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non-burger here, what does this mean?

he just banned Bitcoin

That we're not using US money to drive Venezuelan commies further in to debt.

Yup, worldwide too. I can't believe the rest of the world still sucks America's dick so easily like that.

holy fuk youre retarded

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Than ban is for PetroDollar

He didn't ban bitcoin. He banned buying a Venezuelan shit coin

holy fug if he can ban petro he can ban bitcoin

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Thats how it starts bruh.

Trump banned the direct financing of a county via cryptocurrency. This is a complete non issue you mongs.

I hope the next president after Trump bans all of crypto so I can finally have no choice but to leave this country

this is a good opportunity to test out buying shit on a dex. Time to buy some monero..

>literally the whole world is trying to get to burgerland
>burgers want out
What is wrong with you?

This is a good sign, it shows that if the president was going to sign an executive order banning bitcoin, he would've already done it.

>old news
>packaged anew for free FUD

Why do ppl. fall for this?

The whole world is trying to get to Los Angeles/New York.

He essentially banned all and any digital interaction with Venezuela... the wording is so vague as to include even session IDs and cookies and emails.

The world's parasites

>literally the whole world is trying to get to burgerland

This has got to be a meme

I can't wait till all governments ban crypto. This way I can legit stay a neet all my life.

OMG! Not Venezuela!!! The crypto economy totally depends on Venezuela!!! SELL SELL SELL


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>land of the free

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Ahhh....ummmmm....eee....don't know how to break your little "murica is the greatest planet" bubble...but NO

pls stop

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it's a good job daddy trump is here to save you dumb burgers from yourselves.

This makes for a good experiment. Let's see how resilient crypto is.

Not any longer. That's why the slogan "Make America Great Again" was born, it's shit and we get shit immigrants now. By all means, you go through the legal channels and can communicate effectively, please come and help us thrive again. It's turned into such a flaccid nation among the first world though, and we're only good to Mexicans now.

You fucking retards. This is the equivalent of Trump banning bitconnect. How stupid do you have to be to think this is a bad move?

How does this even work?
>buy eth on coinbase
>send to binance or myetherwallet, neither has my ID
>when eth is in myetherwallet, send to wherever to trade for this crypto
What am I missing?

Nothing, you can even convert to Monero fisrt and have no trail.

The only power governments have over crypto is the Fiat onramps like coinbase. When it comes to coin transactions they cannot do shit.

This ban only serves to keep institutional investors out of directly putting their money into this commie shithole, which is the concern.

You have to understand that due to embargos you could make a killing buying oil and other exports from this country because they are way under normal market price.

It is just government curtailing the free market for a bit to punish these people for not participating in the world Bank cartel and backing the Petro dollar.