Thoughts on Trevor James?
Thoughts on Trevor James?
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Daaayyuummm, those asain girls be bangin, yo
For me, he's a McChicken. A literal "who?".
A modern Marco Polo
I think he's got a cool niche, but china is very strange and the girls that he includes in his videos sometimes are even more strange.
I don't get why Asian women in America insist on doing their makeup either like white women or doing weird shit to over emphasize their smaller eyes. Girls in Asia look so much better and a good reason is they do their make up differently
>the girls that he includes in his videos sometimes are even more strange.
what you mean
he means that their pussy is sideways
Slanted, you lazy eyed fuckwit. The racially insensitive and mysogynistic joke is that their pussy is slanted, 'like their eyes'.
If you're going to make a dirty joke get it fucking right, dipshit.
Does no one notice the bird/human hybrid on the left?
He totally wrecked that pussy afterward.
Can you stop mansplaining me you shitlord bigot? Thanks.
He's pretty based but like 90% of what he eats is noodles with chili oil. It gets a bit repetitive.
Hooters? More like Hootels amiritie
In bird culture, that is considered a dick move.
i dont like the way he talks
>o-ho, o, o
this dude is the most laowai davido-kun faggot i have ever seen jesus christ
>hen hao churrrrr
yeah there's some uncanny valley shit going on with him too. he's like a really enthusiastic alien impersonating a human.
At first I thought he was a hapa and that's what made him such a freak but then he made a video with his parents and they're both white...
I've been to a Hooters in Beijing and in Shanghai.
The breast size difference is striking, coming from Texas.
It was actually much cheaper and better quality than in the US, however I believe it was the same ingredients; they just prepared it better than I've had in the states.
They still had the bottle of Dom with wings, and I got a chuckle out of the fact that that meal would have cost like a month's worth of salary for many people there.
a true man can appreciate breasts of all sizes
Beauty does not stop being beauty just because it's bigger or smaller.
...Ass is better though
Breast of all sizes are great, so long as they are atleast a B. As just waste everyones time. The girl always has a hang up because she has none and gets pissy if you don't spend an extra amount of time on her mosquito bites