Capitalism hate thread
Capitalism hate thread
>gtfo salty nocoiner
why do people play fortnite? Looks low quality.
lul fortnite is like PUBG for bronies
it's free so pajeets don't have to pay to play it unlike pubg even tho both of them are shit
Theres literally nothing wrong with this. Hes creating a generation of antisocial cucks who can only enjoy things by watching others do them and being a babysitter to the broken family and neglected youth.
>wahh they have more than me!!
stop being so emotionally immature
free, fun
Unlike it's competitor, PUBG, it's a lot more fast paced, the skill floor is a lot lower, and of course, the main attraction, it's F2P. You can get away with some insanely gay shit in Fortnite that you can't get away with in PUBG and that attracts a lot more game mind players. The Battle Royale genre still has a long ass way to go though.
Because good lucking getting PUBG or WH40kEC to run smoothly on an AMD machine.
The whole online advertisement meme is gonna be the cause for the next crash. Once companies realise that traffic from 12 year olds isn't worth jack shit it's gonna bring down Google and all the other useless big tech parasites.
Think dotcom bubble but worse with Google being the central piece.
if its so easy then u do it but seriously, theres nothing wrong with it, if retard little kids wanna give that nerd money then thats hustling nigga
"men" with colored hair are the first to hang on the day of the rope
yeah keep on saying that it will happen
if you want to become a millionaire you have to cater to all the 10-12 year olds that sit on youtube watching video games all day long. The fad used to be minecraft, now it's Fortnite
There is literally nothing wrong with the image you posted
Not going to lie my jealousy is supreme. At least I don't look like a fucking frail retarded faggot though.
You have to go back
Yes, there is. The hair dye is fucking cringy. What a fucking manchild.
0/10 BTFO poorfag
That game is so fucking boring the sheep is strong in goys
I play Fort nite. Add me: (PC)
Crypto Bum
This guys make more in a month than you do in half a decade and all you faggots can do is bitch about his hair?
Why is Veeky Forums so full of jealous whiny little children?
I really do not understand why so many people watch this guy. Why does he attract so many people?
He is an entertainer so if you are pissed about Ninja making so much you should also be pissed at every A-list actor and musician. It's a free market.
I don't even care about the money he makes. This guy is the epitome of cringe and I am glad I'm not like him. Have you seen the video? He's talking about people watching him because he does impressions and 'crazy shenanigans' all the time. I can't even anymore. Good for him that he makes so much money, but he's still cringy as fuck.
Of course that shit works. My step brother was 14-15 and spent his first paycheck on gamer fuel which he still buys.
people who put crypto in their usernames are so cringe
Because people are entertained by this, just like any other entertainment based models you fucking neet.
Who knows. It's the same thing with PewDiePie. I can't watch more than 20 seconds of that shit without cringing but I guess some people find it entertaining.
Stop lying. If you could get paid $500k/month to play vidya you would do it in a heartbeat. Anyone would. This guy is living the life. Lucky bastard.
As if you wouldn't do "cringe" shit for half a million a month you salty faggot.
>caring about what another man looks like
better than working in the mines or fields for 12 hours a day.
I watched him once while I was eating some food.
What's so entertaining about him? He didn't seem to be any good at the game and was constantly being loud making stupid noises. How does that attract 100k+ people? Are they really all 12 year old kids?
He might be cringe but he is pretty fucking insane at vidya tbf. He was a pro in Halo and then moved to PUBG and FN.
It just so happens that his skill and autism combined to provide max entertainment on Twitch's platform which is comprised of mainly a teenage demographic. I mean just look at the chat of any high view twitch stream and you will see why he attracts so many of those kids.
>you should also be pissed at every A-list actor and musician
Correct, whats your point?
That there's really no point in singling out a single person if that's the case.
because it's free so all the pajeets and kids can actually play that shit instead of paying for the superior PUBG
Why would you be pissed at actors and musicians? They provide far more value to society than ordinary people.
unlike pubg, it's fun.
Bloom sucks though.
First time I’ve seen a game company pay for adds(memes) on popular Instagram pages.
I open up conversations with random people and get a great feeling of the market sentiment.
>being this much of an anti-social brainlet
Fortnite is for neets who still live at home in their parents basement.
Pubg is for adults who have their shit together and enjoy some fun times with the boys over a beer
Pubg is infinitely better than that kiddie Fortnite shit. Unless you ARE a kid, or have the attention span of a child...
>I'm jealous because I'm too ugly and awkward to be a popular streamer
Lmao so pathetic
lol that's what's so inane about ninja, this money isn't even from advertisers: it's from his retarded fans literally PAYING to watch him
What benefits do you get from paying when you can do that for free?
You know, you can type emotes in the chat spammed by 100k+ other people
Now, why the fuck anyone would pay someone making 500K a month $5/month out of their pocket? That's beyond me lmfao
His fans must be like 10 year retards paying him with daddy's credit card
Even if you like the guy, he obviously doesn't need any more money....
Because it has about 1 billion less WWWWWWW CHING CHONG CHIKAAAA DINAAAA NIP NONG SINA STRAANK DIE DEVIR chinese hackers shitting up games and hacking their way to loot boxes with the intention of selling those for real money. Literally everyone above the age of 12 plays PUBG to sell loot boxes to pre-12yolds.
What do you prefer:
>a dozen of faggots making lots of money because kiddies watch them play
>empty shelves at the grocery stores
I make over six figures with a real job and own two homes.
Sounds like you're projecting NEET :3
>12 years old don't make their parents buy a ton of shit
Kids these days are as consumerist as their parents.
I will reassure you: only manchildren play video games past 21.
Words of a sad individual from a sad life in a sad timeline.
Also yes Fortnite is plebtier but the construction mechanism does allow for creativity and interesting scenarios. Really its what saves the game from irrelevancy.
Some random guy on the street is probably gonna beat the daylights out of this sonic the hedgehog looking faggot before day of the rope even starts.
t. giganeckbeard