Veeky Forums memes

Veeky Forums memes

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Are this and Poincaré duality both derived from some central theorem? Does one subsume the other?




How could anyone on this board possibly know?



Nigger is just supposed to use tables for this shit

I figured the poster of the image might know. Why not ask? There is probably something special that happens when you have a sequence of adjoint modalities and a dualizing object or something, so if nobody knows I will just investigate myself. I figured it would save some time.

audible kek

maybe something to do with verdier duality but im not sure


Yeah, there is probably some refinement of Verdier duality that restricts to whatever the hell is going on in that picture. Is there a name for this formula of Deligne?

Women shouldn't be allowed to teach hard sciences



Haha that's a good one. Is that photoshopped or can you actually get GIMP to output that?


This was never funny