Wake up, you fucking wagebitch. You need to get to work to pay for all of us NEETs
Wake up, you fucking wagebitch. You need to get to work to pay for all of us NEETs
>remember when tumblr was socialist and Veeky Forums was capitalist? good times
Veeky Forums has always and will always be a NEET website.
Gotta admit I may be a broke, jobless 22 year old but at least I sleep easy at night knowing I don't have to wagecuck my life away. Feels good
technically you're not a NEET if you're investing in shit, you're an investor :thonkface:
Fuck off, I am trying to become a RICH NEET supported by my own property, not gubment gibs you dirty commie.
>feels good
I just got to work 20% is heading your way
So am I. But in the meantime I'll take gubment gibs too. It's basically free money. Why wouldn't you take it?
>tfw do literally nothing for 95% of my day
>"work" is also extremely easy on the rare occasion I do have some
>get paid $1000/week
NEETs do not know true living
how can you be so cruel to us
I have a do nothing job too, but I would still rather be doing nothing from home, or better yet, doing one of the many things that are important to me that wagecucking keeps me away from.
Well you got me there. Even Ayn Rand took the gibs. Just don't let it hold you back from working hard pulling long hours, getting raises and promotions, swinging up jobs, and living a completely frugal and minimalistic lifestyle until you have accumulated so much wealth you consider yourself to have made it for life.
>if you look in the archive, you see that OP has been doing this for the past few months every single day at around the exact same time
>literally the definition of a dumb, stupid frogposter
Highly doubt that you do nothing 95% of your work day, on the very rare case that's true you won't have a job for long, whatever company/person you're working for would be at a huge loss paying you 1k per week while you only worked a few mins per day.
This is literally half of people what are working. Like 10% of employees do 90% of the work.
Been there, done that.
Its fucking soul destroying.
I would much rather earn nothing, and be free to do what I like with my time, as opposed to sitting at a desk pretending to work.
Enjoying literally wasting your life.
It is called the Pareto principal. In general it is the highest IQ at the top.
I'll be taking a cut of that for my seasonal unemployment, thank you! I work as much in 6 months as you do all year when I do work though.
What does this make me?
I use the time to read, learn, browse and otherwise do whatever I would at home. Its exactly the same as when I was neet but now I get paid and I wear nice clothing. When I get home (4:05pm) and on weekends I'm free to pursue all my hobbies that I couldn't previously afford.
It's not the same. Its fucking horrible. Its like literally going to prison every day. I've done it. You're forced to go to a shitty office and sit at your desk for 8 hours.
If you enjoy that shell of an existence, then all power to you.
I for one, haven't been happier since I quit.
Tfw I quit my job last Thursday and have more money in crypto than I need to live.
Gonna use this opportunity to build skills and start freelancing. Feels good boys
what do you store in the file?
i'm really sad today, i don't like this weather, is to cold, i;m just staying here and wait the spring and my portfolio to grow, adding skycoin was a smart move, read about it and you will understand
Shut up and put the new cover sheet on the TPS reports, bitch
A human bean
Just got a text from the boss man no work today due to rain fuck yes
>all I have to do is be locked in a box for 40% of all waking hours
suit yourselves. I'm a lot happier being poor and a prisoner to my room. Not to mention having to live with other people because I couldn't afford to rent a place to myself
>Pretending to work
Why would companies pay for people that do nothing? If someone has a job that is 90% do nothing, they could just give their tasks to someone else and give him a small raise.
hobbies cost little to no money unless you're a consumerist normalfag
building shit is what makes life worth living, i have more respect for the wagecuck who busts his ass than for the wagecuck who thinks he beat the system by wasting his life doing nothing
here's a hint: beating the system would have been buying eth one year ago and not have to go to an office for the rest of your life
>cost little to no money
right. Enjoy your romanticised life in a log cabin doing fuck all. I'm physically at work (which isn't an office btw) doing things I still enjoy doing until mid afternoon when I leave to continue doing things I enjoy doing. If that's wasting my life I don't want to know what isn't
Hey, I come here for the constant emotional abuse, not the positive affirmation. What the fuck, dude?
Welcome to corporations
NEET reporting in
Literally costs nothing, just go to a beach/lake and swim underwater and hold your breath.
You can buy surfboards for pretty cheap used online, I have an old surfboard in my house so it actually would be completely free.
Roastie tier.
Watches are a meme/have no use at all in the current year. Also how are watches a hobby? Sure maybe building watches is but buying watches really isn't.
Redneck meme. Boring as shit and rarely fun, don't really see why anyone likes it.
You were tricked into slaving your whole life away, pretty sad.
Why? This crypto market is currently a goldmine
>liquid assets
>unregulated day trading
>super fucking volatile
You don’t go a day without turning profit. Assuming you aren’t stupid and lose your money. But then again, that’s why you have a job
>get paid $80 an hour to make a solutions architect's life absolutely miserable
I wouldn't change a thing OP. Whatever floats your boat.
>it's a bad hobby if I don't like it
bet OP votes republican and hates those who take welfare
I too think a life wage slaving is a life wasted, but NEETs need to realise they are a stain on society
Hey I haven't used medical services in over ten years because I keep Veeky Forums. As far as I see, I still pay for shitkickers and I'm a NEET. I guess I have 2 degrees, but I'm not a wagecuck faggot
Keep sleeping, once you wake, you will be weighed down with debt and servitude cuck. Ima keep earning n investing
Keep telling yourself
what a shit argument, will keeping fit make you immortal? No, you will have to use medical services eventually- unless you go private, in which case fair enough
And how are you a NEET if you have 2 degrees?
>And how are you a NEET if you have 2 degrees?
Welcome to reality.
What do you do?
If he is retarded enough to pursue two degrees it's not really that surprising
its a reality if you pick garbage degrees sure
It's worth throwing away the money spent on you to help the people who are actually trying to improve their lives.
I have a b.med master pharmacy and I trade for a living. I paid off all my debt with trading. Hate me.