ITT: We write a letter to the IRS
ITT: We write a letter to the IRS
hey hEY HEY
Firstly, Eat a dick
I fucked a poop
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma...
I don't own crypto
Hitler did nothing wrong.
I’ll lick your poopy butt and make sure your vanilla hoppy fart
I am the natural living man, and I will not be silenced
The semetic attacks on our hard earned money needs to stop
However, I do declare, that...
Your auditors are cute
Enormous smelly vagina withering in the sun
Niggers niggers niggers.
I used to own a nigger when I was 14. His name was Young Cheesy and he would say Ch-YEAH!! Ayyyyyyy!!
I'm a sovereign citizen and do not recognize your legal authority
huge gaping gay nigger tits deep within my scrumptious little vaganus
And there is more!
They glow in the dark
BUT this is not to say that
Even if you use a wonton, she can still get prego
Northeast, backing north, 4 or 5, increasing 6 at times.
Sea state
Moderate, occasionally rough.
Showers later.
Now we begin the treasure hunt
For all the suicide corpses you cause
I have information regarding multiple people committing tax fraud. Please subpoena the financial records of "binance" and any other crypto-currency platform, so that you can conduct a proper audit of the individuals in question. I also suggest working with ISPs to locate people who use the website Veeky this is where many people concoct their schemes which deprive the U.S. government of the funds it needs to keep our nation strong, happy, and safe.
Yours truly, a concerned patriot.
user what the fuck