
Something that I've long not understood about sociopaths is how do a lot of them often have the day to day characteristic of being disinterested or involved in the world around them but they choose to kill. Killing someone is what I believe to be the rawest emotion you could possibly bring out of someone. The visual of forcing someone to express emotion to you whether it's begging for their life or screaming in agonizing pain. My conclusion is that these sociopaths didn't receive the full emotional attention as a child so they weren't fully developed socially or emotionally mature in return aiding them in the path to pull out the rawest emotion from other.

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Psychopath: your brain is fucked up at birth.
Sociopath: areas of your brain devoted to emotions shrink to cope with poor environmental conditions.
Result: you don't feel impeded in chasing the greatest high, hurting others.

You realise only a small percentage of sociopaths kill ? Thanks for trying though, hope high school goes well

>implying sociopaths are not more equipped to save lives

I have sociopathy ama

Yes and I am talking about that small percentage you fuckface

Yes but it can go deeper, as in why are they chasing that high?

I was diagnosed with sociopathy and I can't imagine myself killing someone for no reason. It doesn't interest me, but if I had a motive I wouldn't stop myself.

I know i love the idea of seeing someone die but i wouldn't want to be the one to directly do it

Most socios aren't into killing. Not directly anyways. They'd rather manipulate others into doing it for them. Public image is everything to them. So this is kind of an interesting question.

I would guess that the primary motivator for a socio to kill would be fear of being found out. They can't handle humiliation, and if someone were threatening to expose something awful they've done they could be motivated to kill. No empathy standing in the way, and the other person is a threat to their power or social standing or freedom, they might assess the situation and decide the other person needs to go.

If they get away with one kill, there's a probability they'll keep going. They don't have emotion in any real sense, so the adrenal rush and power trip of doing something like that and getting away with it probably gets them off like nothing else.

The sociopath you seem to be profiling is the elite type which uses the lack of empathy as a strength for wealth and/or power. But there is still a category of sociopaths that I assume aren't successful and haven't accepted the state of their mind to use to their advantage but rather act on impulse with it or try to get away from it. You mentioned how they lack empathy and emotion, that is why I'm saying that they try to fight that hollow feeling by seeing someone else's intense emotion because what other emotion is more raw than another human being begging for their life to you?

How's tenth grade?

>act on impulse with it
I have always thought of those types as garden variety psychopaths. Isn't the distinction between them that socios are a little better at 'faking it' and gaming the system, while psychos literally don't care what anyone thinks so they don't bother trying to put up a facade? Or do I have it backwards?

A psychopath doesn’t have a conscience. If he lies to you so he can steal your money, he won’t feel any moral qualms, though he may pretend to. He may observe others and then act the way they do so he’s not “found out,” Tompkins says.

A sociopath typically has a conscience, but it’s weak. He may know that taking your money is wrong, and he might feel some guilt or remorse, but that won’t stop his behavior.

Both lack empathy, the ability to stand in someone else’s shoes and understand how they feel. But a psychopath has less regard for others, says Aaron Kipnis, PhD, author of The Midas Complex. Someone with this personality type sees others as objects he can use for his own benefit.

They're basically very similar and i don't care too much about the titles my general subject so to say is one with lack of empathy and emotion which is a shared trait just verifying in degree


Thanks for clearing that up.
Could it really come down to their inherent lack of impulse control? 60% of young males admit to homocidal impulses, yet very few people would actually kill unless it involved some kind of societal phenomenon or ritual.

In the case of people who kill repeatedly. They have to be getting some kind of neurochemical high from it. What you're proposing is definitely plausible.

Here's another thing I think, depending on your social economical status you will either try to kill those thoughts with drugs and alcohol further deeming you to the life of a homeless person with a few stabbings under the belt or if you're a bit more intellectual and have had some educational you'll realize that the mental state you're constantly in is to an extent is a gift and will grow up to be one of the politicians or millionaires we hear about, maybe without any killings but more of financial killings, you hear these stories of how business men screw their "partners" out of millions, they financially killed them receiving the desired emotions without the physical kill.

I also think that the impulse to kill could come from how much violence you have seen in your life

That dynamic might have more to do with IQ than education or economic status. Sociopathy is common among surgeons and CEOs. The average IQ for serial killers is under 100.

So maybe smarter sociopaths generally figure out ways to get their kicks that don't put them at risk of prison time?

In the case of serial killers, they most often come from non-abusive homes, and avoid military service.

Itt armchair psychology

>Itt armchair psychology
To be fair, psychologists are kind of limited in what they can actually determine experimentally. Alot of it still conjecture and arbitrary categorization.

its annoying hearing you fags try and explain how i think

haha, well enlighten us then.

Idk, I always have explosions of anger inside me, to the point of wanting to kill someone because they did something I didn't like, I also thought of killing my parents to have their inheritance quicker. I never did anything so I doubt I'm a sociopath, specially when other people are worse, most people are impaired on other stuff it might be that I'm actually sane but with some weird way of thinking IDK.

Sociopaths don't kill, psychopaths do.

Sociopaths = Corrupt politicians and corporate leaders

Psychopaths = Serial killers

That's not being a sociopath that's just having temper tantrums

Lol wrong, and over simplified, did you get your information from a buzzfeed youtube video

Are people born as psychopaths or sociopaths, or can they just wake up one morning and feel that way, after a lifetime of being a normal, loving person?

I think things can be triggered for someone to become that way, for example it might be fueled by something such a revenge plot or just some people see a large volume of violence in a short period of time, like someone going to war and then it chemically changes their mind.

>Yes but it can go deeper, as in why are they chasing that high?
It's about statistics.
Their inhibition is lower so I guess they tend to commit more crimes.

I think you mean psychopath, which is a sociopath with no conscience. Sociopaths can feel empathy, Psychopaths can't. Most psychopaths simply live their lives and commit no violent crimes.

no sociopath is the same so its impossible to make a general statement but, being disinterested with the world makes life boring and killing is fun. i have come close to wanting to go on a killing spree but have not felt the time is right yet, it often happens suddenly and is triggered by a series of bad events that would happen over the course of the day that push me off the edge and really put me in the mindset to want to kill. its not the idea of murder but more the violence involved in doing so due to rage being one of the only emotions i can "feel"

Most people have an IQ under 100. 96 being the most common IQ amongst white people. An IQ im the 80s standard for black people.

i dont think there is a scientific consensus on the difference between sociopath and psychopath. many of the top researches use them as synonyms because most of the differences people have of them arent very meaningful and relatively arbitrary given what they are studying

Yeah there really isn't much of a difference other than a sociopath feels a bit more emotions or empathy compared to psychopaths but that isn't even a big deal I don't understand why everyone is so stuck on that, it's just a word to describe someone, the understanding of these people whether psychopath or sociopath is what's important.

I don't understand the idea to go kill instead of go become an artist or some sort. I think being a serial killer is a lazy path for a sociopath/psychopath to go, if you're so interested in seeing peoples emotions or to be able to affect them somehow they why not make poetry that moves or see peoples emotions through photography. Famous killers have made art out of killing as in actually used their intellect with the kill making it more meaningful and sometimes outright brilliant. As I mentioned earlier the "paths" whether socio or psycho that don't have the higher IQ or were raise in a poor place usually resort to drugs and alcohol and go on frankly stated pathetic killing sprees with no intellect put into it.

This isn't reddit, faggot. If you want to rubberband your balls, and be an ass in the air Internet prostitute with facts you read off google because you're a total fake posturing penis wench, gtfo

>i dont think there is a scientific consensus on the difference between sociopath and psychopath.
I though you become sociopath while you are born psychopath.

Man, he's definitely a sociopath, to think of killing your parents already makes you a fucked up dude.

Last part is spot on, but ultimately it's not about begging or the pain, just snuffing out a life. Like stepping on a bug.

i dont give a fuck about peoples emotions i want to hurt people

sociopaths with higher IQ's realise that being a serial killer isnt worth it and instead pursue other pathways like becoming a ruthless CEO

Indeed and most of them are in prison. It's estimated that rates of psychopathy among inmates is as much as 50%, even higher for violent and serial offenders.

There is in fact no difference, the two terms are synonyms. "Psychopath" is the preferred term in America, where psychiatrists use the "Hare Psychopathy Checklist" to diagnose the disorder, "sociopath" is the more popular term in the media and popular culture but has no clinical definition.

baby don't hurt me,don't hurt me
no more