Tell me why don't we need flags on Veeky Forums?
Tell me why don't we need flags on Veeky Forums?
Because then Veeky Forums just becomes /int/2.0 you stupid fuck. While this place is bad, at least it's not THAT bad.
Because it would ruin our yuropoor vs amerilard food-culture war fantasies when we find out every asshole shitposter is actually australian. Where would the fun be in that?
Give an honest reason why that would be a good thing?
As far as I can see all it would do is increase shitposting.
Fuck Australia.
I went their last summer vacation and their for me's were $7 with fries and drink.
It would be endless shitposting.
we have enough spillover from /int/
truly a cosmopolitan diaspora
Haha that's what you get for being poor faggot.
Also fuck off we're full
hehe das a wooly piggy !!
did u hear me ??
>Implying anybody wants to come to your hellhole of a country
t. redditor
I just looked this up. The current minimum wage there is $17.70 didgeridoollars/hr. That's $12.93 in freedombux. Even their poors can buy a big sackful of for me's every day.
>2nd highest HDI in the world
Unless you're from Norway, keep crying shitskin
>thread about flags and it already turned into /int/ 2.0
Wow, flags sound like an amazing idea.
>Believing the UNs rating of anything
Your government doesn't even allow you to view those "nasty violent video games" without taking the blood out.
You live in the prelude to 1984.
That's wrong though.
Your government (assuming you're an amerifat judging by your stupidity) won't even give you the FREEDOM to eat chocolate with toys inside it. Sad!
You're making fun of Americans while simultaneously miming the tweets of the dumbest of the dumbest, least educated, lowest common denominator of American culture.
That's the joke retard. Or are burgerfats really THAT dense as to not understand basic satire?
>You're making fun of Americans while simultaneously miming the tweets of the dumbest of the dumbest, least educated, lowest common denominator of American culture.
>the president of the united states is the lowest common denominator of American culture
Says a lot about how batshit dumb you guys are.
>how batshit dumb you guys are
Now maybe you understand what we mean by "flyover".
Anyway, the election was hacked, he lost the popular vote by a historic margin, and he's pretty much guaranteed getting impeached in his first 100 days anyway. It's a low point, and is an embarrassment for the entire country, but it's not going to last very much longer.
Sorry you're literally too fat to understand