If Chris Chan made a cookbook

What recipes would be in it?

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Cum shots with Fanta chasers.

>Spicy Gamestop.
>Once can of mace.
>One Gamestop.
>One manager.
>Spray manager in face for half a second for not getting your toys you wanted.

Mcchicken stacker

What make them like jello shooters?

Would there be a section dedicated to sonic?

Would this be a drive thru item :^)

No, it's served at the bar. One shot of cum and then you take a swig of Fanta to make it go down easier. They also have Long Island's because that's all chris approves of.



sitting cake

Dirty crapped briefs would be his version of hamburger helper

This would definitely be in there somewhere

Chili Dogs with estrogen pills for beans and period blood for the sauce.

And his super special female cum for the cheese on top.

I get that his is chris-chan in the style of 'Saturn Devouring his Son' but what's the cup reference?

>he doesnt know about the straw of fail

Here we see the Subject's brilliant use of Proportion to define his status and express a sense of his own adequacy. Note the hazy brushes of rose above and below the mouth. Soft and subtle plays on his own slow and burgeoning dysphoria regarding gender. This is clearly a transformative time in the Artist's life where he feels himself subjected to society's whims and his quest for understanding in a world that has become increasingly dispassionate and impersonal towards fat dudes who write sonic fanfiction and spend a staggering majority of their social disability checks on Legos and Anime.

>someones slipping in their autism studies class


Sounds like you either write for ED or post at kiwi


>See also
>Retroactive continuity in Sonichu

Lots of spaghetti!

>Wounded taint sliders

>that Chronos devours his children reference

>these spicy meatballs are sure to burn the house down

You guys gotta watch this


An omelet that turns out to be scrambled eggs from falling apart but only half of it makes it to the plate because most of it got stuck in the pan

Fixed that for you.