Was randomly browsing richkidsofinstagram

Was randomly browsing richkidsofinstagram...


Both the fact that I will never have the insane riches of some of these late teens early 20s but I also found a connection in all of the photos they post.

Almost none of these kids have pictures with friends. It's nothing but them flying to or hanging out in some paradise by themselves.

It's weird isn't it? Even if you make it you can't share the experience with others without worrying about if they are really your friend or just a leech?

What's the point of it all Veeky Forums?

Attached: richkidsofinsta.jpg (748x374, 94K)

friendship is overrated
having lot of money underrated

Coming to terms with the fact I actually may one day have a lot of money has been a weird experience. I have spent my whole life making deep friendships with people, and we have all struggled to make ends meet.
Now that I might actually one day have millions (I already have 6 figures) I have had to totally reassess my fantasies.
Like, if I bought a huge decadent mansion, I realised it might actually isolate me from all the people I am close to who are still struggling. I have wound back my fantasies to just buying a "quite nice" house that won't be so lavish that it will make people uncomfortable. That's a weird thing to get your head around, would never have thought of it prior to crypto.

Stop coping OP, these kids have plenty of friends — they are just like you, but have more money to do things with their crew.

Also they dont want the focus to ever be away from then on IG.

Yeah, right. It's almost like it's an advertisement with using a single person as a model, right? It's almost like a professional photographer is taking the pictures, not a friend.
Really mobilizes your pecans.


stop proyecting op
these people have a shit ton of friends
anyone would be their friend if they get to sit on the side of an expensive car
humans are very objective
stop using slave morality to cope

6 figure crew here, same boat
crazy feeling huh

Their friends just are out of frame.

Attached: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpics.astrologymemes.com%2Fnathan-fielder-nathanfielder-out-on-the-town-having-the-t (500x522, 95K)

Oh no doubt that some have friends that are on their level... but what about when you start from bottom and suddenly become wealthy?

This is definitely what worries me. Time has already distanced me from most of the friends from my younger years. The ones I still keep in touch with struggle. Is life just easier lived as upper-middle class vs being an elite? Is there such thing as too much money?

True happiness is growing up with genuine love and interest from your parents. Growing physically and mentally through school and sport. Getting friends on the way and finding a woman who loves you about the man you become .

These richkids are only are rich. None of the rest what really gives true happiness.

Don't worry, you will die poor and lose all of your friends like moat gambling addicts who had a couple of wins.

>huge narcissists like to take photos of themselves
Holy shit someone give OP the Nobel Prize. Also genocide of self-centered subhumans when? Altruistic utopia NOW.

I feel you OP!
>Did the slave route of BSc.
>Did the slave route of MSc.
>Currently 24, reaching 25.
>Have helped a company 5x their turnover.
>Didnt get a raise because they didnt feel like it.
>Have some friends who have either inherited or parents just gave them resources (money, apartment).
>Be in a survival situation, because dont have such addons.

The thing is that i find some kind of motivation in life that i have earned everything myself. I went to a shitty job on a bike just to buy a 700 USD car. It feels good to own something that you have gained yourself and not without help.

Sadly i have had times when im at home, lighting up the cigarette and drinking some whisky alone. The realization what i have made is that life is a lottery ticket. Some kids get the lottery win of having rich parents or inherit something good because someone in the past did all the work. Now this is some über philosophical post what im writing here, but life is a cycle.

>Eg. person becomes a millionaire.
>Kids leech the money.
>A new person becomes a millionaire.

The cycle continues. I am in the poor cycle atm since i havnt got any help (only by raising). Had to pay all of the UNI fees and buy all the essential stuff, drivers license, computer. Currently renting a shitty apartment. Looking to buy myself a home (but it will take around 2-3 years of slaving). Also trying to make my own business. Sadly i also hear stuff like.

>Kid gets help, spends all of the money on pointless stuff.

I guess its fair to say that life just sucks. I am also dealing with the reasoning, is there any point even to wagecuck 5x times a week. Im currently looking for a 3x times a week work just to have some fun and not wagecuck all the time. You know do whatever you want.

>I have 100,000 dollars
>'bout to buy a 2 million dollar mansion

If I "make it" with crypto, I will have the full package. High IQ, a deep philosophical and theological mind, and capital to use as a tool to extend my ideas into the world in whatever way I please.

I wouldn't give a fuck, I would never complain/will never complain when I get money.

give me my money, so I can get the fuck away from all of these degenerate monkey people.

> life is unfair

Veeky Forums is making some groundbreaking discoveries this evening


This shit is old as fuck. Like 2014 maybe. I know some poorfags like OP want this kind style of living. But we're about to reach 2020, where technology will reach a point in where only a decent monthly earning could give you enough comfort to live. You know what's unique and rare these days? intelligence. Mix it with study and you have something really special.

It’s sort of like the paradox of being a woman. Yes, they have life on easy mode but it’s not completely without risk. 1/4 of the month they bleed out of their vag and could potentially get pregnant from some random Chad.

No they don't. If any of theee faggots had real friends, their friend would punch them in the face for posting narcissistic, self indluglent wank on Instagram.

It's not the fact that they have money, it's that i can guarantee anybody who feels the needs to post staged check out my wealth images on Instagram would be absolutely unbearable to be around for more then 5 minutes. Unless you're using them for their money of course.

Family is everything.

I worked sooo many 9-5s (usually 10-12hr shifts actually) going through my late teens and 20s. Now i'm a 33 year old still living with parents. I pay a mediocre rent and all my own bills/insurances/utilities/food but fucking kill me if i'll ever go back to wagecucking. Crypto has made me enough this past year where I could just vacation and live pretty well for the next few years but then what?

Yeah I absolutely agree. I mean there are probably a few genuine "elites" out there I just feel the vast majority are what you are describing.

I don't know many rich people but I feel like being born with it versus earning it creates a completely different individual.

i love you Veeky Forums

thanks for BTFOing OP's pathetic "money doesn't make you happy" coping

Best post in the thread

2nd best post in the thread

Über philosophical replier here.

Yeah you see ive made the realization that wagecucking is a depressing path to take.

>Wagecucking so that other people can live off of you.

Funny enough from my last post i went to the HR and handed over my resignation. They talked me out of it 4x times but still no raise in salary. Quite amusing. But next time (in the following weeks) i will just hand it over and say fuck off.

The thing is that:
>Wagecuck for 1000 USD per month (example).
>An apartment costs 100k USD.
> You need to work about 5 years just to get the resources.

You digg? The reason for you to wagecuck is just so you can pay someone else the hard worked money so that they can continue their free lifestyle. I know this post is really fucking depressing, but thats the truth. Young kids are already realizing this. In my country there was a statistics. 30% of 18 to 23 year old youngsters are unemployed? Why? They dont give a shit anymore. I had a relative who lived their whole life by just taking loans. When he died, the loan was deleted. He hadnt worked for 30 years but had loaned around 500k USD. Dont ask me how he did it, but he did it. Its insane to think that he totally ignored the poor way and just lived a comfy life by doing whatever the fuck he wanted. He tried to do 3 businesses which failed, but had all the things he wanted. A house, a car, could travel what not.

People are getting smarter and smarter which means that the economy is going to fuck itself up if salaries dont get a raise. People are realizing that the math:

Wagecuck = Monthly Salary - Expenses

It just doesnt work anymore. People start to realize its easier to do something shitty and work on your own business or projects to earn money from others. When the poor realize that basically everything they are doing is just so that the top dogs earn (businesses projects) then the market will crash overall. Wait and see soon there will be a fuckery.

How bout you extend your hand deep into your ass and pull your head out from there

If you don't care about being in another country, you can lower your cost of living by going to bali/thailand/insert SEA country, and keep on trading crypto and don't look back. Been 3 years in Thailand, fucking whores, dating bitches on tinder and most importantly, trading crypto to sustain this lifestyle. Had never looked back.

Attached: download (1).jpg (301x167, 18K)

Yeah at this point I think the only way i'm not going to neck myself is to start and run my own business. It will be a bumpy start as far as habit-forming and generating my own willpower and goals because iv'e wasted so many years just having someone else tell me what to do.

I used to look around at my old workplaces and could see that some people genuinely enjoyed what they were doing. Maybe it gave them enough purpose to have achieve enough happiness to get through life.

Some people may be wired to accept that lifestyle I just simply cannot anymore. Iv'e had to walk off jobs from full blown panic/anxiety attacks just because I felt like I was going nowhere.

>I've gone 50x in the last 9 months, I may go 20x in the rest of my life.

Definitely something I have considered. I mean you can survive on like $5-10 a day in some of those places. Unfortunately I think I would suffer from a really bad case of being homesick and away from family.

I'll bet you watch a lot of netflix, and think that popular documentaries are deep.

Attached: opressivelaugh.png (491x488, 328K)

How much did you make? Did you pay Thai taxes?

Dat (((nose))) lmao

No need to live like a Pajeet, you can sustain a middle class lifestyle here at 20% of the cost of EU/US/AUS. Used to have the same homesick concerns, but when you feel that liberty and sensation of not being chained down and being defined by what your job is, you just don't care anymore.

Shifted from the emo existential nihilistic thoughts of "Life has no meaning, fuck everything" to "Life has no meaning, fuck yeah, time to carve out my own path"


I like your comment user:
"Life has no meaning, fuck yeah, time to carve out my own path"

Thats what the fuck im going to do as well. Too bad i realized at 24-25. But never too late right. Poor will be poor (normies) and you need to do something to gain from them. Capitalism at its finest.

How did you go about things like health insurance and seeing doctors/dentists? To be honest going to some place that doesn't speak english is a bit terrifying as well.

>the guy who made summit ice jackets is a jew
No fucking shit.

Attached: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fewedit.files.wordpress.com%2F2015%2F10%2Fnathan-for-you.jpg%3Fw%3D800%26h%3D450& (800x450, 297K)

I got lucky with Antshares, now generating enough Gas that sustains my day to day lifestyle of around 10k usd p/a. Sold my home in Australia, that was 20% paid off, now 100% all in crypto, with around 1/3 of the stack to swing trade, 1/3 ico flips, and 1/3 short-medium term flips. 50% gains go into NEO/ETH/BTC evenly. The rest become entertainment/travel back money.

I'm paying Australian tax when I exit from crypto > fiat there, as I have plans to keep my citizenship and go back there eventually when my stack is big enough or I get sick of this airbnb semi nomadic middle class lifestyle.

Trannies fly in from around the world to go to Thai doctors. They're Asian, I'm sure there's no need to worry about your health there. Just eat some tiger penis soup and you'll feel invincible.

Healthcare in major cities are world class, and definitely cheaper than US if you are from there. Had a crown inserted in my molar just last month, was only 100 USD.

>To be honest going to some place that doesn't speak english is a bit terrifying as well.

That's the major con, I will always be an outsider and never fully integrate into their society. Socialization comes with mingling with expats here, but most are retirees with their Thai wife and halfbred kids, or temp workers that blow their entire salary on partying and thinking they are millionaires. Friends are easy to find if you have similar interests, as you don't have a large pool to be picky, so most are very welcoming.

Ah yes nothing better than having friends you can't visit cause your cars registration is expired. Who needs money right ? t.Stuck in life

they're all dead inside, what's left is the husk which is then clothed in nice stuff and transported around in expensive vehicles. i bet they're bored to death and wouldn't trade my farmer's life for theirs ever. the feeling of accomplishment one gets after completing some work by oneself, the personal caractheristics and resillience one acquires when encountering life-problems is what makes a person.
not driving around in helicopters and buying clothes. they're boring and have got nothing to say in a conversation.
i actually feel sorry for them, overly materialistic people

>around 10k usd p/a
This is enough? In bkk?

Bounce between Jomtein and Changmai. Food, rent, electricity, transportation, internet, phone and visa runs.

Yeah this plus I don't think you're allowed to bring cameras into the underage Virgin sacriforgy

wish this was me LOL

>my definition of happiness is the only right one

Thread full of poorfag cope lmfao

That is why you need strict rich parents and a lot of brothers and sisters. Family of traditional values shall always prevail.

Attached: 1185568[1].jpg (640x480, 69K)

what the fuck is that money bath, nobody fucking does that

Attached: 1519919905569.png (313x400, 125K)

Anons that live in the USA or Europe don't know how lucky they are.

Here, in a shit-hole called Uruguay we have to wagecuck for a hole month for just over 1k usd and housing, food and crime is high as fuck.

So we spend our time hiding in our expensive homes with the little money we have with almost no chance to make it big or at least save for a home.

I have to work for 50 hundred years and save everything I get just to buy a small home.

"New money" is so disgusting. At least a few centuries ago the aristocracy had class and good taste

What's funny is that these kids are almost guaranteed to blow their family fortunes. They will be peasants again in one generation.

Attached: bitch.gif (200x200, 393K)

A few centuries ago the aristocracy were a bunch of inbred retards. They've always been that way.

altruism is evil and Part of collectivism

>lots of money
>no friends

sounds perfect to me

>People are getting smarter and smarter

This is what millennials actually believe.

>Wait and see soon there will be a fuckery.

The fuckery is the collapse of welfare and the return of poverty. That 30% jobless 'youngster' gonna get the ride of a lifetime.

yeah it does not make you happy, you actually have to work at something to get the feels of achievement

heh where I live you need 2 mill for a shit box house....and 4 mill for an ok one, 14~20 mill for a mansion....