
Veeky Forums I have a ton of ginger, what do I do with it? So far i've made ginger tea, ginger cookies. What else can you do with this shit?

juice it with carrots apples and grapefruit

/r/ing simple ginger tea recipe, need portions for an 8 oz cup or more

ginger beer

>What else can you do with this shit?

It's very commonly used in stir-fries and curries.

>put ginger in water

Its much better with some lime.

grate it and use it in marinades

It freezes really well. We grow it and freeze some after we harvest. Doesn't lose any noticeable flavor for 6 months.

Keep it on hand for stomach aches. Shit works miracles for an upset stomach.

this right here, m8. great for fish

thisX100 I have ibs and ginger and peppermint are a godsend

I down green and peppermint tea with ginger and citrus juices every time I have a cold. Makes the symptoms much more manageable and they go away sooner than the rest of my family that doesn't do this.

Candied ginger strips.

Shoot, ginger/citrus tea sounds good just any ole time.

I'm stealin this

Shove a piece up your ass about 1.5 times the size of your thumb its great for blood circulation especially for hemorrhoids

Reminder its a bit irritating but works wonders

ginger, garlic and spring onions are the base for many chinese dishes

ginger can also be crystallized with relative ease which preserves it almost indefinitely

like another user mentioned, it's an important component of many curries, especially in SEA

Some asian soup, e.g. phở bò

H-mart has some Korean ginger and/or citron tea in puree form that you might like. It's pretty much like ginger preserves which you mix in a cup with hot water.

Peel and grate it on a microplane along with an equal amount of garlic. The resulting paste is an essential ingredient in many Indian dishes, and you can freeze it for easy usage later.

Slice them and put them in a jar with water and a shit ton of sugar. Like a shit ton. A metric shit ton. Not as much as in American bread, but a shit ton.