Stellar vs nano arguments without mentioning sjw. Go.
Stellar vs nano arguments without mentioning sjw. Go
Ess jay double (you)
also sjws
I've noticed that nowadays when I see the abbreviation "SJW", I read it as (((Secret Jew))). Anybody else?
nano wants to be a currency
stellar wants to be a transfer medium
the whole idea behind stellar is that you should be able to say: i have 5 oranges, and I want to send them to my friend, but he'll only accept apples. Make it happen.
and as long as the necessary anchors for converting oranges to lumens then to apples exist, stellar does that for you
stellar also has some rudimentary (not Turing-complete) smart contract logic
nano just wants to be used as an everyday currency
it wants to be fast and freeless
just do one thing and hopefully do it well
See and try to stay on topic next time.
With Stellar you get a decentralized exchange that accepts all types of assets. In big scale, it's essentially making a brick and mortar business into its own economy and making you responsible for your own supply/economy.
Couldn't they have at least gotten a passable tranny to play Lara Croft?
stellar is fundamentally flawed until it has a way to actually deliver the underlying assets.
This. Also:
Great explanation. Now do lumens have any business being worth a lot of money? Do they become a kind of reserve currency in this ecosystem?
I have no idea how either work but both seem to transact very fast and only one has had multiple exchange problems and hacks.
man i love this board
there needed to interact with the network, vote, register data or make orders on the dex and a bunch of other shit. its huge
lumens are what's used to move the assets geographically
so that you don't have to physically send apples and oranges
stuff is converted into lumens, transferred, then converted into something else
it doesn't matter how much a lumen is worth, as long as it's not zero
so no, they have no business being worth a lot of money
but yes, in some ways they are a reserve currency for the anchors
basically, if you're looking for moons and lambos, you should look elsewhere
but the tech and the ideas are pretty cool
they're the main group driving the idea of Federated Byzantine Agreement forward
in the same way BTC drove the idea of blockchains forward
it was the tech with the first-move advantage and battle-hardened enough for people to trust
stellar might have the same role for FBA, and I think FBA has a future
i only hold enough to play around with the tech an try the new things that get built
if you look at their whitepaper, you'll see how much math and emphasis on the tech there is
the devs love the tech and would keep working on it even if no-one paid them
the sjw stuff, you can just ignore
the important thing is the tech
but no matter how good the tech is, it doesn't mean lumens will be worth a lot of money
there could be good money for people who figure out how to use the tech well though
>stellar is fundamentally flawed until it has a way to actually deliver the underlying assets.
>until it has a way to actually deliver the underlying assets.
What do you mean? It is all done over the computer and the ledger. Anyone can become an anchor and issue assets. It's up to the anchors themselves to be trustworthy enough to be profitable. Anyone can become an anchor, bob the farmer or charlie the banker. Bob can issue token for carrots from his farm onto the ledger being exchanged on the DEX while Charlie can issue tokens to buy, for example, stock tokens. Again it depends on the anchors and how trustworthy they are, but that is an example of how Stellar is trying to make things flow smoothly across different platforms of assets
you just made such a great explanation is so small amount of words, nice
didn't made in-depth research of stellar because of general too much drama in crypto space, but scrolling /biz and other websites had some idea of it, but you just saved me 5 hours of reading in like 1 minute. thanks man
have to say this is kind of project from people who actually made it, and now want to bring something to the rest of the world, to not let them live horrible lives as they had on the way to success. I work in a similar company (founder made it through crime, corrupted governments, etc) and now makes real world business for young people to rise and shine through hard work
nice, man. thanks. appreciate
Stellar and Ripple are controlled by deepstate/bigmoney/jews. They will make sure it succeeds.
>comparing stellar with a currency coin
What this guy said. Stellar is also only second to eth in terms of nerd endorsement. All the nerds say the code is solid af. I gotta trust them on that one, couldn't tell good code from bad if my life depended on it
>Stellar vs nano arguments without mentioning sjw. Go.
why no secret jews?
reddit is better
Nano is dead on arrival. non-programmable money won't be easily integrated with current and future fintech, much of which will be of convenience to the end user.
Due to this, nano will die. It is also the reason fiat will die. Not due to ideology or being a deflationary asset, but due to being less functional.