Tried inviting over some friends to watch the game with me and they all bailed, think I can eat this all by myself? I'm really upset.
Tried inviting over some friends to watch the game with me and they all bailed, think I can eat this all by myself...
Maybe you should have ordered the pizza after they showed up?
Are you autistic?
eat the two smaller pizzas, freeze the large into individual slices
the brownies will keep for a little while
Give them to a homeless refugee, just don't tell them there is pork in it
not unless he adds cyanide to it
damn this made me sad now. but yeah i think you ca neat it all. go down on that brownie all the sugar will lighten up your mood
>nobody noticed OPs meme topping
OP has no friends and ordered these pizzas for the express purpose of making this thread
this is why your friends don't like you
>pineapple & chicken
>pineapple & sausage
>fucking xl pineapple & ham
op ordered this all for himself to start with, plus he's trying to specifically push Veeky Forumss buttons
This your standing order from Domino's, Tubby? How many times a week do they drop it off? 3? Or just 2 because your new year's resolution?
i know the feeling OP, i bought a case of beer because my magic play group was supposed to meet tonight and the snow we are getting caused them to not show. now i have a shit ton of yuengling and no one to drink with
They are all better off for not showing up because I assure you that you are the only weird, shitty fuck who actually thinks pineapple is ok on pizza.
I don't see the problem.
That sucks, but yeah I don't see a problem either.
>pineapple on every pizza
I wouldn't have turned up either.
I'd eat OPs pizza with him/her/xhe, I like pineapple.
>they're all pineapple
Good bait 4/10, but you forgot to change the filename from a Veeky Forums filename to something more believable.
i wanted to play magic though
nah, NC
Well, yeah, ok. But now you can drink beers and have fun on 4chinz :D
no nigger, north carolina. fucking northerners man
XYZ $ 4.2 OLMP?
Gonna need to bust open at least a couple cans of anchovies for all of that.
i dont drink alone usually so i wouldnt know, hence the problem with having a case of beer and no one to drink with
Ah fuck, this made me sad. Don't pig out, dude, it's not healthy. Have a few slices, but don't overdo it. Hang in there, buddy.
When they got wind that you were ordering pizza they were like, ah fuck that shit I`m not taking ages picking pieces of pinapple off EVERY slice of pizza.
They hate you faggot. Autistic piece of shit. I hope they rape and murder you.If I was your friends I would force you too eat all those pizzas while gangraping you. Then wed all piss and shit all over while stabbing you up and then stamp on your head until you stop moving. little fucking faggot
You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
You are not alone
But what about op buying three meme pizzas just to troll Veeky Forums?
they probably didnt show because you put pineapple on fucking all of it holy shit
919 here, Ill take your beer
>buying 3 pineapple pizzas to troll Veeky Forums
919 too, you over by crab tree? come and drink man
What's with all the fucking pineapple?
>5 minutes away
small world
just leave it on your porch and I will get it tuesday when the ice melts
Pineapple, sweet/red onion, and bell pepper masterrace here
Why do people make up stories about food they ordered? Are all fat people naturally dishonest?
>are all fat people naturally dishonest
It seems to be a trend.
you have know proof he was cheating that round.
>Maybe you should have ordered the pizza after they showed up
... and asked what toppings they like?
I want to order a bunch of dominos pizzas and play D&D, I've never played before but I'm sure I could find some people interested
problem is I don't want to DM, I want to actually go on the adventure
any tips?
but i wanna drink, just come over man
you can join my rouge trader group assuming your not an autist
MTG should really have a YGOpro/Jinteki equivalent
Fuck paying for fake cards
>what is xmage
google it
He's a faggot, obviously.
I normally love pineapples and do not get the I-hate-pineapple-on-pizza meme
But good go, on all three of them for a party? You are not original nor creative.
its okay this is an anonymous image board, you can say whatever you want - dont hold back this time!
"grrr i dont have friends!": the poster
I don't understand what that means!
rogue trader is basically space DnD in the warhammer 40k universe
Apparently neither does OP.
Sure you had friends coming over you fat fuck
Um, kill yourself NOW.
Where you live, user? I'm looking to start a regular group for D&D/Pathfinder.
Play hearthstone instead
You sound 12
>3 fucking hawaiians
jesus dude
It's just because I'm in another continent otherwise I would come with 2 six pack of my favourite beer and I'd be happy to help you eat those 3 fuckers.
>they all bailed, think I can eat this all by myself?
Go away, Weird Al
Well you've officially triggered everyone, what's the next step of your master plan?
>Wasting money just to shitpost on Veeky Forums
That's funny
Just throw it in the bin.
>ananas on pizza
>no friends
My man
^phoneposter dont respond
>All these fags who get triggered by seeing Pineapple on Pizza.
Sure is 8 years old around here.
Look at all of this shit taste. Pineapple pizza is god tier
I'm sure you can eat that. Just focus.
Godverdomme, kankerhollanders. 't is "pineapple"
pineapplepizza is worse than pizzagate.
>Invite friends over for bro
>They don't come because they're sub-human
Get new friends, with interests in McChicken.
keep it in the fridge and just throw it in the oven, eat them over then next three days
they aren't your friends. You just have their number
Your friends ditched bc you put fucking pineapple on your pizza
Getting different sizes for all 3 is rather odd. I used to work at dominos and they had a standing coupon for 3 pizzas with 3 toppings on each. The 3 mediums was 20-something bucks. It was called the 3 on 3. Next time you can order that to save you a little money.
Pineapple on pizza is why we need eugenics