Hey cu/ck/s
Do you like balut
I have not heard of it till recently and it is the weirdest thing I have seen
Hey cu/ck/s
Do you like balut
I have not heard of it till recently and it is the weirdest thing I have seen
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No. leave the poor little baby birds alone!
Have you tried it though?
And btw, it's a fucking fetus, dude. It feels less pain than an adult bird when you kill it
Every person I know that has tried it says it's delicious. I'd definitely try it if I had the chance.
Did they say if you can feel the bones or the feathers as you chew it? I wonder the texture
dude that shits nasty and cray. eat a poor little baby bird that has never known the sun.
they're full of shit and are just trolling you to get you to eat raw bird eggs. Filipinos eat it to trick tourists into thinking it's a delicacy, when it's just an elaborate prank.
t. filipino
Wait what
Are you being a dank memer right now
flips also eat ketchup spaghetti with hotdogs regularly
and this
It's actually really good. Was very surprised. It''s sort of like a hard boiled egg but creamier and with little harder bits. I though the bone parts were going to be the ruining factor. Only the bottom part that's the amniotic sack I think suck. It has the taste and consistency of an erasure but most people don't eat that part any wasy
Chinese love them. Old Chinese ladies poor vinegar on them and scarf them up.
the Filipinos, that i know, eat them unironically
the people from other cultures i know ate them all say it was disgusting
food is subjective, always, there is no blanket statement to classify any food
>Filipinos eat it to trick tourists into thinking it's a delicacy, when it's just an elaborate prank
can confirm. flips are absolute memers, when i went to the philippines i got tricked by my flip bud and his family into eating only to know in the end that they haven't even eaten a balut themselves.
Viet here, I eat that shit regularly, it helps with pregnant women too.
>unborn tendies
Fucking why?
That's the Chinese for you.
Eating an unborn animal is a lot more humane than letting one live in captivity, only to be eaten, no? Then again I'm a meatlover so I couldn't really give less of a shit.
>Chinese love them. Old Chinese ladies poor vinegar on them and scarf them up.
My chinese wife would murder me if I put that on her plate but whatever.
I've had one in Vietnam, it was pretty good once I got over what it looked like. I bought it from some street vendor a block from Turtle Lake in Hanoi.
Actually it was pretty good, it's hard to describe but it's basically chicken flavoured meat with the texture of hard boiled egg yolk.
>My chinese wife
Dude you got an asian wife? That's fucking sweet
Also, get the fuck out of this site you FUCKING NORMIE
I'm going to pick up my Vietnamese girlfriend right now, we may be trying balut. She loves that shit.
Specialty of where my gf comes from
So far I have eaten soft shell turtle, filthy stinking tofu, possibly cat, possibly rat meat, what was described as 'unknown meat'. Am yet to get the balls to eat unborn tendies
For anyone who tried this, do you think frying it would be a good idea? Would it be better?
>comments are disabled
Jesus Christ
Nah, it's apparently not like that. There's a little bit of a crunch, but you're not really crunching up a ton of bones or anything, it's all really malleable. The feathers are wet in the weird gestation fluid, so they're just slimy and semi-firm like everything else.
How many times have you had it, and where