Tararua butter kiwi

I moved to the United States and made a dire mistake of not bringing a lifetime supply of tararua butter and was wondering if anyone knew something similar in California?


Oops posted the wrong one from my butter folder

If I may ask. How does it compare to tararua. I have had Tillamook cheese never butter

Post moar butter

Oregon represent

Tararua is hard to beat, as with most NZ dairy products but Tillamook is on par.

>butter folder

gonna need some proof on that one

Your friend in the frudge

just buy normal butter. they put margerine in it so its easier to spread. not rocket science to put normal butter in microwave for 20 sec to melt it.

>he doesn't buy a stick of butter and leave it on the kitchen bench until it's all gone

Butter doesn't need to be refrigerated unless it takes you 3 months to eat a stick, and I'm in Perth where we had a 42C day last week. My butter at home is still fine.

Don't buy meme spreadable butter, it's just butter with added Canola oil and other shit

>butter in microwave for 20 sec

the fuck is wrong with u

why do you have a butter folder?

>they put margerine in it so its easier to spread.
b...but it's forbidden! ! It's not "butter" then anymore! (Here butter had to be made 100% from cream )

>kiwi brands
All NZ food is fucking garbage.

That accent is fucking painful too!

I travelled to both countries last year and found the food equally good in both.
Better than much of the food we have in Finland anyway.

British. Spent a year in NZ. Fuck that place.
>never shut up about being kiwi
>Australian-except-retarded accent
>never shut up about their food
>all the same food chains as the US except for poorfags
>their food is fucking disgusting
>all dairy tastes like shit
>almost all meat tastes like shit
>lucky to see 3 pieces of meat on any pizza

Any kiwis here? Go ahead, post a pic of a pizza from any of your chains. They are abysmal.


Vegan pizza, no meat at all.
Hell really is in NZ.
This would be a good Veeky Forums trigger image.

See that? About 5 little pieces of beef / pork (?)
Sometimes there's not always a piece of meat on every slice.
Also stop sperging about avocado over there, holy shit. And calling them "avos".
Was it really that long a word to begin with, you lazy fucks?

Pardon me, I'm retarded. That's a vegan pizza.
Still the same amount of meat on it as a typical pizza.

I like your anger, it's so tumblr of you.

>tararua supee soft butter
made with 35% canola oil...

it's not butter my friend...

Try Irish butter, like Kerrygold.

NZ is Tumblr: The country.

I love how Brits complain about everything,
Right on cue

Triggered Brit goes to New Zealand and doesn't like the pizza so the whole country is a gigantic cunt that got in his way and he had a bad time

Ignore this faggot Brit, I love you kiwibros
You are choice es, ey bru

And I always have my friend in the frudge

maybe take this opportunity to switch over to a heart healthy margarine brand?