>Double IPA's
>Strong ales
>Imperial stouts
When will the hop meme end?
>Double IPA's
>Strong ales
>Imperial stouts
When will the hop meme end?
never, dumb frogposter
MUH fuck off op
>>Strong ales
>>Imperial stouts
Strong ales and stouts don't have strong hop flavors retard.
But you're right about IPAs being shit.
I think it's changing even now. A lot of microbrewers can keep one silly IPA going for the kids, but they're experimenting with Kolsch, Alt, sours, Wits, Dunkel, Shwarzbier, America Steam Beer (a highly under utilized style in my opinion), Czech style lagers, Belgian lambics, etc. The beauty of it is, there's really no limit
I don't think they are growing in popularity, most of my friends and myself went back to drinking regular beers. and I've noticed at bars that people are starting to not give a shit and just want something easy to drink.
Well congratulations! You know nothing about beer! But be proud because those rice adjunct beers are so smooth, you girlish faggot. You don't even realize why you're drinking rice adjunct beer.
>everyone else is just pretending to like it in order to fit in
>10.4% ABV
>Hops on bottle
>"This will fuck you up" the entire angle to sell it
It's like they know it's shit.
IPAs are shit; the objectively worst beer style.
>the hallmark of the style is that it is bitter
>most toxins are bitter; bitter is nature's way of saying "don't consume this"
They taste objectively bad and you're supposed to spit them out by instinct.
I called this a few years ago. The hip beer will be a minimalist European style oktoberfest or lager soon. I don't have a problem with this.
That being said, there are some IPAs that taste like delicious fruit juice. The higher alcohol ones are not overpoweringly bitter at all and are nicely balanced between bitterness and fruit flavor. The lazy single IPAs with too many bittering hops and low malt content are what give IPAs a bad reputation.
Yeah I'm seeing a lot of this on the Sour front too. Lot of breweries are experimenting with Belgian Sour style ales to very good success. I can finally find non-Russian River sours for sale that don't taste like ass.
Though I can sympathize why its taken so long for sours to take hold. Apparently they're an absolute nightmare on the production side when it comes to the brewing facility needed to produce them.
>the hip beer will be a minimalist European style oktoberfest or lager soon
Yeah, because now that everyone has grown accustomed to flavorful beers they're obviously going to go back to drinking piss water.
Just drink what you like and shut the fuck up
I don't like Sours but I'm not saying they shouldn't exist
ok champ
like most popular things, there are some people pretending to like them
I actually like sours but rarely see them at the bars I go to. Goses are good too.
The hallmark of the style is that it's piney or citrusy
Can you name some of these tasty IPAs?
I do love Sculpin Grapefruit IPA, fantastic for summer.
dumb frogposter
Oh yeah Guezes are now becoming popular too. Pretty much sours have replaced Pilsners as my go to bear for just sipping and chilling. Only downside is they tend to be a bit on the high ABV so I just have to be mindful of what i'm drinking depending on what i'm doing.
Bell's Two Hearted
>Double IPA's
>Strong ales
>Imperial stouts
I've literally never had a beer that wasn't one of these.
Yeah. Hipsters love to eat/drink shitty things
>tfw never particularly liked beer in college
>all your friends love it
>only get into it by noticing that if you drink it fast it sorta taste like water and it gets you drunk
>discover IPAs, dark beers, and like the bitter unique taste
>Its a meme! why aren't you enjoying piss water like Pilsners
Fuck you beer snobs.
>Guinness in winter
>rolling rock in summer
>budweiser whenever
Enjoy your estrogen ipa fags
>tells others to enjoy their estrogen
>is literally a woman
>Fuck you beer snobs.
Beer snobs like those beers, this is just a couple of cu/ck/s being contrarian.
>drinks the mildest mass-produced stout and ales available
Why not just drink water and get a buzz from soaking your tampons in vodka?
>currently have 5 of those in my refrigerator right now
Then why drink alcoholic beverages at all, by that logic.