Jibrel Network

Are you still comfy when you see this chart?

Attached: Screenshot_20180319-131126_01.png (1770x844, 117K)

Yup. Didn't expect this to do anything anytime soon

So you haven't bought yet? Clever user

yep. I expect lower however

So comfy, whole market crashed . Jnt didn't even flinch

>Buy a coin shilled on /biz

I am suicidal, but not that suicidal.

>literally any alt chart from the past month

Are you still comfy when you see this chart?

What are you holding OP, I’m sure we can make the same exercise with your beloved shitcoins.

My beloved shitcoin is Bitcoin, Tether and Fiat since Jan. I know this is your first bear market and you have no clue what to do, but keep hodling. You will Join the hall of fame with your 90% loss portfolio soon enough.

congrats on this, seriously

haHA my 600$ went down the drain, should'a tethered

Feels good man, scooped most of my 100k stack on bottom

Eh i bought the initial dump when it went down to like 34k gwei so I'm not too worried

is this why the price suddenly pumped?

I was kinda hoping for it to get cheaper

No not me, I was gradually buying over the last month

Token is one month old and it came during a bearish market. Its a long term hold.

Its risky but I am still fine.

bibox is controlled by bots you dumb dumb haha hence why it didnt flinch in the market crash. No volume (no one is buying that + bibox bot) = no movement like many other pajeet meme coins

Are Veeky Forums that dumb?


The real question is why do some posters keep FUDing JNT? Why would you spend more than 2 minutes to post about it if its so shit?

I know the answer.

Holding. Hoping to get a masternode soon so I can get my new Quran and prayer mat

Masternode? Source?

there's not going to be master nodes unless something changed very recently

Biz is obsessive about fudding projects with actual potential. AMB, REQ, JNT...
Real shit coins don't get multiple fud threads a day.