It was fun, wasn’t it guys?

It was fun, wasn’t it guys?
For a moment, we thought we were going to make it. We were going to be free. We weren’t going to have to be a wageslave, where our ignorant employers never realized our intelligence and true worth. Finally, we were going to show them, and we were going to win in the end.

All we wanted was validation from our peers, and more specifically our parents. We been raised our whole lives always subconsciously seeking their approval, even further into adulthood. It’s the reason for us second guessing ourselves, and letting us freely wander through the journey of live. Us making it would prove to them that we KNEW what we were doing, and that they were wrong. THEY didn’t understand us.

For a moment, we all rejoiced and the champagne was flowing several months ago. All of that insecurity was washed away as we realized it we were going to make it.

Suddenly, the harsh reality of it is becoming apparent today. We...we aren’t going to make it. They were right. We were scammed into thinking we could get rich quick by clicking a few buttons, and rejoicing online. We’re only starting to truly wake up from our deluded state and realize freedom cannot be earned this easily. It was all a dream.

But we had fun, didn’t we? For a moment, we felt true freedom, didn’t we?

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Other urls found in this thread:

We will be free again some day user. It might take years, but some day.

speak for yourself. LMAO

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not me lel

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I got 10k in crypto, 20k cashed out in my bank. Im going to take the 20k, start a business, and I am going to make it.

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>t. subway sandwich artist who attends community college part time

What kind of business were you thinking about?

Just websites and get ad revenue. Ive done it on the side but am doing it full time now. Will move profits back into crypto.

really thought i was gonna make it for once

now im down 70% and think about suicide on the daily

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no, it wasn't fun
this was my last hope in life

yea i'm feeling outright depressed at this point at how much time i wasted on this scam now.

I think in the end the real freedom were the friends we made along the way

wait a few years at least for another bullrun
you can always kys yourself later

But you had fun though, right?

If you can write this well, you should have the vision to see this bubble is far from over.

I told my wife I'd cash out when I'd made enough to pay off the mortgage

This will still happen, but it's looking more like I'll be using it symbolically to make the final payment in 20 years time, than paying it off early

It makes more sense a failed writer would have half baked 100k dreams

>this well
You fucking reddit fags have terrible standards

Yep. All I ever wanted was to succeed at just one thing in life. And for a while there I really felt like I'd done something right, but just like everything else I've done, it all crashed down right before my eyes.

man this is great copypasta, I'm posting it to reddit now

I had hope as well user. Always have a plan B and maybe even a plan C. I made sure to keep seeking good employment all the while betting on crypto. Its good to have a fallback.

What sort of websites bro? Thinking of doing it too, learning web design atm and i'm already good at graphic design so I wanna combine all those skills.

Don't be silly, the bubbledibob is far from over. Just wait a bit we will get next leg up.

just quit my minimum wage job to trade cryptos
have $10k in crypto to screw around with
gonna make more money like this than i was doing anything else

we can all make it—i'm quite sure
buy bitcoin cash

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It's not all bad, crypto gave me something to look forward to each day

I think even while crypto is crashing it's still more interesting than the other shit going on in my life

true freedom is an utopia.

I thought i was going to make it and making it for me was doing 25k or something, just enough money for me to buy something to go to work so i don't take the bus, have some small savings to go on holidays or something

now im 90% down since my ATH, i wish i would have at least 5k like most of you have, but not even that, its fucking over for me

having this +7k savings as a neet would have been fucking great. maybe one day

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How do you make enough with ad revenue though? Most stories I hear about people doing that generate like $20 a day if they’re good.

>make 1 million
>dad finally tells me he's proud
>love half of it, along with all hope
Maybe someday I'll earn it back. The moment of freedom and joy was sweet, but having it then losing it hurts more than being poor ever did.

you're gonna make it no problem
everything about crypto is high-volatility; we're at around the first sell-off
it looks much worse than it actually is
you could actually be a billionaire just on the altcoin bubble if you play your cards right

Thought I was going to make it. Oh well.

I hope you're right man. Thanks for the encouragement at any rate.

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Oh my god you people are so delusional.

I sold at 19k, going to buy around 2k.

Guys it's not all about money but the experience, learning trading and shitposting on biz.
These are things money cannot buy.

>the real moon mission was the friends we made along the way

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The worst thing is...
I was actually VERY close to making it, just ONE bad decision decided my end. I've spent so much time on this stuff, I planned all my life into the future how I'm going to change everything start to finally live for real... This is going to haunt me to the end of my days... I had 10m$ in my portfolio and now I have almost nothing.

really? what happend? i literally have only 800 left and im going to start shorting, i just can accept it i want to have 6k at least and i then i say goodbye to crypto

What value are you at now?

The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun

Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none

When I'm stuck with a day
That's grey,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,

The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may!

I love ya!

You're always
A day

When I'm stuck in a day
That's grey,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,

The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may!

I love ya!

You're always
A day

I love ya!

You're always
A day

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I made it. I cashed out at the right time.

its still possible with LINK faggot get yo bitch ass outta here if u aint all in on LINK

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I think i'm gonna be sick. I can feel the puke up the throat