Every day now I get notifications that a Russian IP address is failing to log into my account. It seems a lot of users claim to have this problem. It is still happening to me as of today. I havent had any funds on there in a while and have a completely unique password, but the same email as some other places. Are people here also experiencing this?
Cryptopia Problems
I wouldn't use this exchange until they sort out their problems. People have withdrawals and deposits that have been stuck for months. Now reports of account hacks occurring.
They should cease operation until everything has been rectified. They're just losing users now.
yeah me too, good I thing I don't use that piece of shit and has 2fa configured anyways
I'm getting the same OP. As long as 2fa is set up, don't stress
same problem here, luckily I dont keep anything on this piece of shit
kek he should get his socks right
there’s a Reddit thread where cryptopia deny there’s been a leak KEK
Obviously it’s a massive attack. Why not start banning the IP addresses.
It may not be a leak. My email address was involved in a lot of hacks.
Same here.
i know they keep saying it must be from a different leak. It's pretty obviously something that happened with them though right? This is a good example of one reason why you should always use different passwords/emails for different exchanges. I'd be shitting bricks if there was any crossover
yeah you don't have to take 2x the risk on 2 positions
and if reward 1 is hit do you move the stoploss to break even?
>double top is too clean
there's are no such things as "too" or shit like "it must come down" there are no 100% scenarios in finance
jesus fuck you retards need to take a risk management class first and maybe a math and probability one also
you fuckers are like writing a book before you can read
It's never happened to me probably cos I'm not pajeet or la creatura.
>People have withdrawals and deposits that have been stuck for months
This is only the case with shitcoins with either broken blackchains or terrible wallet systems. They have been very slow with transactions in general in the past, but they had a massive upgrade to their systems a few weeks ago and most transfer times were reduced from a day or two, to just a few hours. Some still hover around half a day but it's the shittier coins, usually.
It's very likely that somebody has obtained a list of usernames, but that's all they have - just the usernames. So if you never gave your password to some shady site you're still fine. Furthermore, 2FA.
>This is a good example of one reason why you should always use different passwords/emails for different exchanges
Absolutely 100 times this. This is important with any sensitive/important account information on the web, but even more so when we're talking about money/assets. With crypto, it's easier than every to transfer massive amounts of wealth with the click of a button because somebody didn't take proper security steps. 2FA everything, have strong, unique passwords for everything, and preferably use different usernames as well.
yeah, me too.
it seems like an id list must have been compromised.
Same, but I also noticed one from Gemini last night, too. Same email. Made sure 2FA was active and used different PW, but fuck man. If the market isn't fucking me scammers are trying.
I use separate emails for all exchanges and consider myself safe. i am getting the same emails from cryptopia
Happening to me also, got fuck all on there so whatever
Russian here
its me. I do it on the personal orders from Putin
nothing personal