Friend of mine still holds IOTA. I wrote him half an essay in mid fucking december about why it's a scam but he didn't sell.
Friend of mine still holds IOTA...
Does he by any chance own a fedora, a raspberry pi and never gets invited to parties?
Iota is about to be mentioned in the G29 summit, get fucked loser
>get fucked loser
The only reason he should need that coins that x10'd probably not going to pump much in the short term.
>Iota is about to be mentioned in the G29 summit
"It's being mentioned here and there. The toilet cleaner of company xyz said he knows someone who's heard of IOTA, so there's a partnership! TO THE MOON!"
Did you by any chance notice that the tangle doesn't work, will never work and that the token is entirely useless?
I have 10 iotas and Im waiting for the day when I can use those coins to tell my bosch coffee ground dispenser to order more beans on amazon for 0 transaction cost.
kek, painfully accurate.
That will be never.
Your bosch coffee machine will never have any input for that kind of crap, it's unnecessary junk. It's a fucking coffee machine. It also won't know which beans to order without your manual input. If you're doing manual input anyway, what do you need this retarded system for?
Last but not least at all: Even if the infrastructure existed and Bosch for some reason decided to use an inferior technology aka the tangle..........where does the IOTA token pop up in this equatation?
The token is what we baghold and say we helped fund it
>T. 13 Iotas
hey reddit, he was being sarcastic. lurk more
I was like 30% sure you were sarcastic but not fully sure since I actually read this shit without sarcasm on the IOTA subreddit sometimes when I peak in.
Thing is, I am German, I'm even an engineer. We like engineering, we even like over-engineering, but we don't like over-over-over-engineering. The whole thing is an ideological persuit, real life won't give a shit about it. :--DD
Besides I wonder if Sonstebo raped Schiener....... he looks a bit nervous and cucked all the time and I don't see what he gets out of it. Probably the crumbs only.
It's still in development and is obviously buggy, yet people here judge IOTA as if it's a finished product. If you believe it will achieve even a fraction of what it's setting out to do hold on. Bosch and Volkswagen are 2 massive REAL partnerships. I honestly don't give a fuck if you buy or not but the FUD is getting boring.
I went to a wedding on the weekend, one guy legit bought Bitconnect. He told me that a youtuber had recommended it and she stopped posting videos a while ago. I told him I was legit sorry and asked him when he sold. He didn't, he's waiting for a bounce to break even.
>It's still in development and is obviously buggy, yet people here judge IOTA as if it's a finished product
I don't know how to properly refute this argument in a way that you will understand most likely. Nano isn't finished either but it works. What exists of IOTA doesn't work. It's not even open source, for all you know there's a "give me 10 trillion IOTA" button somewhere in the closed source". Like there was a "seize funds" button. EL OH EL. Anyway I don't know how to refute this argument in a way that you'll understand most likely.
>If you believe it will achieve even a fraction of what it's setting out to do hold on.
Like magically giving you control over your own data and persuading companies like Facebook to give up on their entire market in favour of your muh Sonstebo's promises? .... why? How?
>Bosch and Volkswagen are 2 massive REAL partnerships.
Means absolutely nothing. "Partnership" is an empty word without specifying the nature of it. They might just be learning from IOTA's mistakes to implement something better on their own. My teacher used to say "nothing is so bad that you can't use it as a bad example".
>I honestly don't give a fuck if you buy or not but the FUD is getting boring.
Muh FUD.
You're religious about it like your whole community. Everyone with a technical understanding left, that's why there are no third party developers for IOTA and the core team obviously doesn't do shit.
These fucking small input boxes. I accidently wrote a sentence twice now. Still my post has more value than the tangle.
>oh a speaking moose wants my credit card number
>Everyone with a technical understanding left
Correction: Or got banned/shadowbanned.
Infact this is the opposite of FUD. I don't have fear, I'm not uncertain, and I don't have doubts, I'm 100% sure it's a shitty scam.
>wake up
>out of coffee tokens
>better go buy some in Mexinet so I can start my coffee machine
This is like putting coins in a the fucking electricity meter to keep the lights gets on.
This is the same atmosphere before iota went 5x last year. People trying to FUD when companies get declined by IOTA because there are just too many trying to get in.
BOSCH, VW, Fujitsu, Porsche, Mercedes etc are not just partnerships they actually joined their foundation. One of the speakers at the g20 is member of the IOTA foundation as well.
You think major companies are trusting chinese projects or ones registered on the cayman islands?
IOTA is already under fully regulation in the land of bureaucracy which is a massive undercoming and built a lot of trust
>companies get declined by IOTA because there are just too many trying to get in.
Just lol.
Glad I'm making you laugh doesn't make it wrong that they're declining companies for their data marketplace tests
The event you refer to was that the IOTA foundation had a "meeting AT microsoft" (at the microsoft office) which Sonstebo falsely advertised as a partnership with Microsoft.
The room was very small so they ran out of chairs AT microsoft.
Holy shit you guys are mental spastics.
Keep repeating the same boring FUD. Microsoft posted that there is a partnership with IOTA on their website.
The foundation doesn't call partnerships at all. It's a non-profit organization they're not having paid contracts with other companies.
But you should know that since you're into non-profit as well it seems
Let's just assume that every single one on the IOTA team called a Microsoft partnership and it wasn't.
It's a tiny minuscule dot in the grand scheme of things. Bosch, VW and Fujitsu who joined their foundation are way more fitting for their project than Microsoft
Also read this and ask yourself who is speaking for the G20 experts task force
Bosch specifically is only hedging their bets with IOTA. They want the best tech only. They only said that IOTA was the first of many investments in this space.
this shitcoin's network is so fucking laughably bad that you have to wait hours to make a send or recieve and constantly reattach the address to the tangle. the idiots at /r/iota still cock gobble sonstebo and scheiner as well as the iota network. they just call it "oh its just growing pains" no other fucking network makes you wait hours and several fucking address reattachments
>I wrote him half an essay
It seems very obvious how interested they are in IOTA. The public announcement of how much Robert Bosch invested (
at ATH lol. They also did an AMA (
I read that entire ama. I can't be fucked to find it again, but buried in there is a response where they specific say they aren't only using iota because they only want to use the best lot tech in the future. Learn to read corporate pr.
It's funny how stubborn people are when it comes to IOTA. Bosch posted a public announcement on their own website and advertises it for free and people still don't believe it.
Yet they rummage through Sergey's trash and still make up reasons to why actually every company secretly is buying LINK.
Don't strawman link into this faggot. I am not saying they didn't invest in IOTA. I am saying that, from their own press release in December to their ama they have shown a consistent effort in the language they use to hedge their bets on this token. Sorry you can't see that.
I own link myself what I'm saying is that crypto nerds are being unproportionally biased against IOTA. Any other project with even a 10th of the attention IOTA is getting from major real world companies would be fucking praised.
lmao harcore bagholders at work
hashgraph out --> IOTA ded
>Any other project with even a 10th of the attention IOTA is getting from major real world companies would be fucking praised.
The attention IOTA got was by the system media... the people crypto enthusiasts want to get away from. I don't even want to know how entangled (ahaha) Sonstebo and Schiener are with the media and banking mafia.
Any other project that runs as shitty as IOTA wouldn't even get a tenth of the attention if it wasn't run by psychopathic stalinists, you mean.
By the way how many other "cryptocurrencies" do you know that are
1. partially closed source
2. are and will always be centralized (stop giving me that "in the future" shit)
3. enable the dev to "seize funds"?
Do you honestly think corporate or other legal entities that bring the adoption will care about open or closed source? As far as I know most people still use Windows and MacOS over Unix.
What you must realize how much corporate trust they've gotten from being licensed as non-profit regulated by Germany with a bank in Germany and not Switzerland or even worse.
Also... let's say you run a business... your moronic friend talked you into accepting IOTA. A customer sends something back and you want to reimburse him. How do you do this without sending from the same address twice?
For people who aren't aware: IOTA reveals part of your private key in every transaction because a literal highschool dropout called Sonstebo thought it would be really dank to roll his own crypto.
>Do you honestly think corporate or other legal entities that bring the adoption will care about open or closed source?
I don't think you understand who "the entities that bring adoption" are.
>What you must realize how much corporate trust they've gotten from being licensed as non-profit regulated by Germany with a bank in Germany and not Switzerland or even worse.
I don't know what you're talking about. There is nothing inherently trustworthy about German banks and nothing inherently untrustworthy about Swiss ones.
Sounds like some shit Schiener told you.
Thats not what hes referring to holy fuck youre retarded
Regardless, faggots on here are just scared because if Iota succeeds and implements a smart contract literally every single cryptocurrency is useless
So FUD more faggots. Iota already has won with its acceptance in Germany the most beauracratic and illuminati-ridden country in the entire fucking world
>So FUD more faggots. Iota already has won with its acceptance in Germany the most beauracratic and illuminati-ridden country in the entire fucking world
I'm German. I don't know what acceptance you're talking about. Literally anyone can create a non-profit organisation here. You don't need a personal pat on the back from the chancellor or things like that. I could do it within the next month if I wanted.
you not up to the news bagholder,
hashgraph made iota already useless
better ramp up the shilling to get rid of your bags before its to late
Another major misconception. IOTA is not and was never supposed to be used as person to person currency. It's purely made for IoT purposes and all the transactions will be handled automatically without a human interaction.
>Regardless, faggots on here are just scared because if Iota succeeds and implements a smart contract literally every single cryptocurrency is useless
Except the ones that actually work to send numbers from one wallet to another (literally all others).
fill out two papers, wait two weeks
I've heard this zombie-like chant before. It's so out of the air that I don't know how to refute it, seriously. Keep holding your MtM token then. You think one day a coffee machine will knock on your door asking if it can have your IOTA?
Except it does work and if youve ever used it youd know that, but no you parrot all the bullshit here because it makes you feel like you finally have friends despite being a lonely pussy.
I shouldnt even be telling you this but the Trinity wallet on its way will automatically solve this loophole, then what will you faggots complain about?
The point is the heavy regulation you get for being non-profit in Germany. Any shady business and you will get it seized. Most crypto businesses are set up in the Caymans, Virgin Islands etc. - good luck getting the trust of major companies on board with that lol
>Except it does work and if youve ever used it youd know that
I have used it, luckily only with like 1 IOTA for testing. After about a week of it not arriving, I sold the rest of my shit again, luckily it never left Binance. I personally witnessed IOTA not working and that was 3 months ago. It still isn't fixed so I deduct it never will work.
>The point is the heavy regulation you get for being non-profit in Germany.
It's not "heavy regulation", it's regulation. Anyone can create a non-profit organization. There's nothing "heavy" about it. The fact that you pull this as an argument shows that you know very little about the world.
>Most crypto businesses are set up in the Caymans, Virgin Islands etc. - good luck getting the trust of major companies on board with that lol
Errrr. No they are not. ... nice.. what's this debating strategy called? Shadow boxing??
Uhm, do you know what IoT is? As I posted before read this projection on the IoT market size or don't I'm done for now so keep the FUD going
I know what IoT is, yes. Do ctrl+F "IOTA" on the page you linked me. Perhaps it's you who doesn't know shit about IoT? I do software engineering, you?
IOTA bagholders are the most deluded cultmembers one can imagine
first IoT is mostly a meme as for now
second, hashgraph makes SHITIOTA dead on arrival
how come nobody talks about that in the retard community?
Why would an objective projection of the IoT space mention a specific project? I was proving that there is definitive demand for M2M while you were playing dumb. And yes I'm a software engineer as well but I don't care if your father works for Nintendo.
>Why would an objective projection of the IoT space mention a specific project? I was proving that there is definitive demand for M2M while you were playing dumb.
So what point are you trying to make? Because IoT might turn big, IOTA will? That's like saying because people smoke weed, DOPE coin will make it. Completely delusional.
>And yes I'm a software engineer as well
No fooling eh
>That's like saying because people smoke weed, DOPE coin will make it.
>You don't understand, it's a plant to plant currency.
Ok I give up you won all arguments
Accepted lol.
By the way the demand for M2M is not "definitive" at all. I got zero need for it and companies will probably want to make it as simple as possible, not as complicated as possible. They gain nothing by slamming IOTA/the tangle in there. If, in the far future, coffee machines have network access (I wouldn't want to live in this future but if it happens) then they will do fuck all to implement a system in which they have to pay for data that they could otherwise get for free.
Regarding the "acceptance in Germany" thing and being in control of your own data: I don't want to sell out my data at all if I'm in control, no matter for what price. I don't want my coffee machine report to the NSA and I don't want my car to sell out my speed and track.
This is the country of Firefox, paying in cash, taping your webcam and forbidding Google Street View. People here will literally take a shit on the idea of selling your data.
Facebook got all that data for free because people thought it was either worthless or non-existing.
If Facebook had had a popup "would you sell us your daily usage data for 0.0005" cents they'd say.... no.
It's a huge psychological difference.
Your gonna be so salty in 10 years when your buying $100 IOTA for your Bosch fridge. Meanwhile I'm sitting comfy and have a stock full so large I'll have free shopping for life ordered and delivered straight to said fridge. Gonna put some more fiat in and I might have free power for my electric car for life as well.
not sure if serious
can't tell anymore with all the insane bagholders
Just checked on my fridge. It's indeed from Bosch but I can't find a network socket. Must be an old model.