where the fuck did this stupid white people food emerge? Really grinds my gears since france and italy are both white.
Am i really being led to believe that fried chicken and collard greens are better than french cuisine?
where the fuck did this stupid white people food emerge? Really grinds my gears since france and italy are both white.
Am i really being led to believe that fried chicken and collard greens are better than french cuisine?
Other urls found in this thread:
blame the midwest
It's just people trying to push their idea of racial supremacy on others. Shitty joke/meme images are just the medium these days. I mean how many "nig nog statistic" images have you seen around? You also don't see too many comics of white people doing anything too bad in some weird caricature. This is just what they have for bants, so it's just what they're going to throw.
I'd sage this thread if I knew how because this doesn't matter for this board, but I just wanted to let you know OP that it doesn't matter and you shouldn't care, just throw some bants back. Go out and enjoy yourself instead.
Black Twitter
Mostly because basic bitches will go on "fitness diets" and eat a lot of plain chicken and rice
Americans think that their stereotypes regarding skin colour are world applicable.
Both fried chicken and collard greens have tremendous flavor, and I've seen many a french trained chef get a boner for them both on television and in person. It's simple, yes, but so is a baguette.
dont let it bother you
when a black person complains about "bland food" what they're really wondering is why their food isn't deep fried, covered in ramen seasoning and plastered with kc masterpiece
Blacks are so desperate for a way to feel superior to others, they've resorted to this. After all, they can't meme us on intelligence, crime statistics (school shootings are rare as fuck and black violent crime is always ignored by the media), culture, or any other area in which they're very clearly lacking compared to other races.
Let them have this meme, user. It's the only joy they have left.
>Caring what black people think
OP, you have taken the bait. By replying to this thread, I might even be taking YOUR bait. The internet is a rude place.
You're looking at American memes and complaining about them on an American board
It is pretty clear that white in this case is used to refer to American whites. Stop being triggered and think of context.
>Italy is white
>France is white
its bizarre how sensitive white people on Veeky Forums of all places are about racial jokes
for jokes to be funny they need to have a grain of truth
white europeans slather curry all over everything
and look at cajun cooking in america, its renowned for how seasoned and spicy it is, and that's a white cuisine
in fact, pretty much all soul food the blacks are so proud of are white dishes, it's just traditional southern cooking being culturally appropriated, just like dreadlocks and rapping
these are white disciplines
Okay man enjoy being perpetually triggered by memes
(Cajun food has French roots more than American white btw)
>white europeans slather curry all over everything
you w0t? what do you even mean by curry?
how do black people season their food anyway?
baka simp ass wite people nee sim sum dem butter nee sim sum dem SOUL FOOOD
>Adopt French cuisine for local food
>In America
Fuck off, that's French food
>Mexican has an anchor baby
>In America
That baby is 100% American
Wew, lad
What is a "100% American"?
Pretty sure those are holed up in reservations.
Louisiana is french.
Vive la France.
>(Cajun food has French roots more than American white btw)
No shit.
Cajun = Acadian = French Canadian.
indians aren't american, there was no america when they were here. It was a nameless ball of dirt until settlers from europe turned it into america
>tfw your nationality is nothing more than a legal status to you
must suck
>Leader is leading a war so incompetently he has to sell massive land holdings in the new world for next to nothing to fund it
sure thing bubb
I mean, that's literally the definition of nationality.
I think you're thinking of ethnicity.
they aren't part of the american nation, they live in their own countries with their own laws within ours. There is nothing american about them, they weren't even allowed to vote until the 60s
I really fucking hate those mud monkeys. This land was nothing, people came here and built it, then they claim it belongs to them after someone else put the work in
why are you strawmanning me because some nigger on twitter hurt your poor little feelings
Can some Americans explain to me how blacks can even claim to have a cuisine beyond African food.
Fried chicken? Garlic powder?
French, try again my little butt blasted manlet.
Yeah that's what he meant, Mamadou.
Nice try.
Stay enraged over nigger twitter.
>multiple people can't disagree with my shit opinions
What opinion did I express? Nothing but the fact that you are getting irrationally upset over memes like some SJW fuck.
>look up the top 100 Michelin cooks
>not a single (0) black guy
oh i'm laffin
no one's mad nig. I'm eating some pork
And Britain is too and notorious for its shitty tasteless food.
Most of the food in Europe is pretty shit
I respect French cuisine for it's pastries and desert, but it's some of the most boring shit I've ever eaten. But I guess it's a classic when you come from the shithole that is yurop
The French's contribution are the techniques. Most of the food isn't that great
>This land was nothing
Yeah no wifi amirite
>And Britain is too and notorious for its shitty tasteless food
Nice meme. I'd die fat and happy if I could eat a gravy-smothered beef roast with potatoes and green beans 5 times a week.
>Most of the food in Europe is pretty shit
Nice meme once again
Tbf, when the Euros first arrived there wasn't really anyone around, save for a few nomadic tribes. The majority lived far inland where they were engaged in perpetual warfare. The further west you went, the more brutal they were. Read up on the Comanches. Those bastards set the standard for barbarism.
it's a fucking joke idiot... with a HINT of truth.
and they're referring to mostly american whites
it looks like it's been around since at least 2015. You need to get woke, Monica
shut up you cuck. I love black twitter more than anyone i know and its 99% hilarious but all the jokes need to have some kind of reason. Saying that the ethnicity which is responsible for the best food in the history of the world makes flavorless food makes 100% no sense.
>The food I grew up eating is the best in the world
Get a fucking passport if you truly think there is such a thing
>france and italy are both white
Example of black "health food"
Well these pictures are mostly aimed at white Americans, not europeans
Next time you see those memes, reply with pic related
Nothing triggers lefties more than a happy white family
>collard greens
I once got a recipe from an authentic black grandma on how to make collard greens over the phone
>wash em off in the sink like fill up the sink and let the dirt and sand get off of em
>then get your water boiling and salt that water, salt it real good, you can't salt greens too much
>put the greens in the pot like, then let it boil until they dont taste like paper
Wow, what a fucking culinary marvel. I'm not saying they aren't good (they've become one of my favorite sides for fried chicken actually) but they're not as complicated to make as bread, not even close.
>people on the left don't like to see people happy
Fucking what?
This is literally the kind of hatred and lies that are disseminated among the deplorables who vote against their own interests.
tell me how opening boarders to our impoverished corrupt neighbor, importing uneducated unskilled refugees from a backwards violent culture, crushing small business under heavy taxation and regulation while creating an environment where only global conglomerates can survive and monopolize entire sectors, and granting political favors to globalist bankers that exist only to amass more personal wealth, and censoring freedom of speech is better for my economic interests?
>people on the left don't like to see white people happy
Who is hateful here?
so a stupid, baseless stereotype about your race makes you feel bad? as it well should
now consider what the average Veeky Forums poster has to say about black people
Deserves it desu
i wouldn't help them either desu. maybe if their lives were in danger or there were kids/dogs in the car. anyone who voted for trump is a fucking retard
user, the daily faggots posting mcdonalds shit is bad enough, so can you like fuck off? It's a shitty meme we get it, and most of us don't give a fuck. Shit, I bet you have a folder named something like "nignog memes and schemes electric boogaloo edition" somewhere on your computer with probably 3gigs worth of shit to post from it. Let the black man have his memes about the white man and maybe one day they'll be good.
I just assume anyone who holds this position is making a joke
>I hate people if they vote for someone I don't like
Disentangle yourself from the political machinery, brah.
At least the right don't claim to be tolerant. The left claim tolerance yet are just as intolerant of opposing views, even more it seems over the last few years.
The masses that identify as right or left are essentially the same in many ways. You are polarized and basically ignorant and hateful of half your citizens. So much for being on the side of truth.
you think i'm joking or are you referring to trump voters? because i'm not joking
i don't hate conservatives and i don't care if people have different views than me. i do however car if they voted for trump. only the most retarded, disgusting people voted for him. i don't hate them because they disagree with me, i hate them like i would hate a child molester
I think you're joking. Because if you're not joking I can just ignore you until you go away since your opinions don't matter even a little bit
you have no power, no voice, and that's a good thing. You've been in control for over 20 years and it's time to stop that now. Fuck the establishment
Pretty much.
Also the fact that they're advertising it on their car long after so much additional information about how he's lied about everything - and that they're the kind of people who can't drive in the snow is funny as well.
Generally just ignorant and the most hateful people in the country who've been given their chance by now to prove otherwise. Let them freeze.
>France and Italy are white
Kek not anymore
Feel the tolerance (TM).
>da eestablismeent is baad!
>would rather support a literal mobster who doesn't give two shits about them and is already throwing the country into complete chaos and fucking things up as much as possible before even in office so that he can run off with as much money as possible when he's finally impeached, outright plugs their ears and goes "LALALALALALALA" when anyone tries to point out how absolutely stupid and insane they're being when everyone else is standing around dumbfounded how they're pretty much smiling while taking it up the ass and laughing at everyone else for having tears in their eyes for what they're witnessing
Yeah, go Trump supporters...
This was such "your" win...
i'm glad there are still some sensible people left on Veeky Forums
People who voted for Trump felt disenfranchised and ignored and would rather gamble on him than stick with the status quo.
I can't blame them. They definitely made a mistake, but sometimes the unknown and great change are exciting and something to look forward to. In this case it probably won't work out for the best, but people were fed up.
To simply call them stupid is what caused Trump to be elected in the first place. Why not listen to your fellow citizens, even if you disagree with them? Instead you become part of the polarizing political-media machine that is tearing the country in two and causing the extinction of the moderates.
Some people thought the world was going to end when Obama was elected and others ridiculed them for these delusions. Fast forward 8 years and look who is screaming that the sky is falling now.
Things will be fine. Treat your fellow citizens with at least as much respect as you would to illegal immigrants, black criminals, and Syrian refugees. They are part of the social contract and contributed to society.
>throwing the country into complete chaos
since being elected the country has done better than it has for 16 years and he isn't even at full power yet
he's not the one trying to start a war with russia for no reason
That's all true, but this,
>I can just ignore you until you go away since your opinions don't matter even a little bit
seems to be the opinion of the people who still don't realize that they made a mistake voting for Trump - that it was a very poor gamble.
Also, Obama wasn't a batshit insane liar conman.
>Also, Obama wasn't a batshit insane liar conman
Yeah but Hillary is.
explain how
taking false credit for a few thousand jobs not being shipped to mexico isn't an accomplishment
trumpfags are the ones who respond to anything, anything that sets them off with cries of liberal cuckholdry. don't tell me to be respectful of people who have no respect for anyone. i'm a poor, white southerner raised by poor white southerners and we don't blame our problems on an imaginary liberal bogeyman
>since being elected the country has done better than it has for 16 years
but this method would prevent any flavour from being lost.
It's called Trump taking credit for everything good that Obama did after Bush/Cheney put us into a recession and two wars, despite the fact that his policies are completely anti-jobs and anti-healthcare.
All we really know that Trump has done since he's been elected is manipulate the stock market here and there for a little daytime insider trading for him and his friends.
Black twitter.
I don't see what's to get butthurt about OP, it's just bantz. Like how whites make fun of every other non white.
>Am i really being led to believe that fried chicken and collard greens are better than french cuisine?
This meme is over a century old. People here like to tease blacks for loving KFC and watermelon but fail to realize that the Japanese they glorify so much do so as well.
too green xD
>At least the right don't claim to be tolerant. The left claim tolerance yet are just as intolerant of opposing views, even more it seems over the last few years.
You arguing in bad faith or seriously unaware of how full of shit you are?
Collared greens need vinegar, that's how blacks like 'em.
>no salt pork
>no spices
Either she's retarded or you're lying. I'm going with the latter.
>that pic
If only black people took jokes as well as they take welfare
Americans eat shit food and niggers are stupid.
Ohh man, that's a real shame. Maybe you should kill yourself, and then you don't need to worry about it.
Italians aren't white though.
>blacks welfare
According to the latest USDA report in 2013 40.2% of households receiving SNAP were white, while 25.7% were black.
Surprise, surprise another alt-right myth rekt.
>cherrypicking this hard