So she fucking lost

im 29 now with a masters degree, I make about 330k a year in the south, which is big, my crypto/stock money equals around 4,033,000million. how do I get back at the fuck up that left me after college? how do I make her suffer? pic related

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she made you into the man you are. you should be grateful

you could get her pregnant then leave the country?

she is just a hippy with rich family she could never follow, i want to make the whore suffer.
she would have just hid that.

By existing and doing your own thing, making her realize you've become successful in her absence and, worst yet, don't even think about her anymore.

Seriously, any type of "revenge" you could pull just signals to her you're a pathetic virgin asshole, desperate for her attention.

this. but also, this is pathetic if not a larp. you're successful and still mad over some average broad? pathetic.

>she lost
You claim to be doing great and yet here you are thinking about her nonstop even though you never even cross her mind.
She won.

Looks like shes hitting the wall. Don't bother doing anything; shes fucked anyways.

unironically this

you could shit on her lawn?

You are boasting on this website about money.

You want to revenge your ugly ex-gf.

You have already lost.

this. time to grow up op

The desu

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Reconnect with her, start hitting it off and hinting at your wealth (send her pics of you in expensive clothes/watches/car but don't just say "I'm doing great now"). Once she seems interested invite her to a very nice dinner at an upscale restaurant. Don't showup for dinner. If you have her on social media post yourself out with your boys and then delete her the next morning. Bonus points if you fuck a tinder thot and post pics on social media the same night you blow her off. Basically you want to make her interested in your worth and then fucking destroy her hopes and dreams.

this 100%

Geez the larps get worse every day

>roll up in a lambo with a 10/10 qt3.14
>she notices you and says hi
>hmm u look familiar, do i know u?
>she is btfo eternally

yee she's ugly as fuck. I felt bad about one of my past flings until today thanks OP. Apparently the women I sleep with aren't that bad, OPs ex is fucking beat.

Just have fun with your money in places she wishes she was. Post to instagram once or twice a week at least having fun. with beautiful girls.

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bitch looks like a meth addict. you need to move on cuck

>tfw your meme coin investments are 5% of total global wealth

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Date one of hers friends, it'll eat her up inside lol
>Do it OP

The best revenge is a happy life

sage, hidden, reported. this fuckin r9k shit needs to stop

Start charging rent for her living in your head.

Don't do it user. No need to add more pain into this world. She's probably just a fucked up individual and who's massively insecure. That's more sad than anything else

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Jim Profit:
"Vengeance is a tool of the weak"

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underrated post

continue being successful
don't waste any time on a worthless being like her or you'll end up like Gatsby
you'll know you've won when she contacts you out of the blue

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You are me. I can't wait to do this .

Try to think of something she always wanted. Could be a trip or a gift. Give it to her hottest friend and proceed to fuck her brains out. Give the friend specific instructions not to tell your ex. She will eventually, because women. One day you'll be chilling on facebook and a little window will pop-up
>"You're a fucking asshole"

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buddy just move on. The fact you care shows you're not over her and she will keep winning until you stop giving a fuck.

You know this is really unfunny but the question mark at the end legitimately had me laughing my ass off for some reason kek


transition into a trap and take her bf

True bizrael

Did she have polio as a child? What the Fuck is wrong with her arm you Maggot!!!

user, she isn't a whore, and the proof is that she didn't, want you. Rejecting you also goes to show that she's a well adjusted human being. Just do everyone a favor and move on

you still love her so try get back to her?

i don't see why you'd want to get back to her for any other reason, just for leaving you

but you can likely nail a better bitch now, but "around 330k" and especially "around 4,033,000million" sound somewhat larpy so w/e

but rly just ignore her and lead a successful life she knows about if you want her to feel like shit. make sure she doesn't know you want her to know. also get a bitch better looking than her kek

Literally this.

Just add her on social media, and being that annoying gloating dick all over your wall

"Check out my new ride guys! Ain't she a beat!?"

"Taking some me time in Taiwan, isn't this view great?"

"Dinner is on me tonight! 5 stars too! What can I say? I'm just a generous guy"

"This painting cost 400k. It will look great with the others in my collection!"

Honestly though that will just make it blatantly obvious that you hate yourself, and that people were shit to you.

The only way to TRULY win, is to enjoy your life.... which if you have 4 mil in the bank why the fuck wouldn't you be enjoying your life?

Fuck I would quit my job if I had 4 mil.... but that's just me, the minimalist philosopher type.

that'll literally just signal her how much op still loves her and wants to impress her lol

She's disgusting. You have money. Go fall in love with a stripper in vegas.

>. Has up to 4 million in stocks which would provide massive dividends for enough passive income to retire like a king..
> Still works a high stress job.


Seriously. It sounds like he is living a meme life for other people. OP is the shell of a man trying to define himself with revenge, and money. But alas, he is but a cold, and lonely man, who HUNGERS for the delicate touch of the average looking woman he once called is lover, his partner...... his other half.

Dude this is the chick you are upset over?

I'm homophobic and would give a hand job to a dude before I'd fuck her

odd cuz i find the bitch gorgeous, and also have 4m networth like op

That's a man baby

I think it's just a bad pic. She looks trashy in that dress

You need to fix your eyesight or your standards. There is a reason she is covering half that mug with her hair.

Honestly just let her find out how rich you are and date a 10/10. Make her jealous and regretful for leaving you, that will torment her.

You obviously still have feelings for her though

How do you get passive income with that? Please help.

Why do you care?

Lol right

Money doesn't magically fix your problems..suck it up, you will never get her back

best you can find is some hookers with your money

forget she exists, that's the ultimate revenge: when their very life is utterly insignificant to you yet they have to look back and wish they didnt leave you

The best revenge is living a great life faggot. Having these revengeful thoughts are pretty normal but just observe them. As you do this they will melt away and you’ll realize what a waste of time and energy it is to try and “get back,” at any ex for dumping you. If she molested your little sister, fine, find her and fuck her up, but if she just left you that’s life, man. People leave each other every day. If you seek revenge for something as normal as that you’ll look beta as fuck and she’ll only be reinforced that leaving you was the correct decision. Stay away from her and win you fucking loser. Trust me, she’ll find out if you win and when and if you do (you kind of already have) she may get try to slither back to you. In which case, you can tell her to fuck off.

I have always wondered if that's real. Would be fucking hilarious.

Put all in neo, receive 4% dividend in gas per year lol. Or spread around other passive income coins when all in neo is too risky.

Are you serious? She looks like pure trash, why even spend energy thinking about a cow like that?

You don’t sound like a winner op, thinking about some bitch when you got all the cash.