If this isn't 70% of your portfolio, you're not gonna make it

If this isn't 70% of your portfolio, you're not gonna make it

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It's 80% and i am down to 140k from 280k on JNT alone.

DId they ever let out how the tokeinzation is actually gonna work or are we still at 'just trust us guys"?

No fucking wonder this is the only thing down today lol


You have 120k JNT?

if you've got a big portfolio there's no need to take that big of a risk imo

>No fucking wonder this is the only thing down today lol
are we seeing the same charts?

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I have 350k and it isn't even 20% of mine personally.

What kind of new dumb FUD is that now? If your IQ is above 80 you'll see that is a very dumb question.

Do you guyys realize you all gamble on a 27 years old ARAB who still hasn't address the tokenization (the fundamentals) of this coin?

Do you realize that Talal hasn't update his whitepaper and hasn't posted his Medium post explaining everything

Do you realize that the 250M was just for the pilot of jCash and he even admitted that it wasn't towards the real project so BIG gamble

Do you realize he promised 2 big exchanges after ICOs and nothing is in there.

Do you realize that you are risking big and are playing into Arabs hand

I hold some but no way I am all-in you jibronis. I have dealt with arabs all my life, especially in commerce and 1 thing I have learn is to never trust them as they see non-arabs dumb and they are use every tactic possible to fool you especially playing with your 'LAMBO,MOON U GONNA BE RICH LEL'.

Don't fall into those telegram kids. Hold some but never all-in.

>literally every thread

They will call you names but they can never explain how it works.

>jcash not on exchanges
>banks are arbitrage between Jcash and Fiat
>how does Jcash have price volatility if it's not availabe on public exchanges

nobody knows just trust us

>Fill in the blank spots to describe any coin in the crypto space you'd like to.

What exactly do you want explained? I just don't understand your question? Do you want to know how one acquires jCash? By buying it from the DAO with JNT, ETH or BTC. How does it have price volatility? It's supply is limited by the amount of offcahin backing (read: fiat in a bank vault).

I just don't understand what isn't clear about any of this? Did you get all your info from biz threads so far?

I hold a modest sum you jibroni brainwash kid. Why not address my points instead of believing being rich with Arabs?

pro-tip: You can't - and even if you were to try - you wouldn't even be able.

I will laugh all the way when your jibronis will be 3$ top and not your 1000$ EOY promised by your telegram autistic kids.

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>this guy again
why do you spend so much time in jnt threads?
every time I open one I see you obsessing over talal's age
I'm starting to think you're invested in this otherwise you wouldn't waste so much time on it

3 dollars would be nice. I would be a millionaire just off of Jibs alone. :)

Nice try pajeet
No use case

I am, can't you read my post above. I am invested. I am not fudding but like in every project - you need to balance. Do I trust Arabs? No - Did I take a risk? Yes - Do I hold a modest sum? Yes - Do I think it will moon? No. Do I think it will go 100$-1000$? BIG no. - Am I here for a mere 2x - 3x of my modest sum. (2$-3$ top) Yes.

Unlike you kid, I don't Talal memes and hang on Telegram and keep on believing whatever a 27 years old ARAB who depends on daddy oil money tells me to.

literally every thread the same nigger asks that and we always respond and then he comes to the next thread asking the exact same question and pretending like he didn't just get btfo. obviously this kike holds jnt and is just fudding the best he can as a legit brainlet

No I've read the white paper, followed the reddit for 2 months, been on the telegram for 1 month, seen the Korea conference (yazan, talaal and donny T). and probably every other jibrel related video on youtube.

As I understand it, the whole point of the project is so institutional money can engage in onchain/offchain arbitrage. As I understand, the bankis will have a tethered token (Jcash) that will sometimes rise in value onchain, where they can sell it for a small increase when people are 'tethering up".

But, if there is no plan to release Jcash on exchanges, how the fuck are people going to tether up?

>o you want to know how one acquires jCash? By buying it from the DAO with JNT, ETH or BTC.

You're telling me it makes more sense from a financial institutions perspective to take you fiat, buy JNT, and sell it for Jcash? WOuldn't it make more sense just to give the banks Jcash 1:1 for fiat?

The JNT token seems completely unnecessary except to make the people offering the Jcash rich.

On/offchain arbitrage is not the only advantage. The general transaction properties of crypto namely speed and security apply. Also the easy application of smart contracts.

Except if you are larping, you clearly need to see a doctor.

I stopped reading your post after the first line because I've read too much of your garbage recently and you sound like a broken record.

>muh 27 old arab daddy oil money
literally every single thread

Right that's obvious to me as a crypto 'investor', but why JNT? Wouldn't any tethered token work and not require exposing your huge stack of cash to the volatility of crypto-trading pair while converting it?

why does every thread about jibrel end up with some faggot posting racist shit about arabs

jCash can be on exchanges, but only if the exchanges follow KYC/AML procedures. You need to realize that jCash is not intended to be a stablecoin but crypto-fiat. (Transactability of crypto with all the regulation of real money, from the boxmining interview you've supposedly watched).

Financial institutions can do exactly that, exchange fiat for jCash. The fiat will be stored in a bank (off-chain backing). JNT is burned during this initial minting porcess of the jCash CryDR, but it really comes in when the jCash is being transacted on the blockchain, because once that happens it needs to be backed on-chain.

This is btw what we are seeing with the SEED money right now. 250 million jAED will be made accessible, but since they aren't transactable on the blockchain yet, no JNT is needed to back it yet, so there is no increase in price (yet). For example, if the public had access to jCash already and the DAO was in place, there would be 250 million worth of jCash in the DAO right now. You could send JNT, ETH, or BTC to go into jCash. The ETH and BTC will be used to purchase JNT, because only JNT is used to prove solvency.
Now you have jCash and the DAO ensures it is always backed properly on-chain, while there is real fiat off-chain. If you want to stay in the crypto eco-system, you can always exchange your jCash for JNT with the DAO, in which case the CryDR stays intact and just changes users. Or you can cash out for real fiat directly, in which case the real fiat goes to your bank account and the CryDR is destroyed. In either case, the JNT goes out of the DAO (to you or to the market, depending on what you chose).

You can discuss the project all day long. Guess what it will do? It will keep bleeding...and recently hit its ATL in satoshis

That's all well and good, but why would banks choose this over any other stablecoin with proof of reserves?

If the other stablecoin has proof of reserves and is KYC compliant etc than their is basically no difference

Other stablecoins don't have a legal system where you can put assets on the blockchain.

Techically Jibrel doesn't either, and it's important that we remember that.

But even if they managed to hit all their goals and the DAO is functional, I still don't see a real reason for banks to be doing this.

I think I"m gonna sell a good portion of my holdings after the SEED money is realized. If they're able to get some real banks onboard I'll buy back in. It'll still be early in that case.

Define modest sum

Hmm, at this point it boils down to partnerships and Vitamin B I suppose. I'm fully aware there will be competitors offering similar services and Jibrel will not tokenize the world. But the asset market is huge, and even if Jibrel only gets MENA banks to use them (which it looks like right now) that would mean it's a great investment right now. Just don't be stupid and go all-in, but still realize that they have active partnerships and that there are high-level institutions giving them a lot of money. There's a reason for that.

It's just a game of wait and see now if they can fulfill all their promises.

>caring about "racism"

Vitamin Binance?

No, just knowing the right people at the right places. Vitamin B is a german metaphor for nepotism and Ikinda assumed it was universal, my bad.

The thing is, assets will be transferred over the blockchain one day, to an extent. When and how far it'll go is left to be determined. It will happen, no matter how many times brainlets ask why it makes sense.

There won't be a "world provider" of asset tokenization, that's for sure. The US will have their own system for example. Competition existing just means its a viable thing to do imo.

What really matters is market share. It doesn't matter if one provider captures market share somewhere right now, what will matter is how the landscape looks one year, 5 years, 10 years from now. That's when the dust will slowly settle and we will see who is doing what where. And I personally happen to believe that the MENA region will have Jibrel as their provider, and there is very good reason to believe that right now. Noone can argue that.

Too brainy
Go away

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I don't agree with you.

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>What really matters is market share. It doesn't matter if one provider captures market share somewhere right now, what will matter is how the landscape looks one year, 5 years, 10 years from now. That's when the dust will slowly settle and we will see who is doing what where. And I personally happen to believe that the MENA region will have Jibrel as their provider, and there is very good reason to believe that right now. Noone can argue that.
exactly my thoughts. oil money drying up and mid east power players are turning to blockchain hence dubai's 2020 aims. jibrel seems to be positioning itself to be the gateway. even if it's just the mena region (and honestly even if it's just dubai itself) that's still a huge project long term. i've invested about 10K into this and will be holding at least a year minimum before selling. it's likely i won't touch my jibrel stack until 2020 or even beyond. it's not unreasonable that jnt would go to $100 or higher by 2020 IF we get the adoption we're betting on.

Made me laugh. You win biz today.

yeah - I think the best idea is definitely to hold until 2020. I personally think more growth will come in 2019-2020 when the DAO is finished and we start seeing some more adoption and use of the platform.

That is when stuff should get really interesting.

This guy right here has a fetish with that arab Talal. Its like 50 shades of crypto.

Forget about that guy, this project has Don motherfuckin Tapscott, this team is not for crypto kiddies; these guys are all about real financial deals. They dont give a shit about your telegram group or your subreddit. Theyre gonna sit down with some big ass Sheikhs and Kasbahs and theyre gonna tokenize the fucking emirates. You know how many assets these arabs manage?

>Bow to your sensei

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how would they run an ico without offering anything in exchange? here is you answer.
JNT will be given up on later on, on chain solvency will not be used. Bagholders will forget, everyone's life will continue.

>but it really comes in when the jCash is being transacted on the blockchain, because once that happens it needs to be backed on-chain.

lol good joke. Why wouldn't it work with only off chain backing? tether works that way and it's 10x more shady, similar solution with proper audits and transparency would work perfectly fine. Prove me wrong, I'll wait.

>250 million jAED will be made accessible
let me know when that happens.

KYC wallets wrapped in a fancy term of "smart regulation" lmao
No serious government will ever acknowledge erc20 as a national currency.

I'll tell you the harsh truth
First the fanboys tried to push the "arbitrage" BS, but of course they got btfo by their beloved team finding out that jcash will never see exchanges, so now they try to push the "crypto property" agenda. But like I said, it's gonna get shut down like Libery Reserve or it will never get started, they kicked the can down the road promising their bagholders a banking license.

>The thing is, assets will be transferred over the blockchain one day, to an extent.

It's gonna take years. Imagine how sceptic governments are. There is no infrastructure to support that right now. Ethereum got congested with some stupid game, let alone a shitload of transactions with tokens as real money.
It will happen 1 day, but it's gonna be done by the governments, not some Delloitte interns lmao. Years and years need to pass for that to happen anyway.

there is a small chance that they will get their arab buddies to hype up their project, but even then. They will ride jnt pump a few times knowing they will tokenize beforehand and quit this shit when they're done.

this is either pretty shameless fud or youre pretty fucking stupid

thanks, I'll take it as capitulation

Volume is at 2 million on bibox and sell orders are getting demolished. Feeling comfy with my 42k Jiblets

Oh man... you again. You're probably the most autistic person on this board. It speaks volumes when you are instantly recognizable in every single JNT thread. From that I also know that it makes no sense arguing with you. You are literally contradicting yourself in your post. And when you're not contradicting yourself you're ignoring blatant facts. But no matter how much you fuck up, how many times you get BTFO in every single thread, you just refuse to listen and instead just claim that you "had to go to bed" or whatever. It's time to let go, man. You hate Jibrel for whatever reason, I don't care why. Just answer me this: Why do you spend your time like this on biz when you aren't invested? What's your fucking agenda?

wtf are you talking about? I rarely even post, let alone about Jibrel, it's my second time probably but I read many debates and know about it enough to have you bagholders cornered like aggressive dogs it seems.
You must be really deluded if you see the same person everywhere, but it only makes me even more confident that I'm right if other people bring up the same points.

Address my points, why won't you do it? Oh right you don't want to spoonfeed me, you're afraid I'll like the projet, buy it and become rich? Don't worry I'll leave it to you guys.

I actually felt sorry for you, all of you.

>Hurr durr let's create a system that garantees profits whenever we tokenize soething
Sounds like a money printer, what a wonderful solution! I'm calling bitconnect HQs, they could learn a thing or 2 from Jibrel.
It allows insider trading like nowhere else, it's not solvent, 1 day it would just flop so they would have to go for their offchain assets exposing themselves for running a literal ponzi
I don't know where you're all from but any half-serious government will shut that thing in a heart beat


99% of bibox volume is bots. it's 10x worse than other exchanges (which are already almost all bot trading). almost no humans trade on bibox. just feeless scalping and wash trading.

How can we address your points if most are grandiose statements, opinions or just wrong. We've said how JNT works. You just say that it won't work and we're like okay well we disagree. Where should the conversation go next? Do you want us to repeat ourselves?

It's still free money if you just copy the bots.

>le you won teh internetz haha xD
leddit go away

how many jibbies to make it
please help i only have 10k now

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>ai enhanced exchange has bots
really made me think

That's probably enough in a few years.

which one should i drop at an absolute fucking loss
i kind of want more jibbies but it hurts

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Ok then. I'm happy to see people like you not even trying to look at this thing outside of the emotionally attached holder perspective. The tears will be more precious later on.

>Oil prince bought a shitload of JNT and wants to tokenize his bags of real money to pump his shitcoins
>knocks on jibrel's doors
>wusup Talal, where can I leave it for tokenization?
>oh, umm, put it there, yea yea, under the wall, next to the trash can, we will tokenize it later

^that's how it's gonna look like, no banking license, no future, no nothing, only growing anger and impatience amongst telegram desperates

>2018 Q3
>So guys due to harsh regulatory environment and unpredictable events we are forced to, change the direction our project is going, tokenization of assets was a very abmitious goal, but we have to postpone it unfortunately, also the JNT token didn't get to serve its role but don't worry we will swap you some different shitcoin next year.
>Thanks for the ico guys, take care

The funniest part is that other shitcoins aiming to do the same will get further because they don't even try to be compliant, they know it's all gonna get regulated to hell so they act while they still can. Jibrel Delloitte interns will try their best and get fucked the most at the end, while Tether boys and the rest of stable shitcoins are going on full steam

Ah now we have reductio ad bitconnectum. As if "arabs" wasnt enough.

You do realize this is a /biz troll as Jibrel will never be worth more than a $1. It's literally a copy of tether. Weak shilling and trolling daily from these morons.

You do realize that what you are saying is bullshit and a 5 min read will prove your shitfud wrong

Thanks for warning to never invest in. I am well aware that biz is a strong community, people always help each others.

This comment made me laugh because for one that's not how JNT even works. The price of it is pretty much irrelevant for those who want to tokenize their assets. So they won't be pumping or dumping the coin. But they will be adding upward momentum. And it's funny that you're saying that pretty much every shitcoin is going to moon while this one fails. In reality it will probably be the exact opposite. Vaporwave shit coins had their place and that was in 2016/2017. Now it's time for the big boys like JNT to take over.

this is actually a legit funny larp but look here jibrel fans have no chill, cannot even take a simple friendly banter.

Another wall of text with nothing constructive in it.

Furthermore i am really interested in the following question by this user...>Why do you spend your time like this on biz when you aren't invested? What's your fucking agenda?

>Cognitive dissonance
This is sth you should research too

when is the Binance/Bittrex/Bitfinex listing guize?

where is the application in progress picture guize?

Attached: Binance-ApplicationInProgress-1.jpg (1800x1008, 47K)

again, feel sorry for people like you.
Do you see ghosts at night too?
I just decided to tell the harsh truth that I gathered reading your delusions. Thta's it, but hey, I can leave if it bothers you so much, it's going down regardless of what anyone says

When binance
When banking license
When DAO
When tokens
When announcement
When jcash

>He is fudding so he must be holding it himself

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you know a project is trash when a PwC audit is a main selling point

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Why do these jibrel posts just go round and round in circles day after day? Any info you want is on the FAQ section of their website or the whitepaper. You don't believe they can pull it off? Fine, forget about it and move on. So many people clearly haven't understood the purpose of the coin yet think they're geniuses for pointing out some imagined flaw. People are tired of explaining the basic point of this token. Maybe I'm just being baited and everyone in these posts owns JNT anyway.

because the shilling points (muh proof of solvency) literally aren't mentioned in the whitepaper.

last time I had a plumber fix some things in my appartament, I gues we're PARTNERS

actually funny thing is that the WP is pretty vague, but bagholders will always give you the
>read the whitepaper
excuse, hoping that things they cannot explain will be there

I am so tired of this

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that's probably minimum amount to make it in a few years. if possible i would shoot for 15K

"Sorry for us" ?
So you are an altruistic guy on an imageboard on Finance? :^)

You are just a poor guy spending hours on biz fudding because you have a poor life.

The best thing I could do to destroy a shitty coin is leave people in, still make them think they are doing right and see them crash. Intense fudding make the reverse reaction but i dont you are enough smart to understand that.

This. There are so many different claims about the project (korean banks, binance listing, new website, etc) that is hard to keep straight what came from the team and what's made up shilling.

JNT is a stablecoin, it's a stablecoin with a ponzi attached. It's a really good idea to sell at an ICO but I really worry about adoption.

>You are just a poor guy spending hours on biz fudding because you have a poor life.

>t. I hope he is a poorfag or leaves with his parents since he doesn't like my coin hurr durrr
oh boy do I feel even more sorry now.

>The best thing I could do to destroy a shitty coin is leave people in, still make them think they are doing right and see them crash. Intense fudding make the reverse reaction but i dont you are enough smart to understand that.
I literally just pointed out truth, believe me or not, I don't care about your well (or bad) being. Maybe you never felt the need to point out flaws/scam. I sometimes do, today was that moment
but ok, I'm done,
I LEAVE JIBREL ALONE!!! you're safe

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where does "proof of solvency" fit in here? This is their self-described business model

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A biztard literally admitted fuding JNT on biz and reddit (and maybe elsewhere) to accumulate. Posts are even on reddit.

Imagine the life of these people. Sad.


>oil money running out
>mid east power players desperate to find the next best thing
>example being dubai super city boom
>crypto is on their radar
>dubai wants to be first government run on blockchain by 2020
>hmm wonder how all those rich as fuck arabs can get institutional wealth on chain?
>if only there were a cryptocurrency with the transactional properties of the blockchain but without any of the extreme volatility
>if only tokenizing institutions could somehow make money by going on chain
>if only the inventors of that crypto were already in talks with major players in dubai and were already piloting their tech in dubai
>i bet the entire MENA region would adopt that coin sending it to the fucking stratosphere by 2020 and beyond
>if only i had 32K of that coin with a paltry 10K investment
really gets the neurons firing, oh well back to shilling link

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Thanks, good riddance.

Just follow the big money boys. These armchair intellectuals are sitting here smug af thinking they've figured out something that billionaires and their paid analysts have overlooked. I for one will trust the people who chose to invest 250 million fucking dollars over some NEET playing around with mommy's money

Or you could just get into a real coin like Sky or Nuls

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>It’s a stablecoin

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Looking forward to the medium post, lots of good things ahead.

>I literally just pointed out truth, believe me or not.
Cognitive dissonance once again

>Everything is right and i have to prove myself everyday on an imageboard in a shitcoin thread which is nothing else than shit, that's why i waste 5hours a day discussing it

>70% into an altcoin

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mant to say NOT a stable, its a stablecoin back by a ponzi-- they pointless chicanery of on-chain solvency. BUY OUR TETHERED TOKENS TIED TO OUR DEFLATIONARY BACKEND TOKEN__ WHEN YOU BUY WE GET RICH.

I think banks might start follow JIbrel's lead and start issuing their own crypo-fiat wither proven reserves. Sell half on exchanges. and then dump when the price is above $1, and buy when the price is below $1 with absolutely 0 risk.

>Arabs want to make NEETs rich

Scambrel network, enjoy the bags

>moving the goalposts

You just got BTFO. Instead of reconsidering and apologizing you just keep going. Your arrogance and ignorance have been duly noted and made fun of, user.

Note it says "high level" process. They are not going into exhaustive detail like you want. JNT fits in between step 1 and 2, jFIAT is bought with JNT. Which is then locked up by the DAO and additional JNT is bought or sold to ensure the value of that jFIAT is covered.That is your proof of solvency.

Moving the goalposts? This is the literal purpose of the project my guy.

This is the problem. You have a come up with something that makes sense for the team. There is no documentation that from the team the shows that it works this way. This whole project (and assumption made by you) runs on the assumption that financial institutions are run by retards.

Daily reminder MakerDAO already has a stablecoin, DAI.
DAI will have multi-collateral by Q2 and will be listed on numerous exchanges.
Making your precious little JNT a worthless grain of sand.

Daily reminder that DAI and jCash are not supposed to compete. How is a collateral backed crypto-stablecoin the same thing as crypto-fiat/assets?

Go away until you are educated on both coins, child. :)

You claimed proof of solvency is not in the whitepaper. Someone disproves you handily, outing you as a retard. But you just keep going instead of considering this fact for a second. Speaks bound about you as a person, pretty obvious you're not a very smart individual. :)

Congrats you invested in the Pajeetist coin I've ever seen.

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Follow the nice little arrows. This is how the system works, straight from the team. No assumptions necessary.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 19.18.37.png (1500x1040, 173K)

Particularly arrows 3 and 4 if you need a little more help.

Medium post coming this week.

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So this is what a $30 million team put together? Who would buy this bullshit?

You realize the asset providers contribute assets directly to the "Jibrel AG Fund" directly without JNT right (9)?

(3) and (4) still don't show the "proof of solvency" I asked about