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What's Mark "they trust me, the dumb fucks" Zuckerberg up to this time?

Hes fucked
Facebooks is done for
The globalist are killing one of their top kikes

Guys, social media is a tool of the elites to control you and farm your data.
>stop being so paranoid user!

This just in, your Facebook data was used go help Trump get elected.
>omg!!! Somebody stop this fascist pig!!! Regulations now!!!

Did you guys know he is a manlet? He's under 5'7..but all his photos are taken from an underneath angle.

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How is the zucc getting cucced here? They are upset because Cambridge Analytica was able to help Trump win, when Zucc was supposed to ensure a Hillary win.

somebody shoop a wojak on this wanker

Yup and now (((they))) realize they need to shut him down. Zuck will retaliate. Get ready

There's one drawback to this technique: when he stands next to people that are actually taller than average.

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does this mean my BAT will moon?

he looks like a reptilian person wearing human skin, but the human tissue is starting to decay.

Yeah you'd think that those reptilians are smart enough to know that disguise isn't fooling anybody

He's got completely lifeless eyes and no soul. Not convinced he's reptilian, maybe he's some sort of robot or a trained clone of some sort.

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Kek. Liberals are so fucking stupid


Brenden, youre literally a nigger scam artist and Im sure youve been blocked from entering more than one SV event

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>implying being blocked from an SV event based on politics is anything but a badge of honor

Kek he's a little tiny pocket man. Bawwww.....

that would be a badge of honor if that was the reason EVERYONE avoids you, its more likely no one wants to get stuck listening to your scam pitch for your startup

>straw man argument
>succumbing to divisive politics when being fucked in the ass in ten million other ways
I'm not even liberal but you're fucking dumb as a kite

It's because he gave money to the anti-fag marriage proposition in California. They tried to ruin his life after that and having failed they're still salty about it.

I'm surprised they haven't called Brave the "alt-right's favorite browser" yet.

bought BAT at the top huh? Sad!

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I read articles 5 months ago that said EXACTLY the same as this Cambridge Analytics """"SCANDAL""""

This is orchestrated BS

first they ignore you

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This, but unironically.

Trying to make a scandal out of nothing.
I did loads of research into Cambridge Analytica during the election and after and read that same article in different format over and over.

It's more than likely just a way to get at Mercer and possibly Zuckerberg, for whatever reason.

Also, tinfoil or not, but I'm pretty sure (((bankers))) or, hedgefund managers are paying celebrities to FUD certain apps/stocks/sites. Kanye West with Nike, Jenner with Snapchat, Rihanna with snapchat. The last two wiped a billion off the mcap, apparently, from one tweet or whatever the fuck. Maybe some fund manager realised the power of social media, lol.

Its obv some shit under the scene.

Observe how the inferior specimen is overawed by the sight of the Aryan Mensch.

Uh, What? That's exactly what is happening right now. This has nothing to do with a straw man argument or right vs left in the strictest sense. People have been told and warned about data abuse but are now getting upset that data they gave away is being used for things they don't like.

Not really talking about you, but the other guy. Liberal or not, they were all suckers

He's not a man or manlet, he's a skinchanging kike.

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Does anyone here honestly have a kikebook or instagram account? Deleted mine about 2 years ago and never looked back.

I'm no fan of zuck, but this manlet meme is really stupid. He's worth more than everyone in that stadium put together... when it's full.

Manlet detected

keks shorted this the second the news broke around trump and his team doing more sketch shit.

when to buy back though?

I have a kikebook from when I was a teen, haven't updated it in 4 years, only use it to lurk


June is the moon.

>lurking facebook

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How's it going zucc, got your height-raising shoes on?

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i don't even use it monthly, only to get access to certain things when they can only be found with a needed kikebook account for whatever reason, like downloads etc.

no excuses, i've already revoked your Veeky Forums pass. time to leave you kikebook sympathizer!

nooooooooooooo gibs Veeky Forums gold account

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>having all that wealth
>could be banging 10's every hour of the day
>marries this

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All I'm seeing is zucc standing next to a flat, yellow square, who did he marry?

I have both and I also have made more in crypto than you and I actually understand the tech


But libcucks - none of that is illegal. Data mining is what ALL major corporations, political parties and other profit-generating entities engage in. Those quizes your grandma sends you are ALL for marketing data harvesting.

So, fuck Facebook, but the (((Zuck))) will be fine off this. He's /thereboy/, they aren't going to toss him and his massive data mining operation under the bus.

>asian women
>not all 10/10 best wife material
Shut the fuck up

>He's worth more than everyone in that stadium put together.

So what? You could be a poorfag and built like a tank - money doesn't magically correlate with your physique brainlet.

I need it for my business. Fucking hate it though, I don't even have the app. Biggest issue I have is I forget I'm not on a chan and start trolling & shitposting people, then get called out IRL for it. Fucking brainlet that I am.

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>I have both and I also have made more in crypto than you and I actually understand the tech


All kikebook account have been from third world countries past 3-4 years. No western countries interest anymore, teenagers have completely abandoned facebook it's a dying platform and zucker knows it too. Thirld world accounts also wont bring you the add revenue they are worthless

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>having standards this low

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What happened?

So what social media do teens nowadays use? Instagram?

I have no fucking clue. Insta/snapchat or whatever, girls use mobile phones and boys pc's in general.

People in the west are fed up giving their personal details, youtube was fucked by google too. People prefer being anonymous in growing numbers

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>xmr shills

the youngin's love their chatsnap

What is wrong with his eyes there's something off about them.

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thank god


So what you’re saying is when of these dumb celebrities say something against a company in a very public way after the drop you should buy? Got it

More! Also nice trips

Are Facebook HODLers getting muthafukin Justed bout now?


If this is true, facebook acted as a Political Action Committee without being registered, while using what is supposed to be private data of the millions of Americans on their site.
Anyone that was one Facebook in 2012 should have noticed the change in advertising and articles. It was part of why I deleted my account, it was clear they aren't a neutral third party.
Zuck is fucked

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Nobody gives a fuck about physique faggot, this is Veeky Forums, Zuckerberg is far more impressive than anyone else in that picture

if you want to go ogle chads like a giggling 16-year-old girl there is a board for homosexuals like you

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get back in your underground city


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Manlet alert. When will they ever learn?

he walks like shaggy from scooby doo

Trips confirm, Zuckerberg more alpha

>and this gives you power over me?

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So now they say Zuckerberg knowingly gave the data to Cambridge Analytica, and Trump had them give the data to the Russians. I think Zuck is Fucked, now everyone want to boycott Facebook.

WAL- LETS triggered lol

So has it been confirmed that Zuck is a lizard? yes or no?

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Was this guy actually smart and talented, or was he simply successful because of his environment and access to parent's money?

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If you're white and under 6'0, must suck
Asians are excusable since they are cute smol people

>worth billions
>still can only get 2/10 puci
>yellow fever destroys lives

who the fuck is that giant beautiful specimen

I honestly don't get what the fuss is? Everyone including their mother scrapes social media for information. Foreign governments, the US government, every fucking candidate etc. Hell, it's been a given since forever that the US government has back channel communication with the likes of facebook and google.

Muh Drump can't be the reason. I sure hope it isn't the reason.

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Do you really think you build a 500 billion dollar company from scratch without having some talent?


Yeah all the normies I know are wiping their accounts of all personal details and just posting bland shit now. I don't know how you can be one of those redditors who has an account going back 8 years where you have almost every intimate detail of your life there.

/ourguy/ confirmed

Holy fuck his wife looks like the dude who owns this website

>yellow fever destroys lives

How do I cure myself bro. I'm a terminal patient it seems

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>be zuckercuck
>5th richest man on the planet
>marry some ugly chink
>she bears hideous offspring
>none of them look anything remotely like him
Once again you cannot out-cuck the zuck.

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Whats his end goal? Is he just going to have a ton of hafu babys?
