my second day back on whiskey
Kill me
If you need a better high smoke heroin.
its the white man killer
klonopin drinker here
started early, just took 3 shots
this; opiates are not only a better high but healhier too unless you're getting cheap ass cut to shit horse. Not a problem for me tho cause I'm rockin them pharmaceuticals
I'm 5 days off the bottle, and I've lost 10 lbs already. Yes, I know it's just water weight from the bloating that alcohol causes, but that's still a good thing.
6 days here, feeling pretty great. Kinda at a loss about Friday night though, not sure how to have fun.
Whenever I quit smoking weed for a while when I start again it's fucking awesome but I'm getting a distinctly different vibe from this thread.
I know, it's hard. I was thinking the same thing, what the fuck am I going to do on the weekend?
I think the answer is: Anything that keeps us from thinking about drinking.
I'll probably maniacally clean the house till there's nothing left to clean, and make a big meal, make a fire, and drink hot chocolate while watching a movie or something. I find that hot chocolate and chocolate milk really kill the urge for alcohol for me, but different things work for different people. I'm also going to go for a long walk tomorrow morning while listening to music that makes me feel like I can fight through anything.
>how to not spend the weekend drinking
I have so far cut my drinking in half and the key is the time I would drink I would do something. anything. Cooking is great for this, for it allows you it is a net positive so much that it removes the need to drink. Cleaning works too.
Also, since I am always on an electronic device, is I use programs to remove the blue tint after sun set. This results in me getting drowsy after sunset which is insanely healthy in so many ways.
>use programs to remove the blue tint after sun set. This results in me getting drowsy after sunset
This is interesting, care to expand?
I love to spend time outside but the weather is going to be shit where I live all weekend. I'm just so used to being nice and liquored up while I watch movies or listen to music, I feel like a fucking robot right now. Oh well, I guess I will just watch anime half heartedly and fuck my wife until Monday comes and it's time for work again.
I assume he means nightshift on iOS or flux on Mac OS, I imagine there are android and windows equivalents if you google those.
Former heroin addict here. Been clean for 3 years.
Smoking heroin wastes it and does nothing for you. I smoked heroin a few times and it just made me want to shoot it.
Also, you fucking retards, don't tell an alcoholic to go and do heroin. It doesn't make anything better.
And OP, go get some help for God sake.
>intended to taper off after the new year
>still drink like a bottle of wine every night
I mean I've been in much worse binds, it could always be worse, but still.
That's because this is not a thread where you should be talking about weed.
I don't mean to be a complete asshole but everyone who is regularly in these threads has heard the weed talks before.
F.lux is on Windows too. Nice little free program.
Eh, could be a lot worse. Maybe give sobriety a go after this weekend. Just stay away from liquor, if I can give some unsolicited advice
Oh cool. My only windows machine is my htpc/gaming box so I've never looked into it. Really helpful little utility though.
>Smoking heroin wastes i
i'm not arguing about that
>don't tell an alcoholic to go and do heroin. It doesn't make anything better.
you may be right about those dudes doing street heroin, but i still believe that taking opioids of other forms can be better for you than being a hopeless drunk. but i'm no expert, feel free to correct me
One of the biggest impetuses for me to drink is when I cook. I would always have a few while preparing things and during cooktimes etc. I cook all the time too.
I do agree with you that cleaning can be somewhat of a good distraction though.
I am with you there. Cooking up a big multipart meal while knocking back a few is one of those great simple pleasures.
Yeah, I've been doing pretty well at keeping my actual liquor intake to a minimum. I used to go hard on that shit every day without a care in the world. 95% beer and wine now, but the hardest thing for me to do is stop altogether.
Agreed, what can you do, you know.
That's how I was too, I was tearing through 3-4 handles of liquor a week, stepped down to beer and wine, now I'm off the shit completely
What was the clincher for you?
I've done a few things like going to a detox once and an outpatient program, AA for a while, but I know at the end of the day it can only be me and me alone who changes anything. Nothing has really clicked for me yet to stay satisfied completely abstinent.
I was a big drinker for many years, life of the party type of guy. Honestly, I drank because otherwise I am usually a quiet, probably sullen person. Alcohol made me sociable and fun. I worried that I was over doing it, but when I would ask my wife if she thought I needed to knock it off she would tell me "you don't cause trouble, you take care of everything that you are supposed to and drinking makes you happy". This went on for years, naturally I drank more and more. Finally one day she said to me "I'm not telling you what to do, but I'm worried about you. I think you might need to dial it back". The one thing I did right in life is marry well, so no way am I fucking that up. Eased off of liquor on to beer and wine, then after New Year's Eve I quit that too.
Opiates are never a good alternative.
The human body becomes dependent on Opiates so fast. You better be careful with the pharmaceuticals. My heroin use started with oxy 80s and dilaudid.
MAYBE, and I say MAYBE Kratom can be used to help ease the pain, but you can become dependent on that too. And it tastes terrible. I wouldn't recommend it.
Opiate/heroin withdrawal is just awful. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.
OP needs to get help.
well shit, i take kratom during the week so i only drink on the weekends thanks to that. kratom still fucks my sleep up because i lay in bed for hours in this dream like state without actually sleeping
I've been though a Xanax withdrawal before, been off the stuff for half a decade now. I just about lost my friggin mind going through it, I hear heroin is even worse. Do you ever get cravings or was the withdrawal so painful that you just said fuck it, never again cuz that's what happened in my case
Y'see, the trick is to not run out of opiates. If you can manage that you're gravy.
Yeah, Kratom can effect people differently depending on how long they've used it obviously, but it's not really my thing.
I mean, I shouldn't be promoting drugs lol, but if you want to use something, use gabapentin lol.
>used to grab a beer or two or all the way to 6 AM after school with a friend
>the whole country has a lax attitude towards alcohol
>philipino guy joins the group
>couple of beers after school
>he gets really drunk
>so drunk he spend half a day thinking he was in russia when we got off the train and told him we had taken the train to russia
>it was a 25 min ride
>it's a minimum 2-3 days to russia by train
>he starts drinking more often than we do
>starts showing up drunk at school
>has to start over three times
>we try to tell him
>he doesn't believe us when he's sober
>he doesn't remember when we tell him while he's drunk
>constantly close to getting kicked out
>eventually he gets kicked out
>eventually lose contact after i finish school
I have never seen anything like it, turns out that on top of being a massive light weight, he also had some anxiety problems, so it took him down hard. Still feel like a massive piece of shit over it. Gonna be really fucking careful about who I introduce to alcohol from now on. At least last I heard he seemed to be recovering, but I haven't been in touch with any of them for a year or so.
Yeah, I can't tell if you're actually being serious when you say that lol. I'm gonna take a guess and say you're joking lol.
Who pulled the pacifier out of your ass?
Being addicted to alcohol is the most pathetic thing on this planet. Pick a real drug like heroin or meth. You'll never get respect in rehab or prison if you're a fuckin alcoholic
>i drink
>woe is me
I get cravings sometimes, usually when I'm stressed, not so much though. But yes, I have been traumatized in a way because heroin withdrawal is just fucking awful.
Imagine have the flu, but it's a million times worse. Imagine not being able to sleep for days, and having restless legs all night. Having zero energy and everyone can see it in your face how sick you look. It was seriously a living nightmare. And my doctor refused to put me on soboxone or methadone.
But props to you for getting off xanax. The withdrawal must of been so shitty. And you can die from withdrawal, just like with heroin withdrawal.
I'm sorry, I meant you can die from withdrawal from xanax, just like with alcohol. You can't die from heroin withdrawal.
Sorry i made a typo, you CAN'T die from heroin withdrawal, I meant you can die from withdrawing from xanax like you can die from alcohol withdrawal.
What am I incorrect about?
What you just posted
Is actually cutting back just a meme? I'm drinking about every other night right now, which is solid progress for me. HARSH reminder around Christmas that I dropped hard alcohol for beer & wine for a good damn reason.
Anyone else manage to keep a low profile with drinking around family? I swear I have never gotten over a hangover so fast. I genuinely don't believe they clocked me, and they have before.
Back to three-buck chuck for now. Drinking the one bottle with some vidya before going to bed, rather than going out.
You can die from alcohol withdrawal and benzo withdrawal. You can't die from heroin withdrawal. Those are facts.
I know you're wrong.
>You can't die from heroin withdrawal.
Incorrect, kid.
I suggest you perform a simple google search and educate yourself before you spout your nonsense in future.
Sweetheart, I'm not spouting nonsense.
I don't need to look it up on Google. I've been educated from rehab and multiple doctors. Maybe you can die from heroin withdrawal, but it's not as likely. You're more likely to OD.
Maybe you should get yourself educated.
So we agree you can die from heroin withdrawal and your previous 2 posts were wrong.
Good, I'm glad that's settled.
Mom, dad: stop fighting. You're ruining Christmas again
No I don't agree with you. Stop being delusional.
Just because I said maybe, doesn't mean I'm agreeing with you.
It's sad you'll believe every little fact you see on the Internet.
I'm sure you've never been to rehab for heroin, and I'm not saying it like I'm proud. But I know for damn well sure I was educated properly.
Christmas was already ruined, Jimmy.
You are showing exactly how uneducated you are in this thread.
Everyone else can see this themselves by performing a simple google search.
Wow, you totally missed my point.
I feel dumb just talking to you.
You were wrong, plain and simple, kid.
Perhaps you should put down the bottle and get your ass to bed.
You think that's funny saying that to someone who's been sober for 3 years?
You need to watch what you say, "kid."
And no, I'm not wrong. You need to watch what you say though. You're going to get your ass beat one day.
Why spout such nonsense? If you're stupid enough to say that then you have to be an addict in denial. Either that or have some kind of political position that tries to justify not getting indigent addicts help.
Shut the fuck up.
You were wrong now fuck off.
6th day sober. Sobriety is so fucking boring.
Wow, this thread went to shit quickly. Great work guys, that little dick waving contest was totally worth derailing the thread.
agreed, back to topic I drink like a 12 pack a day, I want to stop it's made me gain a ton of weight and it's probably doing some legitimate damage to my body. My question is would I go through withdrawals if I were to abruptly stop or would I need to kind of taper down to once every other day?
I've been sober for exactly two weeks now and I'm honestly thinking about just fucking necking myself. I stopped drinking because it makes me impulsive and dangerous, but I'm not even sure I can be fucked living in a world where I can't drink. can't do benzos, can't fucking smoke. Everything is garbage.
Just end it all, you dullard.
I'm not sure if I'm an alcoholic but I fear I may be heading down that path.
My mother is an alcoholic and I still live at home so we drink together all the time. She's much worse that I am though. Friday - Sunday she will drink about 2 liters of cask wine a night, plus about 5 or 6 shots of vodka or whiskey that she shares with my father. Monday - Thursday she will drink in secret, she thinks that no one has noticed but I've seen her secret stash and it's terrifying...I'm worried I'm going to turn out exactly like her.
Holy fuck. I feel bad for just having a beer every night.
You people have problems
>1 beer
>a night
Might as well have a glass of water.
>/alc/ thread
>not one guy has considered getting his shit together
just quit cold turkey and deal with it. if you relapse check yourself into rehap. This is serious
get a hobby, my uncle runs. He just fucking runs for hours a day, and he's been sober for half a decade.
You'll gain it back. Then you'll loose actual weight, slowly.
Don't give up when you see your weight going up, it's just your body returning to regular mode.
f.lux on windows, twilight on android.
There are many other on phone, I haven't tested them all but this one is pretty great and functional. I paid a few bucks, I remember the free version being OK but I'm not sure what the restrictions were.
f.lux lacks the possibility to set time of sun rise/set beside fiddling around with GPS coordinates, it's kind of a pain in the arse but I never found better.
I read that next windows 10 update will have blue light fading natively. (Update may have been published, I don't have 10.)
Mixing opiates and alcohol can be deadly. So alckies should tapper to sobriety first.
Kinda defeat the purpose.
I see that neither I nor my trips are welcome in this al/ck/ either :(
welp, at least you can take a hint
What kind of stupid faggot comes into an alcoholic thread and whines about people being dependent on alcohol lmao
I have plenty of hobbies already
Did you just not read the posts by all the people that have quit or are trying to quit? Why bother posting a negative thing like that if you can be arsed to even read the thread?
I doubt you'll go through withdrawl on 12 pack a day.
That's actually good for you, dipshit.
Is this the gayest general on all of Veeky Forums?
Seems pretty bent, I thought people would be talking about cheap ways to get leathered with the odd feel thrown in but everyone's just bitching at eachother like a bunch of fags
>Post College
>Stay in city working for a big business
>After every shift I'd go drinking with roommates
>If we weren't drinking liquor i'd have at least 3+ Beers before going to bed
>Had a couple bouts of drunk driving which started to worry me
>Go back home
>Stop drinking for several months
>Now I'm content with just one beer and feel a nice buzz
Is there a term for this? I mean I really like it. I just finished my beer and i have no urge for a second one.
Honestly, why are you in this thread then? Some people in here hear stories that do change their relationship to alcohol and drugs. Some people struggle with dealing with a hell on earth that obviously no politician or reality show pitchman will change. Some drink; some have pharma-medico boi prescribe something; some head down to 10th street and get a bag of heroine from Tyrone.
So what's your gig? Veeky Forumsfag or /pol/tard for the day? Just fuck off.
Probably will be a bit unpleasant but no major risks.
Can tolerance for alcohol be lowered by abstinence for a period of time?
Some folk just drink because they started drinking and then created the hell unto themselves. Not every alkie is gonna be some divorced orphan with cancer and a mum with AIDS. People in worse situations than just a material addiction can get their shit together but no one here even tries or tries so they can bitch about how much they are dependent on it and get back at it.
Ye, give it a month and you'll feel how little it takes.
Yea, your body isn't going to maintain high levels of alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes for no reason. As someone who get shitfaced off of like 3 beers sometimes before a holiday party I try to drink everyday before the party to increase my tolerance.
I like reading these threads, weird fascination. It makes sense not drinking is boring for alcoholics, it is your hobby.
>tfw you're an alcohol but don't have to go to prison because you don't drink and drive or do other illegal drugs
Have fun in the pen you spic beaner nigger fucking slav shit jewass treenigger
the term is normie
Yeah I probably could have expected that. Your wife sounds really understanding and nice. I don't think I'm ever going to be like you because I've never even had a girlfriend and I'm 27.
You can't die from heroin withdrawal. I've never done it and I know that.
The term is normie normalberg faggot.
Go back to bed.
You're the kind of person who really likes to think they know what they're talking about.
Raw nerve?
It's pretty well known that opiate and opioid withdrawals are not considered to be life threatening. Uncomfortable, sure, but you aren't going to die just because you have high blood pressure/nausea/hot flashes.
Withdrawal from GABA-based drug like Alcohol and Benzodiazepines has the potential to cause seizures.
In fact, antagonist GABA drugs themselves are convulsants. The only reason they exist is to pull people out of a super deep GABA high
Opiate withdrawal can cause seizures. Read up on it.
How does it feel to know that everyone knows you're a dumb piece of shit?
Opiate withdrawal can cause death but its unlikely.
There was a video on youtube of this guy from England who self documented his life as a heroin addict and when he finally went to rehab he died on his 2nd night due to a massive brain hemmorage from going cold turkey. was really sad. He was a life long addict tho and death from opiate withdrawal is extremely unlikely, though is still possible
Not who you're responding to, but you, sir, are a complete ass. Go to an AA meeting if you possess even a shred of empathy (which I seriously doubt) and observe with an open mind the people there. Then think to yourself, " how did they get here?" Because of the kind of conversations and stories they see in places like this. Now fuck off back to your fucking hole and try to find better prey.
Please get help..... Ive been a drug addict since 94 and now been sober 8 mths,,,,, alcohol too. Get help, I fucked up my life, and don't want to anymore, so I got help,,,,, finally
not the other guy but you really have some sort of personality issues that you need to get help with. don't start drinking/doing drugs to escape.