Yes or No ?
melt the cheese, pleblord
An apple pie without the cheese...
I don't get the cheese on hot apple pie.
ice cream on pie makes sense
Yes, but FUCKING MELTED, idiot.
Oh, and by the way, this is also good on mincemeat pie.
Use real cheese not fake american cheese flavored plastic
I'm still not sure if this is really a thing or just a Veeky Forums meme
That's sliced cheddar, dumbo
It's also gross on pie, as pictured in OP
Veeky Forums meme. some kid couple of weeks ago kept asking why there was melted cheese on the apple pie and didn't realise it was custard. Or it was shitty attempt at bait.
It's the new go-za so just report the thread and move on.
It's definitely a real thing.
From foodtimeline.org (which by the way, everyone should read, it is a treasure trove of information about the history of food.
" Why do some people serve cheddar cheese with apple pie?
The practice of combining cheese, fruit, and nuts dates back to ancient times. These were often served at the end of a meal because they were thought to aid in digestion. From the earliest days through the Renaissance, the partaking of these foods was generally considered a priviledge of the wealthy. This practice was continued by wealthy dinners composed of many courses up until the 19th century. Apples and cheesemaking were introduced to the New World by European settlers. These people also brought with them their recipes and love for certain combinations. This explains the popular tradition of apple pie and cheddar cheese in our country.
"The dark ages...The main meal was taken around the middle of the day...In the evening a light supper was taken and this was always finished with a little hard cheese, for digestion's sake. Gradually the large mid-day meal was later taken until that meal, wine-drinking and the cheese supper were combined. Thus was born the British habit of finishing an evening meal with cheese; almost every other society has eaten cheese before the sweet course to finish their main wine, or instead of a sweet."
---Cheese: A Guide to the World of Cheese and Cheesemaking, Bruno Battistotti et al [Facts on File Publications:New York] 1983 (p. 14-5)
"'After meat, [serve] pears, nuts, strawberries, wineberries and hard cheese, also blanderelles, pippins [apples].' All were considered hard or astringent, and therefore suitable to close up the stomache again after eating. Even so, apples and pears when taken at the end of the meal were usually roasted, and eaten with sugar, comfits, fennel seed or aniseed 'because of their ventosity.' Ordinary folk ate fruit as and when they could get it. The poor people in Piers Plowman sought to poison hunger with baked apples..."
---Food and Drink in Britain From the Stone Age to the 19th Century, C. Anne Wilson [Academy Chicago:Chicago] 1991 (p. 334)
So, in other words, based on what I just posted (and the other information on apple pie in that section), this practice started in ancient times, but was brought to us by the British colonists, and still continues to be popular today.
At Thanksgiving last year, I made an apple pie with a cheddar cheese crust, and it was the first pie to be totally eaten. It's delicious, whether you eat it melted on top or incorporate it into the crust or the filling.
>british """""""""""""cuisine"""""""""""""
You don't know how to read, do you? That is just plain SAD.
Aren't you supposed to use cottage cheese?
No it isnt. There is no natural cheese that is that yellow, only american flavored plastic.
This has been going on for more than couple weeks.
> what is extra sharp cheddar
Hokay little fella, I'll remember that next time I'm cheese-shopping
What's this? Actual information on Veeky Forums? I must be hallucinating.
t. prepubescent idiot
Literally american plastic colored with yellow 5 or whatever.
You mean anatto?
What is red leicester?
It's called mature cheddar not sharp cheddar. That also doesn't make it a red colour. Why are Americans ruining our cheese?
Fuck off snooty britshit. Your country is full of shit tier food.
Strangely enough, amerifats ruin everything they touch. Refugee problem? Of course we didn't do it, so we won't help the people suffering from it. Let's let countries that actually apply christian charity try to clean up our mess so we can call them "muslim cucks."
You Americucks put cheese on everything. But don't stop there, add some ranch dressing you fat fucks.
>Refugee problem? Of course we didn't do it, so we won't help the people suffering from it.
Go back to .
Also, you didn't have to take them in. Who gives a fuck about Christian values?
>America caused the refugee problem in Europe
Got curious about cheddar on apple pie it a few years back and tried just sliced apples with sliced cheddar and it was pretty damn good. They complement each other extremely well.
I guess you're too stupid to read, you dumb eurofag.
>that one guy that puts cheese on everything
>pippins [apples]
This is completely unrelated, but you just taught me why Apple named their failed video game console the Pippin.