Ghost Continents

why the Paleomap is wrong.

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Interesting but expanding-earth-tier.
What I don't get is how the comet increases Earth's volume by 20%? It would have to fucking huge, not what the size of supposed crater implies.

was an ice water drop from a crushed comet, and took away part of the crust that was locate at the pacific ocean, and also the volume broke trought the crust adding massive volume to Earth, and spreading the continents around, and creating the deep oceans and hi hills

>continents left very clear drag marks across the ocean floor

couldn't even make it past the first sentence, broke out laughing

They found the Mothership! SHUT IT DOWN!

Geologist here


just look at the ocean floor... home work...

Planetary scientist here. I understand your pain.

Cool, thanks, check out I have posters A3 in pdf for download

>he doesn't know the continents are skidding on the surface of a smooth earth like water droplets on a hot stove

what about the drag marks, cant you see?

Bump for curiosity

>didn't even do a model to see if his theory of a massive comet drop is geologically possible

all I see is the deep ocean drag marks, and reconstruct from them this puzzle, phc : )

>drag marks

call what you will, but is there... a blind bat can identify it...

Look man, you're wrong, but not wrong enough for it to be entertaining to disprove.

>top right
how does an ice comet entering the atmosphere leave a 'trail' that shows up as higher rates of energetic particles due to van alen belt coming close to the earth?

>he thinks continental drift means the continental land mass floats through the ocean, dragging on the floor

I just sample it from Asia, Australia, Africa and Americas, same tracks samples in the gost continents

As a geologist i am crying

What is a geologists opinion on expanding earth theory

Anyone with more than a homeschooled education joins you

>continental drift leaves tracks, drag marks, in the ocean floor
No, I don't think you understand what causes continental drift.
The continents don't leave drag marks in the ocean floor because the ocean floor is what's shifting.
Shut up.
That's stupid.
You're stupid.

Let me put you out of your misery OP.

The massive mountain chains are called Mid-Oceanic Ridges. Back in the 60s geological survey boats dredged the ocean floors with magnetometers. They were surprised to discover that there were shifting bands of magnetism that matched each other exactly either side of these Ridges. i.e: paralell. They coincide with a phenomenon called Glacioisostacy where Earth's magnetic field reverses periodically. This causes ''Ice Ages". The dating of these bands became evidence for plate tectonics, constructive and destructive margins, subduction zones etc.Thus, it also explained why the Earth does not increase in size.

Basically, new material is spewed out along Mid Oceanic Ridges, Iceland is the prime example and Hot Spots like Hawaii and other island chains. Material gets subducted along destructive margins like East-coast Japan (see Marianas trench) or West-coast US.

Nice idea though OP, however unfortunately, patently incorrect and verifiably so. Australasian Plates and where they meet is still not totally understood and worthy of investigation. Everything else on this matter has been pretty much sussed out in it's entirity.

OP When does the Jews come in?
The funniest part about these conspiracies is that no matter what they're about, they all somehow conclude that the jews are behind it

Absence of evidence does not disprove a theory or premise.