What is the secret to mashed potatoes?
What is the secret to mashed potatoes?
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2:1 potato to butter ratio.
heavy cream
its pasta you dumbasses
Use a ricer and add some parsnip.
Thank me later.
no its potatoes
no this is patrik
no it's becky
You cook the potatoes, then you mash them.
These are golden.
pssh. You only need a masher and a whisk.
not even 10 replies and some fuckhead posts the most ridiculous recipe by "le california schoolgirl chef"
Only useful answer in the entire thread.
steamed potatoes
mashed not overmuch
plenty of salt
grated garlic
whole milk added for consistency
good butter
those are the secrets user to quality mashed taters
some fuckhead doesn't know it's a classic recipe for pommes pure and thinks he has something worth posting.
Yukon gold is best potato for mashing
Decide right now whether you want to go for light, fluffy potatoes, or thick, stick-to-your-spoon potatoes. For the former, mash by hand. For the latter, use an immersion blender/mixer to puree it until it becomes glue-y. In either case, add loads of butter. Garlic is nice. Salt, of course. They're also good when baked after mashed.
what do you use red potatoes you fedora wearing fuck?
The trick is to actually use red onions instead of potatoes.
Russet, fool
High starch, dum dum, and I sure as fuck would never tell anyone to turn them into glue with a goddamn immersion blender.
I don't know about glue or immersion blender but food processor works great to make pomme puree
Do you know how (overworked) gluten works?
Have a McChicken instead
If you add milk and butter and/or sour cream to over-mixed potatoes, they stop being as gluey and just become almost cheesy in consistency. If you then layer cheese on and bake it until it has a crispy layer, it's rather good.
Yes, do you know how to work a simple machine like a food processor?
>just stir in half a dozen dairy products, layer it with even more cheese in a casserole dish, bake it until it's bubbling out the sides and crispy on top, and no matter how much you fucked it up at the beginning everyone will love it at the end
As an American I find this rather embarrassing.
>don't use a food processor
>don't use lots of butter
>don't use milk or dairy
Wow, Marco was such a fucking shit cook.
(time at 6:45)
>half a dozen
>4 items
>As an American
>hyperbole is difficult
>needs to use hyperbole to get his point across.
The world is tough when you have room temperature IQ isn't it?
Make them regularly. But the secret is to just add mayonnaise.
t. I live in the deep south
>wit and the employment of figure of speech is somehow a petty trick and implies a low iq
Whatever you say, friendo.
Guess what: I'm a woman
I've been using Veeky Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day
You don't already add butter and milk to your mashed potatoes? Granted that I often just use butter, but milk isn't exactly rare. The only real extravagance is in the sour cream. As for cheese and baking, have you never had twice-baked potatoes?
The point is that you're adding copious amounts so as to fix over mixed, gluey mashed potatoes. Using fat and cheese as an ingredient is one thing, using it as a bandage is kind of icky.
sour cream and cream cheese... y'all sleep
Potatoes and something to mash them with
I'll leave a copy of the dictionary in the kitchen tomorrow, honey.
Ricer, heavy cream that has been warmed, salt/pepper, chives. Optional. A bit of sour cream or creme freeze.
olives/cheese g
no it's a fucking normie meme