiot is the swissfaggot
how stupid are you?
after he burned his persona by making you idiots loose your money, he prepares the next cheerleadersquad
>did my own research
>did'nt buy his shills
>only there for the discussion
>knew he was a larper all along
absolute state of /biz

> mfw the lesion GROWS

Attached: 1521151682606.jpg (249x211, 22K)

Attached: 1521131326207.jpg (798x770, 178K)


Honestly wouldn't doubt it. The "AMBlet" shitposting and fudding has been so autistic and terrible he has to be accumulating and reverse-shilling AMB to smart money

>my TG

The lesion continues to grow

Attached: 1521151682607.jpg (249x211, 20K)


Attached: 1521251760086.gif (200x202, 38K)

Stop posting those pictures it's gross.
Tumors, blood, herpes or whatever the fuck. BBC? Stop.

> lesions never stop growing
Seek medial attention

>I am a paid Modum shill

so you're broke
that sux

Modum has had a bigger drop in price than AMB since the first swissfag thread. Sounds like you're butthurt as fuck. Kek.

I bought Modum at $13, will it ever recover?

My sides