
Hey Veeky Forumsock suckers. What are your favorite recipes involving these tasty little fuckers?

Shoulda been co/ck/suckers, shouldn't it?

I'm drunk and just want to talk about cashews.

oh man I make this beef jerky cashew curry for camping that is the shit. Tasty as fuk.

>preheat oven to 350
>grease a shallow baking dish
>turn the oven off and wash the dish
>eat a handful of cashews
>continue to eat by the handful or singularly until you have had enough.


I was trying to think of some kinda cashew broccoli thing but im not sure how id go about it.

I see you plebs don't even activate your cashews. How utterly quaint, dohohohoho!

I'll have to give this a try. Can I use the microwave instead of the oven to save time? Also, can I substitute the cashews with your mums cunt?

These, and other sorts of nutty goodnesses are nice when chopped up and added to a sizzling pan of asparagus or green beans. I made some asparagus with sliced garlic and almond the other day. Good stuff.

add them to stir fry. broccoli, beef strips, oil,chilli cashews. if you've got another stir fry sauce, add that shit it as long as its not too strong (so prob not teryaki)
tasty, takes less than ten minutes, eat that shit regularly.

I do like activated cashews, but roasted are wonderful. And yes, I basically live off cashews and pecans.

Use instead of peanuts in cookie recipes. It's loads better.

Kung Po

Always keep some activated cashews In my fridge for easy prep

>I'm drunk and just want to talk about cashews.

I've never been more depressed while on Veeky Forums

Let me tell you about the jews

Check out East Bali Cashew Company on Amazon. Their white pepper/garlic cashews are god-teir.

You can soak cashews in water then blend them into a paste for making desserts or frozen popsicles

Make cashew """""'''''cheese""""""''''

This almost, make a simple syrup in a rondo, let it get to bubbling temp, 116 toss in cashews keep stirring until sugar becomes caramelized, like right before burning. Put on sheet pan add salt, either eat them straight or listen to this fellow blend them up with a bit of water until sauce like consistency throw that shit on ice cream or any other dessert. Also if you have miso on hand mix some of that shit it.

shove as many in your mouth and try to savour the flavour as possible
thats what I do