You guys jelly of my pretty knife? After 8 years of daily use...
You guys jelly of my pretty knife? After 8 years of daily use
Gorgeous handle, cant see the beatiful wood grain on this one, its a dark stain.
Do you sharpen it yourself with a whet stone?
Yes, it has been about a week though. Worth the time investment.
I have a Shun chef's knife and really like it.
Good to see you taking care of your knife. Not a big fan of it aesthetically though.
The handle is beautiful in person, wish i had a shot of it in sunlight. Post your knife!
So jealous and upset. A poor non chef is detected.
I don't like the curves of the blade/handle, just personal preference.
I just have the classic 10" chef's knife, nothing fancy. I rub mineral oil or a mineral oil/beeswax combination on the handle, that's about it.
They are nice knives, especially to sharpen. I bought the same Shun knife I have as a wedding present for friends who were getting married. They own/operate a farm in Canada and Mexicans work there during the growing and harvest seasons then fly back home.
She said something to me about getting so many knives as wedding presents (I thought my gift was original, apparently not) that they ended up giving a lot to the Mexicans. She forgot what we had given her.
I went to their house the next year and was cooking, and the Shun couldn't be found. I didn't want to ask and make her feel bad, but I'm almost sure there is a poor Mexican farmer's wife using a Shun right now.
I was pissed at first, but it's a good thought now. I hope they appreciate the knife.
I'e been getting by with Victorinox for years. Never felt the need for anything more. So nah, not jelly. Glad you're happy with it though.
>8 years
>suddenly the blade breaks at the gentlest touch
looks heavy.
Not too familiar with Shun, huh?
>having an asshole this sore
>falling for a weeb meme knife
I use a chef knife I bought for 5 dollars at a supermarket. works great.
>Being this poor
It's been almost a decade. Before idiots like you called everything a meme.
"works great"
That's great.
You'll understand when you use a real knife.
I like the backsplash on your counter top. More impressive than that bullshit knife holder that likely isn't food grade worthy.
I have a few Miyabi's...I prefer them over Shun for Jap steel. I also use a magnet for my knifes because I'm not a fag.
What the fuck are even talking about? That's a bar sink you fucking pleb.
>Implying i don't have a mounted magnet line for my utility knives
>Implying i used the stand for anything but taking this picture.
>i-it's expensive so it's good
>Not reading
Its almost a decode old, and is just as good as the day i bought it. Try harder.
>a decode
is that one of the ken onion shuns? never really liked them t b h
stopped using the shuns I have a while ago, prefer globals or german knives
>Doesn't address facts
>Points out typo because you know you're wrong
You must live a sad life.
>thick bolster
Was this the first knife you ever bought? Because I would never get a knife with a bolster like that. Honestly wouldn't have bought that knife if it was 90% off because of that bolster
Yeah, just bought it for feel though.
Why would you take pictures of a tool?
I don't have a stand for my fucking hammer.
This was my 8th Shun. Love the bolster.
>posts overpriced meme knife on japanese anime cooking website asking if anyone is jealous
>apparently around ten years older than typical poster
>I must have a sad life
It's still a back splash regardless of the sink...and I dig it.
>this post
>claims to not have sad life
What is the average age around here?
Bought this when i was 18.
I don't like the feel of them.
That's great small hands
You faggots are stupid for falling for a bait post like this.
Veeky Forums is so stupid these days
I have big hands
Clearly not.
why, because it prevents you from cutting through long pieces of meat? because it catches on whatever you're trying to slice?
Not only tiny hands, but skinny chicken wrists too.
>no burns
>soft hand-job hands
>quality pants
Why would i use this knife for that?
Thanks for saying it for me fellas.
and poorfag car too. which he was probably trying to impress us with.
worst thread on Veeky Forums for a while.
Which, in turn, begs the quest "Why would you use that knife for anything?"
>slicing with your knife
I'll take it
now I want to see your hands guys
hey it is a average priced car and I left the badge out of the photo
I don't understand people saying that Shun knives are overpriced. Yeah, the MSRP is pretty high, but on Amazon, you can get them on sale for about the same price, if not less, as Wusthof knives of the same pattern.
I don't know shit about cooking or knives, just wanted to say I love that movie, user. Aliens is the shit and easily my favorite film.
my victorinox and tojiro do the same shit for a fraction of the price
weeb shit, 3/10 at best
>quality pants
What did he mean by this
Guessing you like your steak well done with ketchup?
You are trying WAY to hard. It's cringy. Stop it.
it happens even with the best steel m8
clearly made in china
>8 years of daily use
doing what? carving dildos out of watermelons?
I know that's how you spend you time, sorry you don't cook.
Not if you know what youre doing
Made in Russia to cut trump steaks
I don't like ur knife OP
Glad you don't.
Thanks for the bump
i saged ur thread, faggot
Keep it up, find out how sage isn't a thing anymore, you pretend oldfag.
Thanks for the bumps in a bait thread. Faggots.
I tried one of those in a store a long time ago, personally I didn't like the way it handled, ended up buying something else.
but it is, u faggot
How many tanks have you sliced apart with shockwaves OP?