
How do you guys assert your dominance over others? At the office? At the gym? Crypto? Parties?

Heres a little trick I successfully used at the office. I saw the owner of my call center go into the bathroom. I needed to go as well so I followed him in. I saddled right up to the urinal next to him and whipped out my cock, let out a sigh and said "How you doin?"

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i didn't realize being a homo was the same thing as establishing dominance.

You really think the guy who owns the call center is intimidated by his employees who make shit wages? Lol.

Congratulations. He now thinks he’s employing a creepy peon that wants to fuck him.

unironically this

He's a really rough guy. He used to play college football in the 70s so I think this was the exact right move. Had I gone into the stall...He'd probably call me a pussy.

You work in a call center lmfao

when my manager is being bitchy I call my friends and tell them to come in and order fries with no salt.

The manager generally asks me to remake a new batch of fries since the current batch always has salt in it.

I make the fries (which takes 3 minutes) and then i proceed to salt the fresh batch and hand the manager the ones my friends ordered.

My manager flips out and makes the fries himself like a little bitch while I get to take peoples orders.

How do you think they figure out who's gonna be the one taking it?

Do you guys dominate

if you feel like you have to dominate

youre doing it wrong

>implying I have a tiny penis so I need to "dominate" others to compensate.

Consider, if you will, that there is a spectrum of failure and success. On the furthest right are the acts and works that exemplify the best the human race has to offer. These require the highest orders of intelligence, talent, and a bit of luck sometimes to ensure the conditions are right for such monumental achievements. Michaelangelo's David, Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace; all these examples are works that tower above their contempories.

Now I believe on the other end of the spectrum are humanities greatest failures. Acts and works that are so stupid and ill planned they take the same level of almost anti-genius to be able to manifest. It's almost as if these works are seemingly on par with the great humanities because it surely would take a stroke of whatever the counter weight to genius is, in equal measure of it with regards, to create such wanton and blatebtly idiotic and terrible content.

It's in this shocking antithesis to competentcy that your post lies. I'm not sure weather to congratulate you or offer condolences. Rest assured however you can at least take comfort in the fact the your post is a rare work from that far left side of achievement so that it took a level of talent in antithesis of the very same quality to be able to craft such a deftly moronic and terrible post on the internet.

A tip of the hat, I suppose, is at least warranted for it's unique standing.


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Calm down Jueng wanna be

>fucking masculine, testoterone producing men in the asshole with your big throbbing cock is not an act of dominance.


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You William Shakespeare now or what?

>i'm not sure weather
it's actually 'whether' but overall good blog post user. subscribed

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Woulda been 10/10 if you raped him right there.

On a phone, autocorrect is the blooper reel of RL.

i assert my autism by calmly and quietly suffering others bullshit until i finally snap and yell at them

unironically, this

Tell me about this dictionary that autocorrects whether to weather