What do you snack on while you browse anime websites?
What do you snack on while you browse anime websites?
Delete this thread and go away.
Sticks of butter since I'm a dumb weeb like you.
You'd really like to know?
I don't browse anime websites.
I use chopsticks to eat FlamingHot Cheetos while browsing
You're on one right now.
I sip on green tea while ricing my .xresources to tweak my tiling i3 window manager to perfection.
How is watching other people calling each other faggots and posting anything is anime?
/a/ doesn't dictate whole of Veeky Forums, you know. It's based of Jap boards , but that's it,
Mug vodka.
Then a few I pick out a pair of chopsticks from my collection and go the fridge in the middle of the night and alternately take bites from whatever leftovers are available, along with cottage cheese and kimchee (so my tummy isn't upset in the morning), both of which I always keep on hand.
Based off of Japanese boards
Made for anime fans to discuss anime (and then for anime fans to discuss other topics)
Owned by a weeb and now owned by a literal Jap
I can't comprehend why someone who hates anime but wants to discuss cooking would come to weeb center of the internet to do so.
But does it make all of us have an interest in anime, or turns us into anime fans when we come here and talk about anything but anime, with anime fans?
This is still not really anime.
No but it doesn't change the nature of the site.
If I go to an amusement park, then decide to dine at a restaurant there, I am still in an amusement park.
>I can't comprehend why someone who hates anime but wants to discuss cooking would come to weeb center of the internet to do so.
Veeky Forums has been so much more than an anime "center of the internet" for years.
Anime is for manchildren anyway. I can't imagine what your fathers think of you.
Well I guess with that point being used as an analogy, it'd be weird to say I came to the amusement park just to go to the restaurant.
I wouldn't go here just to discuss cooking exclusively either. Well, back to lurk moar I go
This is actually the cooking board. If you look up at the top it says "Veeky Forums - Food & Cooking", not "/a/ - Autists & Manchildren"
>if you look up at the top it says Veeky Forums
>if you look up at the top
b-b-buts its not an anime website
really gets the synapses firing
If you wanted an anime faces dump you could've just asked, user
green tea pocky
Toppest of keks
My girlfriend's cute little cock.
I never knew true love until I got a beautiful trans-girlfriend who really understands me
Take it from a oldfag, weebs are the best newfag repellant you can ask for. The best result is seeing one sperg out because they get riled up over seeing top much Jap drawings and leave. You'll be surprised how much it happens.
>all the weebs in this thread
>still using the "b-but Veeky Forums was MADE for weebs s-so it's weebs only!!!!" argument
The fact that you neckbeards have to use this argument so often should prove to you that this isn't your secret little weebs-only club.
Anything available
Its not a weebs-only club, but coming here and expecting people to not talk about or reference anime is absolutely retarded and will not happen. Keep crying.
Only the finest of rice granules.
Picky and caplico duh
I'm not really into anime but I can respect it as an art form. I don't understand what all the hate for it is about. Is it just a bunch of amerifats jealous that another country has produced a popular art? I really don't get the screaming and wailing about it.
I don't eat snacks
Snacks is something fat(and future fat) people eat
nothing because i'm not a morbidly obese sack of shit who constantly has to shove food down my fat gullet
>expecting people to not talk about or reference anime
No one expects that. But you weebs have to stop crying when people with taste rightfully call you out as the basement-dwelling weeb you are.
>people with taste rightfully call you out as the basement-dwelling weeb you are
>implying there aren't plenty of people here in their 30's and 40's with jobs and spouses who hide their power levels in everyday life
This was an anime site, not any more.
>>implying there aren't plenty of people here in their 30's and 40's with jobs and spouses who hide their power levels in everyday life
Oh wow, look. Someone mentioned anime and now there's no reason for the thread to exist.
Many such cases.
Green tea noodles, with furikake and soy sauce
Peanut clusters or any type if chocolate.
I snack on still beating weeb hearts soaked in Clorox.