Getting diabetes?

I go to a Wendy's near my work once every week or two for lunch. I get a Diet Coke because I don't like sugary sodas and grew up with the stuff, but they give me a coke at the drive through like 60% of the time.

Anyway, I'm 27 and hate working. I make okay money but the idea of working for another 40 years is so depressing I want to kill myself.

I started wondering if I could sue them for messing up my order (I hate normal coke and end up tossing it so it kind of wrecks the meal), but obviously that's not going to happen. But I thought about it longer and came to the conclusion that I could probably sue them if their mistake had an impact on my health.

So I'm thinking about trying to develop diabetes so I can go to the drive through and say "Diet Coke please, I have a medical condition and can't have normal coke" enough times until they invariably mess up. I'd film it too and save the evidence.

Only problem is, I'm not sure how to get diabetes in the fastest and most efficient way. I'm 5'11" and 190 lbs so I could stand to lose weight but I don't look like a complete fat ass and don't want to get diabetes by making myself super obese. Plus, I figure it I get diagnosed with diabetes I can try to reverse it or at least be even healthier than I am now.

Any suggestions or tips? I started putting sugar in almost all my foods as of 3 days ago (even put 4 sugar packets in my Subway sandwich, which was not as gross as you'd think).

Thanks Veeky Forums

You'll probably just get fat m8.

Not everyone gets diabetes despite what your doctor tells you.

>You'll probably just get fat m8.
>Not everyone gets diabetes despite what your doctor tells you.
That's what I'm worried about. I have a diabetic uncle, but that's about it in terms of family history.

There's got to be a way to do it without destroying the rest of my body.

Fastest way of getting diabetes PRO TIPS:

>Get a syringe, preferably used and from a park
>Heat a pan
>Add sugar and water in a 2:1 ratio
>cook sugar until medium rare
>Fill syringe with the cooked sugar
>Inject straight into your veins

Author's note: For maximum diabetes experience, try putting a gun to your head and pressing the trigger after!

Diabetes will fuck up your whole body on its own. Type I could be linked to certain viral infections, but that's not gonna happen for you. You'll want to aim for type II, which is due to insulin insensitivity. Usually happens with fat folks who pound so much sugar into their bodies that the insulin they make to counteract that starts getting ignored by their bodies, but you don't have to be fat to get it. Artificially sweetened food will spike your insulin up a bit, and in fact can result in diabetes as much as sugary drinks. Kill a few liters of diet soda a day and you'll be there in a couple years. This shit takes time, unfortunately.

There's a spot reserved in hell for you.

>Artificially sweetened food will spike your insulin up a bit, and in fact can result in diabetes as much as sugary drinks.
Not true at all, the studies suggesting this are correlative and pretty flimsy. Just like the ones suggesting diet soda makes people eat more, when really it is probably the study group (ie fat people trying to wait drink diet coke and eat like pigs).

If you're not careful, you'll mess yourself up pretty bad unless OP has lots of practice with self administered intravenous access. Dextrose is pushed for hypoglycemic emergencies, and if you miss or infiltrate, you'll end up with black necrotic spots. Do what's safe. Boof a gallon of sugar water every 4 hours.

Just take your pancreas out.

Ah, I can see that, yeah. I'm talking at least a little out of my ass, but it's not like this is a serious thread anyways.

I know this is a troll , and you are wanting attention Because you are actually invisible in the real world and non one really cares what happens to you, that being the case :

tell me where you live ..if you really want to die I will help you do it ...I have a friend who is slowly dying of renal failure ...her quality of life is crap because her body is now falling to pieces ...and you want to get diabeetus because you think you wont have to work anymore for suing over sugar ..the precedent for this kind of law suit has already been set and it has failed....
NOW on the big picture tell me where you live I will humanely end your life and then have you organs harvested ..janey will get her new kidneys and I am absolutely sure I can find people who need to the rest of your spares .
your eyes ,lungs, heart , liver and the rest to numerous to type ... all because you are a weak little fuck who needs this much attention on a fucking cooking board.....

TL:DR where do you live ? you worthless fuck ?

PS . with diabeetus . they will start cutting parts of you off because of shitty circulation so before you fuck up all the body parts I need ...WHERE do you live ??

Controlled diabetes isn't that big of a deal. I've researched this topic a lot and it is the people who don't control type 2 diabetes that have the issues.

Sorry about your friend's anal failure, if you really cared that much you'd donate one of yours.

>anal failure

wrong , do more research..even controlled you will have shitty circulation and a host of other issues ,,, also I abused steroids when I was young...I have 80 percent on one and under 62 percent on the other...even with eating super healthy I may not see 60 and that is only a couple of decades I am not an still have not said where you are....

It was a joke and you're a dumb fuck, I doubt you could take a life, much less write a coherent sentence.

Why don't YOU tell us where you live?

Come get me loser

1117 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101

>1117 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101

ya right ... in a warehouse next to a curio shop..
to you it may seem like a joke but to someone else . your life would be an easy trade for hers ...most of you live is a little protected bubble . and say and do shit with no real repercussions . but sooner or later you will have to operate in the real world and not behind a keyboard or your phone.. and then you realize that real life and the real world isn't a nice place or a safe one...and that your life only has value to you ...and really to no one else. because no one really cares anymore. I would gladly sacrifice your life so that janey could live...because her life valueable to me...

I'm actually very sorry your friend is sick but this is the wrong place to schizophrenically vent about it. Everyone is just going to make fun of you. The guy you were originally so upset at was just posting his story as a joke. You should relax and stay positive for Janie ^_^

This reads like it was written by fucking Tommy Wiseau. My god, you need to stop fucking posting.

I'll be there in 30 minutes. Get ready for the storm kiddo, they call me Death Storm for a reason that will soon be made very apparent to you

Your friend is dying and you aren't going to donate to save her live?

Ureter gotta be kidneying me! People like you should be sent to a renal colony, maybe then you'd learn how to be a decent person through hard work and punishment.

It cause he's like a storm of death!

I'm not afraid of you, chief. They call me a serial rapist for seven reasons that you will soon have intimate knowledge of.


I might not be able to give you diabetes but I can sure as hell give you aids

saddle up, boys

>all that bait itt
Funny thing is, diet coke probably has an even higher chance of causing diabeetus than regular coke, so Jamal is saving your life everyday. Sweeteners, not even once

Yeah give yourself diabetes and the rest is easy money

> destroy my body so I don't have to work

Lots of people destroy their bodies from work e.g.: sitting all day, manual labor, exposure to deleterious substances, night shifts, etc