What do you think of my kitchen, Veeky Forums?

What do you think of my kitchen, Veeky Forums?

I could cook there.

lel... pretending to modern with stainless steal countertops, but still very clearly a poor person's house.


What the fuck do you need 5 scissors for? Nice sage though. top puf.

>poor person's house

Wtf? Not OP, but where do you see any evidence of poor? Secondly, why would that matter?

Your countertops are waaaay too cluttered. Besides that the hardware looks good

evidence of poor:

>small unclosed kitchen
>cheap materials
>industrial overhead lighting mixed with mismatched lighted
>small town/rural aesthetic

why? what is this, the 80s?

where are the dicks?

No island 2/10

Not OP, but:

>small unclosed kitchen

Small compared to what? I've been in a number of 2800 sq ft houses that had kitchens that small. What does "unclosed" even mean? Nothing in terms of rich/poor.

>cheap materials

You don't know that, dumbass.

>industrial overhead lighting mixed with mismatched lighted

Perhaps not the greatest design choice, but it's functional and income cannot be inferred.


A cluttered kitchen =/= hoarding =/= poor

>small town/rural aesthetic

No way that can be inferred, and even if it could, that does not mean poor.

And you never answered, why would "poor" matter anyway?

>What the fuck do you need 5 scissors for?

I don't know about anyone else, but I try not to use the same scissors used to open my raw chicken to open my salad with.

Do you not know to clean anything? Or are you too autistic to time your meal preparation? Also, "opening salad"... do you not chop your own? If you can hold knife it takes seconds, and saves you money. Plus, you can use the same knife to open leafy containers that you do to chop your salad mix.

If you rinse them well and soap them up, it'll wash off the salmonella and what not.

>falling for the island meme

First time I've seen stainless steel countertops inside a home. But why is the area around the sink and microwave unchanged?

>too poor to have an island

enjoy paying rent

Lol those are superimposed counter tops. If you want to see some real kitchens look on a real estate website at $2.5mil+ valued homes.


Not OP, but what are you referring to? A soffit is the underside of an architectural structure, like an eave. Did you mean ceiling? Why yes, those are quite common in the year 2016.

you can never be too cautious. no soap on earth can kill 100% of germs. except maybe fire. fire kills pretty much everything

why the FUCK do you need 5 scissors?
It looks a bit cramped, past the state of cosy and it looks like anyone new to it would have trouble finding things.

So, what else do you eat besides soap? Not sure why you're on this board. That many pairs of scissors shows a clear inability to use a knife properly.

t. Living in parents basement where the closest thing to a countertop he has is a plywood computer desk filled with cheetos crumbs.

open those cabinets user. show us what's inside.

>try to google "multi-million dollar homes for sale"
>accidentally type "multi-million dollar hoes"
>google autocompletes my query
>no longer interested in researching countertops

Marble woulda been nicer. It's alright though.

You alright man? Just calling out the obvious. Besides, you must really enjoy your life if you're that threatened by an anonymous Veeky Forums user being more successful than you. Thanks for projecting your own life though, hope the plywood last for you buddy.

looks comfy, pretty sure it isnt your though

nice stove though

Very cluttered.

>poor person upset that other people can tell

Did you just get your whole kitchen done, OP? I like it.

You should fix the timer on your mom's microwave, unless it's the oven that's wrong.


>Not knowing the word "clock"

Too big.

Well shit. Guess you got me this time.

I bet you're very deep. Best punk rock album of all time? Is NOFX overrated?

I still don't get it but I do respect it. You do you, you.

While your kitchen is nice, this is my face

He's right. Well not poor, but obviously starter home or lower middle class in a suburban area. This is the EXACT kitchen we had at my college house (we had granite not stainless steel counter tops) in Bryan, TX. My friends family bought the house for like 120k. Granted, they got a good price because it was 2010, but still. That said, it was a very functional kitchen to cook in and is perfectly fine for 21 year olds who don't care if they're living in a cheap approximation of luxury.

The way that wall clock cord goes inside the cupboard really sets off my autism.

>stainless steel counters

poor fag.

all that shit right on top and next to the stove is bothering me, but other than that, bretty good

Fuck that's depressing. Having a washer and dryer in the kitchen is pretty disgusting.

I had to empty out the oven for the pizza that I put in (you can just barely see it).

I will say that is a very well-lit kitchen if nothing else. I like the lights that are underneath the cupboards.

That looks like a kitchen where shit gets done.

No wonder everyone is criticizing it. Most people on Veeky Forums don't even cook.