Why do people eat these things raw?

why do people eat these things raw?

Because they're yum yum in our tum tums.

Figured I'd put out in terms you can understand, you manchild

enjoy your salmonella then

because they enjoy them. I personally don't, but live in an area with "good" oysters and can see why people enjoy them so...

enjoy your weak immune system and poor quality seafood

They have to be very fresh and you squirt 'em with lotzsa lemon. I still don't really like them that way though.

Squeeze of lemon and a dash of tabasco... Delish

i prefer clams, although i cannot eat oysters if they are cooked nastiest tasting things ever when cooked, scallops are however god tier raw

Ever had conch?

slap a lil cocktail sauce in there. you also have to drink the "liquor" from the shell.

If it can't kill the oyster it can't kill you

>Shallots in red wine vinegar
>black bread and butter
>Either a bloody mary or a dry white wine

One of my favourite things ever mate

Because generally speaking cooking them turns it into a disgusting, tasteless, rubbery dish.
They're best fresh with lemon.

>if it can't kill the slug it can't kill you

Absolutely retarded thinking. Oysters are yum yum tho.

In fact, most diseases that can travel from a host of one species to a host of another species tend to be *more* fatal. The disease usually has the interest to keep the host alive for as long as possible to spread around and gather more resources, they just fuck this up when they get introduced to another species with a different immunity system.

This is how many of the most devastating plagues to.. Plague humans have come to be, really. If it has anywhere near 50% fatality rate, you can just assume it evolved in a different species and then jumped species.

If you ever get the opportunity to go oyster tonging you should , you will never have a better oyster than one that you just pulled up from the bottom literally seconds ago.

no although if I saw it on a menu I would try it

Chew or swallow?

Chew, of course.

I've only ever had one of these and it was full of sand, it was like eating a handful of shrimp veins and it put me off forever

>"Are these fresh?"
>'Yes, they are raw.'
>"Bloody hell."

I just started eating them, they aren't bad raw, but not my favorite either. Prefer them with lime instead of lemon.

oysters give you cholerae, not salmonella

I enjoy eating things that are still alive. Oysters, monkeys, etc.

they taste good but man do they give me the shits

i have a craving for oysters now

this guy gets it. seafood is delicious